ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 203 by Hamlet ANGELA DANCES THE SALSA AND BEATS HER COLOMBIAN PARTNER AT THE SAME TIME Angela Tanya and Gemma walked out of the Sal�n Versailles restaurant in Medellin after enjoying a really lovely meal. They had never sampled Colombian food before and what they had tasted was delicious. 'What a contrast between this and the La Estanc�a where they had been and where they had threatened the owner that if the place was not spotless for them that They would return and break it up completely! They were now ready to do some serious salsa dancing. Gemma was an excellent salsa dancer and wanted to teach Angela and Tanya the main steps involved. She knew that the main part of Medell�n where salsa dancing took place was on the south side in El Poblado. This was an area that was full of bars called la Zona Rosa .She had found a place called La Cantera a popular nightspot. They took a taxi there that sped along Avenida Jorge Catalan and They were soon outside heading to the nightclub itself. As soon as They arrived They found hundreds of people outside This were clearly for Medell�n's 'beautiful people' throbbing with bars restaurants and nightclubs. Gemma had visited the nightclub before and it was becoming one of the most pulsar venues in the city. As They walked in the whole nightclub gazed in awe at the sight of these Three huge Women walking in dressed totally in shiny black, leather. The whole floor cleared as They walked through the door. As They stood in front of the dance floor the whole floor cleared for Them completely. It was as if no one dared to go anywhere near Them . Gemma stood in from of Her colleagues desperate to teach them all about the dance 'Angela and Tanya I'd love to tell You both all about salsa. It's a dance I really enjoy ever since I've been here in Colombia. The term salsa comes from the Spanish word sauce it originated in Cuba but it spread to Colombia in the 1960s'. 'It has an 8 beat pattern with two bars of four beats' 'Come on Gemma please teach us I can't wait to learn' said Angela. 'Well the basic step is a forward back motion on counts 123 .The leader steps forward replaces and steps backward on counts 56 7 three step.' Gemma took Angela by the arm as They moved forwards and backwards together. Soon the whole clientele were gazing in admiration as the two of them moved around the dance floor with such ease and precision. Tanya was soon dancing with Gemma and the two of Them went sweeping across the dance floor both looking so impressive as They forced the whole dance floor to clear for Them. No one on the dance floor stood a chance with these Two Norse Women in the way! As Angela stood there after ordering a large aguardiente form the bar She heard a commotion in the corner .She looked in the distance and could see one woman on her own being pestered by three men.. As She walked towards them She could hear the woman shouting. It was clear she was an American or Canadian tourist. 'Hey gringa wanna dance with me?' one of them shouted 'Come on gringa we dance then f---k upstairs!' 'Het you prefer us Colombians to you American men!' 'Look why don't you leave me alone you arseholes!' she screamed back. She was fairly small and skinny like many North American tourists what was worse was that no one there tried to help Her at all as if being bothered by men in this macho culture was a daily occurrence! Angela walked up to the biggest man of all who had his arm around her. There was nothing that annoyed Angela more than the sight of a defenceless tourist being bothered by a bunch of men. She knew that these men were cowards and they would never dare bother a Norse Woman. She walked upon this the first one. He looked up in horror at the sight of this massive Norse Woman towering right over him in Her thigh length boots and black leather cat suit. 'Well I'm a gringa too Perhaps you would like to dance with me instead!' He had no choice as She pulled him by the neck onto the dance floor. He stood in trepidation as She stood right next to him holding him by the arm. 'Well shall we start with the basic step that I have just learned from My Colleague? ' It is all right gringa I think I don't dance!' 'It's too, late areshole your dancing with Me whether you like it or not and I'm going to be the leader What's more you will learn to call me Judge Spiteful!' He tried to walk away but it was impossible to escape as She held him in Her powerful leather gloved hand and had the other around his waist. 'You say you wanted to dance and you will dance with me!' As She spoke She pushed him forwards in a three-step movement. As She did so She suddenly brought him to a halt. As She dies so She pivoted from the right and smashed forwards with Her steel hard fist landing a mighty blow in the pit of his stomach. What an impact! It took the wind out of him completely as he went sailing across the floor landing in a heap by the bar .All the people there looked in amazement as She walked towards him as he lay there clutching his pain wrecked belly. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! 'Come on you arsehole! Get up!' 'LET'S DANCE!!' Any comments to