ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 190 by Hamlet ANGELA AND MAGENTA TAKE THEIR PRISONERS AWAY WHILE TANYA PREPARES TO PUT HER'S TO A BLOODY DEATH Angela felt bloody furious after Her call from Tanya. How dare that bastard Johnnie defy Her orders at the Pineapple Bar Papian restaurant! She had ordered him explicitly to clean the floor with his tongue and She would come back later to inspect his work. She was going to give him 120 strokes of the cane if the work was not done properly. She had also threatened to rip his tongue out if the floor was not spotlessly clean. He had disobeyed Her Will by threatening the Uakalulu family and trying to escape from the restaurant, an attempt that failed miserably as he was caught almost immediately by Judge Tanya who beat him senseless! (See previous Episode 185.) There was nothing in the world She loathed more than disobedience and defiance to Her Word and Will. She had always hated disobedience all Her life, but it was even worse now that She was a Judge, a member of the world renowned and feared crime fighting force the ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges) and every single utterance She made had the full force of Law She was still in the car with Her prisoner Jimmy Spence the leader of the KBB(King Billy's Boys) .In the driver's seat was Magenta the Northern Irish woman with Her prisoner Iain whom She had just given a good beating to(see Episode 185 ). They were about to deliver Their prisoners to the Norselandic Consulate and JHQ(Judge Headquarters) in Belfast before Angela and Tanya set off for Their Mission to Colombia. Angela had just had a phone call from Her Supervisor in Vikingsborg in Norseland Senior Judge Irena Bosson to travel to Colombia with Tanya .A Norselandic doctor Dr Erik Vaasterup had just been kidnapped by a guerilla group La Fuerza de Justicia .They had demanded that the Colombian Government hand over all the guerillas who were now in prison or they would send pieces of him personally to the Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, who was seeking reelection this year and had to do something about the guerilla problem as well as the drug cartels or else face defeat. Suddenly there was another call from Irena. 'Hello Angela it's Me Irena again You are to urgently travel to Bogot� with Tanya where Judge Gemma Firestone will meet You.The guerillas are about to cut off the ear of Dr Vaasterup tomorrow unless all the guerillas are released from prison by midnight.'' 'The plans are follows. You will take Your prisoner Jimmy Spence and Magenta will take Her prisoner Iain to the Norselandic Consulate/JHQ in Belfast .The Consul there is Alysha Roarvanger. She is a JSO(Judge Support Officer) and is used to dealing with and beating criminals Herself. ' 'She already has the two prisoners whom Tanya and Marsella beat up, in the cells Billy Wilson and Jimmy Dodds handcuffed. Marsella will come later with Her prisoner Stuart .The prisoners all 6 of them will then be flown to England to the JLJHQ in London to stand trial before Senior Justice Helga Larsson. As for Jimmy Spence he will be taken from London to Vikingsborg by Marsella to face Me for Trial and Execution.'.' 'At 8 pm tonight Your flight will leave Belfast You are traveling by JLA (Justice League Airways) on the same flight you came on. It will fly non stop to Bogot�. It is a 9 hour flight in which as before You will be under the care of SAO (Senior Airline Officer) Lea Varlingstom and AO Laura Stirrup,whom You flew to Belfast with, with Their Papian slaveants the maid Noha and the cook Koko whom I am sure will take care of You as Royalty or else !' (See Episodes 163-167) 'You will arrive there at 12 midnight exactly local time .You will be met by ROJ Gemma Firestone who has an extensive knowledge of South America , especially Colombia ,Peru and Ecuador and speaks fluent Spanish.' 'You will travel at once to Medell�n with Gemma where You will stay the night at the JLJHQ .You will then travel to the mountains where You will rescue Dr Vaasterup and then kill every single guerilla mercilessly .You will then return to Medell�n where you will totally destroy the drug cartel there.As usual I expect You to be totally successful and the Three of You to come Home unscathed!' 'Certainly Irena. There's just one point though.. I'm afraid that Tanya won't be able to bring Her prisoner Johnnie with Her. He has disobeyed My Will by breaking out of a Papian restaurant and threatening the owners. I have asked Her to put him to death by cutting his tongue out with a knife and then crushing him to death like an insect under Her boot heel!' 'That's absolutely fine Angela, the penalty for all disobedience and defiance to a Judge's Will is death that must be as painful for the victim as possible The criminal must learn without doubt that disobedience to the Law is the most serious crime that merits the most painful punishment possible!' 'Certainly Irena. Your Will is Law!' Angela turned to Magenta as She put the phone down. 'Come on Magenta We must hurry up !We have got to take our prisoners back to the Consulate and then I have to fly to Colombia in two hour's time .Drive as fast as You can and don't worry about the speed limits!' 'Yus curtunly Ungela! 'She said as She threw held Her prisoner by the neck in an agonizing grip. Angela then threw Her prisoner Jimmy onto the back seat with his face down and his hands handcuffed right behind his back with Her leather clad fingers gripping him by the neck in a terrible hold of pain. Magenta drove forwards at full speed towards Belfast as darkness began to descend across the countryside. Angela decided to phone Tanya at the Pineapple Bar restaurant 'Hello Tanya how are You getting on with that thug?' 'I'm fine Angela he's on his hands and knees in front of Me and I'm about to cut his tongue out with the knife he used to threaten the Uakalulu family as you asked Me.' She held his tongue in Her leather gloved hands ready to cut the tongue off as if it was an animal's tongue. He was in a state of sheer agony and terror knowing the fate that awaited him! He groaned in agony as Her leather clad fingers gripped his tongue. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! The Uakalulu family all 4 of them looked in terror too. Although they were glad the crimes of this thug had come to an end, they still they felt a secret revulsion at the sight of someone having their tongue cut off right in front of their eyes! Being Papians they were kind and gentle people and could not understand the ferocity of these Norselanders who ruled over them.No wonder in 1650 it took only 2 weeks for these fierce Norse People, the descendants of Vikings, a race of Giantesses and Giants from the frozen waists of northern Norway to invade their Pacific Paradise, to subjugate them, rape and pillage and take over the entire island and turn them into Their slaves to become their Mistresses and Masters! (See Episode 1 for a brief history of Pacifica the island that contains Norseland and Papia). The 2 sweet little children Hosa and Peto resembling little dolls, held onto their to their mother Mahia and father Iohaa crying, having never seen anything like this before .Mahia almost wanted to ask Tanya to let him go though of course she would never dare say so!Tanya would of course reply with Her intellectual superiority that She had to kill him or he would only harass them again. 'Tanya I've just had a phone call from SJ Irena We are to set off for Bogot� at 8 PM from Belfast airport flying by JLA . The situation had become very serious as these guerillas are threatening to cut a piece of Dr Vaasterup by midnight and send it to the President himself .We is going to have to get there and deal with these bastards! God help them if they kill him! We're going to have to take bloody vengeance!' 'Oh I was looking forward to instituting a reign of complete terror here in Belfast with Marsella!' 'I'm afraid You'll have to let Marsella do that .She's gone to Jimmy Spence's house to wreck it and if necessary burn his house or burn all his possessions.if the house is detached, although I'm sure She would not mind burning down the whole street just to teach the locals a lesson!' 'What do you want Me to do Angela?' 'I want you to cut his tongue out with that knife, making sure You inflict the most terrible pain imaginable on him. Then I want you to break his neck with your boot heel them. I want you to empty all his pockets for money to pay for the damage caused by him and the distress he has caused the Uakalulus. You must dump his dead body in the street as a warning to the locals who will then face a reign of terror from Marsella, who will thrash the fist 6 people She sees! 'Then I want You to come to the Consulate/JHQ in with where the Consul JSO Alysha will throw him into the cells alongside the 2 other thugs You and Marsella beat up. We will then go together to Belfast Airport when We can leave this freezing God forsaken place for the warmth of Colombia where We will at least be nearer to Our Motherland!' 'That will be wonderful Angela! I can't wait to put this bastard to death and then leave this miserable dump! Colombia can only be better. at least the sun shines there !I'm longing like you to return to Our beloved Motherland.' Angela out the phone down expecting to see Her in an hour's time. Meanwhile Magenta had driven to the door of the Consulate Waiting outside was Consul, JSO Alysha .She looked magnificent as all Norse Women do, dressed in a tight shiny black leather dress and knee length high heeled boots She had very long blonde hair that came down to Her waist 'Hello Angela and Magenta let Me help You take Your prisoners to the cells where they will spend the night trussed up in agony with the other prisoners!'' 'LET'S GET RID OF THESE BASTARDS!!' Any comments please to