ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 198 by Hamlet ANGELA AND TANYA JOIN ANGELA MAN BEATING AT THE BAR As Angela waited for Tanya and Gemma to join Her in Man Beating at La Oca Bar in Medell�n.She realised it was time for Her to take care of the other man who had threatened Her with a knife .She walked right up to him towering over him with Her size and strength as he began to sweat. 'Usted puede tambi�n tomar su medec�na y se repone de este.Nadie me amenaza con un cuchillo y sali con lo!! Yo soy una Jueza y yo exigi obedencia y respeto total! 'You might as well take your medicine and get this over with! No one threatens to cut my face with a knife and gets away with it! I am a Judge and I demand total obedience and respect!' As She walked towards him he tripped over a chair and fell on the floor. With one hand She picked him up by the neck .She then released him as he staggered back and made an attempt to take a swing at Her .She blocked it easily. As he stepped backwards She threw a Left Jab to his nose and blood shot forwards all over Her leather cat suit. She was even more furious as She followed through with a Right Cross to his chin that caused him to stumble back. She then followed this with a Left Hook Move that smashed hard into his jaw causing most of his teeth to come flying out he dropped to his knees holding his bloody face and screaming. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Just as She was reaching down to pick him up She heard footsteps behind Her .It was a man coming from behind Her with a chair. Just as he turned round She could hear a loud scream. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Gemma and Tanya had arrived from the hotel. Gemma had seen the man about to hit Her with the chair and had thrown a knife that had landed right through his finger .Blood came spurting out as he threw down the chair roaring with pain. Tanya stood by the door as Gemma ran towards him.As he dropped the chair and clutched his finger She delivered an Uppercut Move that caused him to stagger back. She then twirled round with incredible speed and hooked him hard Her fist landing near his mouth causing his lips to spit wide open. Her right fist then landed a terrible eye closing punch to his left eye .He let out another bellow of pain as blood and tears came down his cheeks. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Meanwhile a big fat man came towards Tanya who was standing by the door. '!Fuera mi camino su f------g Nors�a gringa! 'Hace m� usted colombiano gordo!' 'Make me you fat Colombian!'She yelled back. He approached Her swinging his fat fist at her shouting abuse at Her. She managed to get out of the way. He began to swing at Her wildly. She dodged and ducked as he kept trying to hit Her but missed every time! '! Guarda imov�l usted f-----g vaca nors�a!' 'Keep still you f---g Norsi cow!' '!Yo voy a guardar imov�l para este golpe!' She shouted back. 'I'm going to keep still for this blow!' As he drew his fist back to hit Her She slammed Her fist hard into his belly .Over and over again She slammed Her mighty fist into his flabby belly while he keep puking up blood .mucus and saliva that ran over Her shiny black leather cat suit. CRAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! She then held him right against the wall putting Her left hand on his shoulder as She pushed him into position. She came at him with a powerful Uppercut Move that caused his head to spring back. Faster than lightning She came around with a Right Belly Punch Move .It brought his head down for Her to deliver a Left Hook right into his face. Teeth and blood were expelled from his mouth. She was getting a total orgasm as She was now fast enough to punch him in the left jaw with a Right Cross and then a Left Cross to his right jaw. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! He fell to the floor as he folded on the ground in the fetal position with no movement at all as he lay on the ground motionless. The three Norse Women savoured their total victory as 5 unconscious bodies blood oozing out of their bodies, lay on the floor. There was complete silence in the bar as the rest of the men all huddled together in a corner shaking with fear Suddenly one man ran towards the door tying to escape. '? Adonde pensa usted usted va?' Tanya was not going to let anyone escape .She just wanted to do more fighting and beating. As one of them tried to run past Her She drove Her right fist in a vicious Uppercut Move that buried wrist deep into his flabby belly. She could hear ribs crack as he went crashing down on the floor. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! He let out a piercing scream of pain as he rolled on the floor grabbing his violated stomach with both hands As fast as She could She picked him up . Then as Her left fist went crashing into his nose in a perfect Left Hook Move there was a loud. CRAAAAAAAAACCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! More blood now spurted onto Her black leather cat suit that made Her even more annoyed !She then smashed Her right fist into his eye splitting the skin and causing more blood to flow as he went crashing across the floor . AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Meanwhile Gamma and Angela were facing 3 more men who had decided to fight back. One had a table in his hands, the other a chair while the other one had a knife. The one with the table and the one with the chair both moved at the same time screaming at Her at the same time. '! Mataremos usted, usted bruja malvada nors�a!!' 'We will kill you, you evil Norsi witch!' She suddenly snapped Her right foot and it landed squarely between the first one's legs. He yelled with pain and fell on the ground in agony AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! She then turned to the next one and planted Her hard right fist deep into his belly .He was overcome with pain and went flying towards Her .She caught him and held him up planting six vicious punches right into his belly with Her lethal right fist .His face was soon turning white completely as he began to scream with pain and vomit began to gush out of his mouth . AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! '! NO M�S POR FAVOR!!!' He began to sink to his knees as She brought Her right fist in the air and brought it crashing into the nauseated man's jaw. There was a loud crack as it broke under the power of Her steel hard fist as he lay there stone cold in his own puke. The rest of the men in the bar stood there in amazement as they had never seen such fighting skills in their lives before .Were these Women from another planet?' There was only one man left who was prepared to fight .Angela stood before him . . 'Bien est� solamente usted y m� pues!' 'Well it's just you and me then !' The man was holding a knife and with a roar of anger lunged right into Her She easily dodged out of the way and waited until he was close to Her before bringing Her right fist in a power packed Upper Cut Move. It smashed under his chin causing his head to go flying back and go flying right across the bar. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! By the door the first man Tanya had knocked out was staggering to get to his feet and to escape out of the door Tanya looked down at him. '!Aqu� mi deja usted ayudar arriba!' 'Here let Me help you up!' Without thinking he gave his hand to Her. Before he could work out what was happening She had buried Her fist hard into his stomach He bellowed with pain as he felt his ribs crack. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACKKKKKKKK!!!! He had no time to recover as Her left fist collided with his jaw sending him an unconscious heap as he went sailing across the room to land in an unconscious with the other 8 men lying on the floor. There were 12 men left cowering in the corner of the bar. Gemma walked over to them. 'Me llamo Jueza Gemma Firestone y esta es mi colega Jueza Tanya Mastersson? Gustar�a alguien de ustedes a hacer unas luchas?.Nosotras gustamos nos perfectamente!' 'My name is Judge Gemma Firestone and this is My Colleaugue Judge Tanya Masterrson.Would anyone of you like to do some fighting? We're thoroughly enjoying ourselves!' !'No m�s Senoras Juezas, nos deja ir por favor!!Ustedes ganan!'' 'No please no more Madame Judges . Please let us go.You win!' 'Yo ustedes permitir� a ir .Ustedes hab�an mejor correr c�mo este bar es ahora cerrado y nosotras juezas nors�as son el ley!' 'I will let you go now. You'd better ruin as this bar is closed and we Norse Women Judges are the Law!' They all ran out full speed as the Three Women savoured Their victory. Gemma then went up to Angela and Tanta 'That was great Angela and Tanya! We really did get some training and practiced our Gym Kata skills for when We have to fight those guerrillas tomorrow!' 'Let's stack these bodies on the street outside as a warning to the locals! Then let's go out and enjoy Ourselves!' They stacked all 9 bodies in a heap in the street as the locals looked in horror and amazement. Gemma then took a padlock and locked the door, She put a sign on the door BAR CERRADO PERMANENTEMENTE POR ORDEN DE LAS JUEZAS REALAS EXTERIORAS! BAR CLOSED PERMANENTLY! BY ORDER OF THE ROYAL OVERSEAS JUDGES! Any comments to