ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 192 by Hamlet ANGELA AND TANYA ARRIVE IN BOGOT� WHILE MARSELLA TAKES CONTROL IN BELFAST Angela looked out of Her cabin on the JLA (Justice League Airways) flight. She could see the Andes Mountains beneath Her .The city of Bogot� the capital of Colombia lay beneath Her .She could see the sun coming up from the Andes now that dawn was breaking .She was so pleased to be in South America and nearer to Her Motherland Norseland that lay to the North West in the Pacific Ocean. She had read all about Bogot� on the 14 hour flight as being a Person of great intelligence She had made Herself an expert on everything about Colombia .She had read that it was Bogot� was a quintessence of everything She would find in this country She had never been to. She was getting so excited! She was so relieved to get away from that God forsaken place Belfast with its cold climate, its miserable people with their unintelligible accents. She was so pleased that ROJ( Royal Overseas Judge) Marsella was now in charge instituting a Reign of Terror (ROT) Good! Angela wanted those culchy bastards as they say in Ireland to suffer! As She looked down at this city of 7 million She remembered everything She had read about it in the guide. She had read that it was a city of contrasts of wonderful museums, great modern architecture ,with a great and divers cultural life. At the same time it had vast shanty towns that She could see from the plane next to ultramodern buildings. There were street urchins, beggars and thieves that She had to be careful of though of course with Her and Tanya's Gym Kata skills She knew no one would dare bother Them. She had also read the traffic was crazy with no regard for traffic rules unlike in Her Nation where everything was so orderly. She had also read that the streets were crammed with beggars and street vendors selling just about everything.It was a city that was bustling noisy ,aggressive and dangerous and Angela and Tanya could not wait to land where they would be met by the local ROJ Gemma Firestone. Tanya and Her had been sent on a Mission by Their Supervisor SJ(Senior Judge) Nicola Basson to free a Norselandic doctor called Dr Erik Vaasterup who had been kidnapped by a guerilla group La Fuerza de Justicia led by a notorious bandit called Carlos El Peligro meaning literally 'The Danger' whom Angela had been ordered to execute violently after She Tanya and Gemma had freed Dr Vaasterup. Angela had learned that 40% of the country's territory was held by guerilla groups .Many of these guerilla groups were controlled by the drug cartels the biggest being the Medell�n cartel that operated in the north west and the Cal� cartel that controlled the west and the Pacific .A new cartel had been established in Cartagena on the Caribbean coast and was involved in the lucrative drug export trade to the USA. Angela had heard that El Peligro had just personally cut off the right finger of Dr Vaasterup and had sent it personally to the President Uribe who was standing for reelection.The group operated mainly in Antioquia Province near a small town called Santa Rosa de Osos. The province itself was the country's largest most populated department being some 200 KMS north west of Bogot� and is the centre of the country's cocaine and gold production with Medell�n as its capital. The plan was to drive straight to Medell�n where Gemma would drive them with Her excellent knowledge of the country and Her fluency in Spanish. The plan was to attack the rebel HQ the next day by Angela telling El Peligro They were on Their way .Angela had managed to obtain his mobile number through the group's website as all the main guerilla groups such as the FARC. ELN and M-19 had websites which told exactly where their locations were, showing they were not afraid of Government forces. Just like Asmondena and Her colleagues now in Libya. Angela had the full support of the RNN (Royal Norselandic Navy) in the form of the enormous Carrier QGS Dominitia that was commanded by VSC (Very Senior Commander) Xenia Bitchasdottir located just of the Pacific coast near the Panamanian border, ready to send a fleet of Cheetah aircraft to blast any guerillas anywhere in the country! She had left Belfast airport at 8 PM last night. As usual it was raining and She was so glad to leave at last. She and Tanya were met at the airport by SAO(Senior Airline Officer) Lea Vallingstrom and Pilot Laura Stirrup who had taken care of Them on the journey to Belfast from Vikingsborg. Behind Them stood the Papian maid girl Noha and the chef Hoko shaking with fear in case they did nor please their Mistresses and face another beating!(SEE EPISODE 165). The Mission to Belfast to eradicate the Loyalist paramilitaries especially the KBB had been a total and unqualified success .In return Tanya and Marsella would be presented with the Golden Award from the Queen Goddess an event that would be the most important in Their lives as they would be in the Presence of Royalty and Divinity! The very though filled all Three of Them with intense excitement! Marsella had been left behind responsible for taking the prisoners back to the JLJHQ in London for T&E(Trial and Execution) and for the leader Jimmy Spence to be taken back to Norseland for T&E by Her personally. Marsella had already totally wrecked Spence's house in Belfast. She had arrived there in Her Hardanger motorbike with Her prisoner Stuart strapped to the Bike.She wanted to burn it to the ground but unfortunately it was detached and if She had burnt it down She would have burnt down the whole street not that She really minded! That just would teach the locals a lesson instead. She had gone into the house and had systematically thrown all the belongings She could carry onto the street. As for the armchairs She had ordered the neighbours to help Her onto the street with all his furniture and dump it into the road. She had then poured petrol all over his belongings and had lit a bonfire and made all the people in the street watch or She would burn all their belongings!The flames went right up in the sky and She felt so, pleased that not only was Spence going to be executed in Norseland but he had lost every one of his possessions! She then began a ROT in the city, the purposes was to terrify all the local population into not showing no support for lawbreakers and thugs and stop the harassment of Papian restaurants for ever. As She drove down Shankhill Rd on Her Hardanger bike She screamed the Valkyrie Yell at the top of Her voice to put the fear of God into the local population as well as letting off the sirens at full volume. YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! She then rode Her bike straight through the door of a pub the Shankhill Arms .The customers tried to leave but it was impossible as Her Bike barred the entrance This was a One Woman Army from which there was no escape at all! She ran into the pub with lasoos in Her hands .She first of all lassoed the manager, then 5 other customers .They could not move as She tied them all down to the floor .She then dragged them out onto the street screaming with panic and fear. Once they were in the street She ripped done their trousers. She then systematically cropped each arse giving 6 strokes each. The pain was unbearable as the screams could be heard over 3 KMS away.!She wanted the innocent to suffer with the guilty, the while population would be made to pay for the crimes of the KBB! She then untied them leaving them writing in agony on the road as She sped off down the road d back to the Consulate with Her prisoner Stuart where JSO Alysha Ruddervall and Her Northern Irish assistant Magenta were ready to load the prisoners onto the plane to London ready for T&E! As the plane was about to land in Bogot� Angela felt so pleased that the KBB and the Loyalist paramilitaries had been totally defeated and that Marsella was firmly and completely in charge and would stand no nonsense from anyone! The journey to Bogot� had been uneventful .Hoko the chef made sure that his overall's were clean or he would face another beating from Angela and Tanya while Noha made sure the food was served exactly on time .They had both been thrashed on the previous journey and they were definitely going to do as they were told this time! The service provided to Angela Tanya and Lea was impeccable this time. Papians responded well to being thrashed and once thrashed once by their Norse Mistresses/Masters did not make the same mistake again! The plane landed on the runway of Bogot�'s El Dorado airport that lay 13KMS to the north of the city itself. She could see the mountains of the Cordillera Oriental rise up in the distance .She had come on a Mission with Tanya and Gemma to deal with guerillas and drug barons. This was the most crime ridden country on the world. No wonder it was known all over South America as Locombia the' Mad Country'! Premier Ingvoll had already warned President Uribe standing for a second term that something had to be done about crime or the JL/ROJ would mount a serious invasion killing all the drug barons and guerillas and if necessary sending in Asmondena the most renowned Crime Fighter in the world to join Angela in defeating crime for good if necessary,even if it meant thousands of civilians were killed too. The statistics of crime were staggering as Angela being highly intelligent had done extensive research Herself The 40 year old conflict between the Government and the guerillas had already claimed 250,000 lives as well as terrible damage on the 2001 alone there were 3700 civilian deaths and 190000 civilians had been displaced in that year alone. As well as that it is estimated there are 1 million illegal guns in Bogot� or 1 per every 7 people .In 2001 alone there were 27840 murders or 3 murders per hour It was a country with the worst record for kidnapping with more than 3000 reported cases in a year and many of those kidnapped are children . It was also a country where street violence muggings and rape were common It was also a country where machismo was rampant would make it a target of invasion from Norseland as a Matriarchy and Police Woman of the world. Thousands of women being raped every year and foreign women travelers were likely to be leered at and groped by the men. As the plane came to a halt under Pilot Laura's expert skills Angela said to Herself ' BEWARE COLOMBIANS!! THE NORSE WOMEN HAVE ARRIVED!! Any comments to