ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 153 ANGELA BEGINS TO PUT THE BRITISH CONSUL THROUGH MENTAL HUMILATION AND TORTURE Angela stood over the British consul Archibald. She was determined to put him through total and complete Hell before he was deported back to England. He was strapped to the chair with Her standing right next to him. He was semi naked except for his underpants .His hands were strapped tightly to the back of the chair. Her boot heel was planted right down his pants almost crushing his prick and testicles. She held him by the neck in Her leather gloved hand. He was sweating in total terror knowing that he was going to be put through a living Hell by Her and possibly end up as a cripple for the rest of his life. To begin with the letter of Her Premier Patricia Ingvoll to Tony Blair the British Prime Minister delighted her. She had demolished all his arguments completely (see Episode 151 ) How dare he complain about the death of the British tourist Wright whom Angela had strangled to death with Her Colleague Irena? He had committed High Treason against the Queen Goddess and got exactly what he deserved! What was worse was that Blair had called these acts of international terrorism .How dare he! Her Nation and the Justice League were committed to a war against crime and terrorism throughout the world. They were absolutely determined to defeat terrorism wherever it arose. What was worse was that Blair had demanded that the criminals should have defence lawyers! What absolute and utter nonsense! Did he not know that in Her Nation there were no such people as defence lawyers? How could a criminal arrested by the Judges have rights and defence lawyers! The Judges were infallible, they were Police.Judges, Juries and Executioners all in one .If They arrested someone he/she was guilty it was as simple as that. It was up to the Judges to decide on Their own what punishment to carry out. They were the absolute Law with total power only answerable to the Queen Goddess and Her Government .That was why Norseland had almost no crime at all unlike countries like Britain and the USA where it was rampant! What was worse was that he said that this bastard Archibald whom She was about to torture, had diplomatic immunity! This Archibald had demanded to see these criminals Wright and Hepworth, had said that they had human rights and what was worse smoked and drank to excess .How dare he come into the Nation and be allowed to break the law with impunity! It was absolutely outrageous! She was so proud of Her Premier who had refuted every single point of his letter one by one. She had threatened to come over to London and give him a good belting too. He had dared to suggest that the UK wanted to end the ANT (Anglo Norselandic Treaty )and to order the JL (Justice League) and the ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges) to leaveBritish territory. How dare he even suggest this! What was worse was that London had suffered more terrorist outrages on July 21 and the only hope of tracking down and if necessary killing the terrorists lay with the JL.If a single Norselandic citizen was killed or even slightly injured in these bomb blasts all Hell would be let loose !The JL would scour the length and breadth of Britain looking for the terrorists and any home that harboured these terrorists would be blown up to smithereens with all those living inside! If the British forces made any attempt evict the ROJ or the JL immediate military action would be taken against the British Government itself, just like action had been taken against China(See the Adventures of Asmondena) With this in mind Angela was prepared to put the Consul through a full-scale Torture Session. She would start with Mental Humiliation (MH) and this would be followed by total Physical Punishment (PP). The purpose was for the Judge to reduce Her/His victim to a mental wreck and a physical wreck. (I will write Her from now on when referring to a Judge , as 80% of Judges are Women. Just like in Britain one says Policeman to refer to a Police Officer, as most of the Police force is male). MH was such a terrible experience that many victims would die from a heart attack before the actual PP begun The Judge would literally scream at the victim about a centimetre from the victim's face, spitting into the victim's face until the face was drenched in saliva. This could go on for hours until the victim was suffering a complete nervous breakdown crying desperately for this torrent of abuse to stop. The worst thing would be that the abuse would never seem to end it would just go on and on. The Judge would abuse, insult, offend and maltreat the victim showing no mercy at all. The Judge would make it obvious that She absolutely loathed and detested the victim. MH was especially practised on foreigners like the British consul who had broken the Laws of the Nation. Their country especially, religion, race. family, religion, politics and physical appearance would be insulted and abused constantly with every epithet and form of abuse known. The victim would be made to feel utterly worthless and inferior to the Judge .He/she would be made to feel utterly worthless, incompetent, dirty and totally useless. The victim would be subject to an incessant round of abuse, taunting and intimidation .No wonder so many victims died from fits and seizure before the session ended. It would be like being in Hell itself, the worst form of torture know to man worse in many ways than the interrogation techniques of the Gestapo! What was worse was that the room would be completely dark and there would be this terrible droning music played in the background to disorient and confuse the victim and to drive him/her mad even. The victim could only hear the dreadful screaming of the Judge in his face and smell Her perfume and leather and feel Her boot heel in his/her groin, completely under Her control. Of course the MH would be flowed and would include intense PP. This would involve the Judge shoving Her boots hard into the victim's crotch, pulling the hair forcibly, squeezing the breasts hard if it was a woman, belly punching, masturbating the victim, slapping the victim hard across the face and kicking the victim hard in the testicles. The victim would also be made to sing or act like a dog just to invite even more derision and contempt from the Judge Herself. What was worse was that there never seemed to be an end to the Session .It could go on for days as long as the Judge wanted. There seemed to be no end to it.The point was to reduce the victim to a mental and physical cripple! Angela stood right over Her victim determined to impress Judges Irena and Matina who stood beside Her .She was determined to qualify as a Judge and if She could reduce the British consul to a cripple She would succeed. She dug Her boot heel hard into his testicles and held him hard by the face in Her leather gloved hand. He bellowed in pain. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! 'Right Archibald I'm about to put you through sheer unmitigated Hell .I will enjoy every minute of it just as you will loathe every minute,' 'We'll start with the Three Rules that you will repeat back to Me!' 'First you piece of garbage you will address Me as Madame Spiteful at all times or else' She said as she dug Her boot heel even harder into his testicles. 'I WILL ADDRESS YOU AS MADAME SPITEFUL OR ELSE' he yelled as Her boot heel dug in hard. 'Secondly you piece of trash you will do exactly as I say. That means if I tell you to repeat something back to me you will repeat it exactly!' She screamed at him as She dug Her nails into his throat. 'I WILL DO EXACTLY AS YOU SAY AND REPEAT EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAY MADAME SPITEFUL! 'Thirdly you piece of rubbish you will only speak when you are spoken to! She yelled spitting into his face. 'I WILL ONLY SPEAK WHEN I AM SPOKEN TO MADAME SPITEFUL!' She pushed Her face right against his and spat again right into his face, covering his face in Her spittle. 'You fat ugly bastard Archibald! I'm going to reduce you to a complete cripple and you will never be able to work again! Your career in the Diplomatic service is at an end. You will spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair in a mental home in England!' 'I F----------------------------------------G LOATHE AND DETEST YOU!!! Any suggestions to please! SITES ANGELA WWW.MISS-SPITEFUL.COM PREMIER INGVOLL WWW.OWK-CINEMA.COM FREE PHOTOS MADAME WENDY IRENA WWW.DOMBOSS.COM MATINA WWW.MISTRESS-DOMINA.BRAVEPAGES.COM