ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN 196 by Hamlet ANGELA �FORCES A COLOMBIAN MAN TO BUY HER A DRINK Angela was taken to Her room at the Hotel Nutibara by Maria the maid .The room was on the fourth floor. She noticed that the maid was a small fat woman who could hardly speak a word of English. Being the highly intelligent person Angela was She had taken the trouble to learn Spanish on the air flight as She knew that many Colombians could not speak a word of English. They certainly could not speak a word of Norselandic though that would change once Norselandic occupation came along! Maria showed Her into Her room. It was quite spacious with a spectacular view across the city of Medell�n.It had a TV and a separate bathroom. Of course She would check it out Herself as it might not be up to Her high Norselandic standards of cleanliness. 'Yo espera que el cuarto est� a sus muy altas normas Seňora Jueza Spiteful' said Maria. '!Yo espera esa tambi�n Maria! !Yo inspeccionar� lo m�s tarde ! !Si �l no esta bastante limpio usted y su jefe Chavez sufrir�n las consecuencias! A propsito usted puede llamarme Jueza Angela.' ' !Muchas gracias Jueza Angela su espaňol es excelente !?Ha used hablado espaňol por un largo tiempo?' 'No yo �l aprend� en en el vuelo .!Nosotros nors�as apredien muy rapido diferente de estupidos estranjeros! ' 'Ahora estoy muy cansado ! Librarse de mi vista!' Angela had learnt the language so quickly given Her very high intelligence as a Norse Woman. She like most Norse Women was university educated and had a PHD, in Her case in Library Studies and Art from the University of Oksvanger. Maria had hoped that the room was up, to Her high standards Angela had replied that She would inspect it later and if there was any dirt she and Chavez the Manager would suffer the consequences She had told Maria to address Her in future as Judge Angela instead of Judge Spiteful. Maria had commented on Her excellent Spanish and was surprised that She had only just learnt it on the air flight. After that Angela had told her to get out Her sight as She was very tired. She took Her black leather catsuit off and lay naked on the king size bed. She tried to sleep as She was definitely suffering quite badly from jet lag after Her long flight from Northern Ireland . .However She was actually so tired that She could not sleep at all. What was more the noise outside was terrible. She could hear horns blaring and people screaming and shouting outside. The guidebook had warned Her that the Colombian way of life was totally different from what She was used to in Norseland .Not only was everyone almost always late Whereas in Her Nation people were obsessive about time. It was also one of the noisiest countries in the world. Much of Colombian life was lived outdoors partly due to the climate and that house space was very restricted due partly to the poverty .Everyday life was very open and people in bars quite openly discuss their personal problems at the tops of their voices . What was more music was played at levels most Norselanders would find quite unacceptable .Music was played at full volume in buses. restaurants and on the street which was one reason Angela found sleep almost impossible! Unable to sleep and wanting to be alone for a short time away from Tanya and Gemma Her Colleaugues, Angela decided to explore the city on Her own .She opened Her case and went through Her large collection of leather cat suits . She eventually decide to change into a brown leather cat suit after taking Her shower. She took a warm refreshing shower and admired Her really muscular body that was growing by the day .She had to be in top form as She had to confront those guerillas tomorrow and that would involve considerable beating and killing! She changed into the cat suit putting on the leather jacket followed by the tight leather hot pants, gloves and high heeled boots that She would wear tonight when She went out with Tanya and Angela .She decided to wear handcuffs around Her waist to look even more stunning and to frighten the locals! She walked down to the lobby of the hotel where Seňor Chavez was standing there. He had his usual oily manner that quite annoyed Her. 'I hopa you enjoya youra stay in oura hotela Judga Angela!' 'Yo soy seguro que me gustar�a m� estancia aqu� pero me gustar�a m�s si de ahora en adelante usted solamente me habla cuando yo habla a usted.!Adem�s yo inspectar� mi cuarto m�s tarde y a menos que est� impecablamente limpio, usted personalmente lo lempira l !Entiende usted su acetioso cabr�n?Adem�s yo dar� usted permiso a usar mi nombre de pila!' 'Lo siento Jueza Angela Yo no sup� que usted pued� hablar tan excelente espaňol.! Yo pens� que solamente Jueza Gemma pued� hablar espaňol! '!No intenta a adularme Chavez! Yo aprend� el en el vuelo Nosotros nors�as son el pueblo el m�s imnteligente del mundo!Ahora perderse usted viscoso idiota!' She told him that She was sure She would enjoy Her stay but that She would enjoy it even more if he only spoke to Her when spoken to . She also said that if the room was not up to Her standards She would get him to clean it personally She also gave him permission to use Her first name as She would normally expect to be addressed as Judge Spiteful .She called him an oily bastard. He was surprised that She could speak Spanish so well as he thought only Gemma spoke Spanish. She told him that She had learnt it on the flight as Norse Women were the most intelligent people in the world She then told him to get lost calling him a slimy idiot. Thera was just something about him She could not stand! She walked down the street .It was very crowded outside as Colombians liked to come out on a Sunday. One thing else She noticed was that unlike in Her Nation the streets were full of litter. Dropping one bit of litter in Her Nation could result in a Judge imposing a �50(NM 1000) and after that 6 strokes of the crop at the JHW (Judge Headquarters).In Her Nation the streets were so clean one could eat a meal off the streets as the streets were regularly scrubbed by gangs of Papian labourers supervised by their Norselandic Overseers .Here the street was covered in litter as litter bins were virtually non existent and people would throw litter onto the street. That was another thing that would have to end with the Norselandic occupation! She walked down Calle 53 in the direction of the Museo de Antioquia that was situated on Carrera 52 Colombia's second oldest museum. She was in addition to Her other qualities a very cultured person being very knowledgeable about art and really wanted to see someone of the Colombian culture. She was feeling quite thirsty and wanted a drink before She went to the museum. She passed a bar opposite large square called Plazoeta de las Esculturas that was full of caf�s and restaurants She decided to sample some of the Colombian beer .She preferred wine built had been told that the wine was best avoided .As She walked along the street everyone stared at Her as if She was some creature from another planet. They had never seen a woman let alone a person of Her size and build before! As She walked down the street She could hear cat calls and wolf whistles from all directions. !He gringa! Que planeta est� usted desde ?!Me gusta mucho los cueros!' She decided to confront some of these macho Colombians by walking straight into a bar. The bar called La Oca was almost pitch dark inside .Salsa music was blaring full volume from the juke box .She realised that She was the only woman there .It was the sort of place no local woman would dare go on her own. She walked up to the bar. The bar man a fat specimen wearing a tee shirt came up to Her a cigarette dangling from his mouth '?Que quiere usted mujer cuera?' As he called Her 'Leather Woman' all the men by the bar roared with laughter. 'Yo pensa que habar� un �guila .Me llamo Jueza Spiteful y estoy una nors�a pero no me molesta si usted me llama' Mujer Cuera' gordo camarrero!' She ordered a Colombian beer and had told the barman Her name was Judge Spiteful but he did not mind if he called Her Leather Woman as She called him fat bar man.Now the men in the bar knew She was Norselandic and a Judge there was complete silence. She then walked up to a name who was sitting with three of his mates. He was quite short with short greasy hair. '?Como est� usted? ?Gustar�a usted comparme esta cerveza ?' He was surprised that a complete stranger and a woman had come up to him and asked him for a beer. '?Por qu� debe yo comprar usted una cerveza ? ?.Est� usted una prostituta?' She was furious at being called a prostitute! With one hand She grabbed him by the collar and dug Her fingers into his neck.. '!No yo no soy una prostitua estoy nors�a y no hay ningunas prostitutas en mi naci�n.! !C�mo desafia usted llamarme una prostitute!! Ahora comprame una cerveza!' He hesitated but as he did so Her hand went right down his trousers. He let out a piercing scream. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! He could be heard right across the bar .She was going to practice some CBT (Cock and Ball Torture) Her favourite activity on him in front of everyone in the bar. She whispered in his ear '!Usted tiene una elecci�n simple! !Usted me compra una cerveza o usted perde sus bolas!' As was holding him by the balls She shouted at the barman. 'He cordo camerrero el pagar� para la cerveza!' With that She squeezed again with Her leather gloved hand' '?Va usted comparme una cerveza?' OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! SI SEŇORA!!! Any comments to