ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VLKYRIE 145 by Hamlet JUDGE RIVA HUMILIATES AND ARRESTS THE BRITISH CONSUL Judge Rive Rubberhaard waited in the car outside the British Consulate in Vikingsborg. She waited there with Her Colleague Judge Helena Hardvanger. Judge Riva was looking really impressive dressed totally in shiny black rubber. She was wearing a skin tight rubber cat suit, rubber gloves and thigh length boots. Around Her waist She had a whole armoury of weapons whips, knives, leather chords and two guns. Her lovely platinum blonde hair .Her height and Her tanned complexion made Her even more impressive. Her main job was to supervise the Diplomatic Community in Vikingsborg Norseland's second largest City. There was quite a large Diplomatic community here given the size of the City that was just over 10 million in its Metropolitan Area. She was known to be utterly ruthless tolerating no misbehaviour whatsoever from any of the Diplomats. They had to respect the Laws of the Nation or else! She had no time for diplomatic immunity. If a Diplomat broke the Law She would punish them or find some way of throwing them out of The Nation. If any diplomat was defiant She was quite prepared to punish them ruthlessly includng thrashing them with the rubber crop! She knew that Norseland was now the world's Superpower and Police Woman and feared no country in the world. After all it had taken on and successfully won a war against the USA in which the US President Bush had begged for peace after 2 US aircraft carriers had been sunk. (SEE PREVIOUS EPISODES). Norseland was effectively winning a war against China in which the Chinese army and navy faced annihilation (SEE THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA). A piddling country like Britain posed no threat at all which is why all the British protests had been completely ignored! She stood there ready for him to leave the Consulate. Next to Her was Her Colleague Judge Helena Hardvanger .She was wearing the tight Judge's uniform too in shiny black leather with the full armoury of weapons around Her waist. She was not quite as tall as Riva but She was still muscular and strong ready for action. She had slightly reddish hair that was typical of many Northerners. Riva particularly had contempt for the British Consul whose name was John Archibald She really thought he was a complete pompous prick! She had least given him a damned good cropping giving him 10 strokes for smoking on the street a habit that was completely illegal in The Nation .He thought that as a Diplomat he could get way with it. What an idiot! Like Angela and Irena She got fed up with the way he kept prattling on about human rights and diplomatic immunity. She was so glad that the time had at last arrived to expel this bastard from Her Nation for good. He had dared to stand up fort the rights of 2 criminals one of whom had committed High Treason and had already been executed! She waited outside the Consulate ready to strike. She was determined to get this British Consul at all costs especially after the argument he had with Judge Irena. How dare he argue with Her about human rights! She was going to stop his nonsense for good and have him thrown out of The Nation at the earliest opportunity! They had now waited in a car near the British Consulate that was situated near the centre of the city in Skandiastrade a long smart tree lined street that housed many of the foreign consulates. She was sure that Archibald would come out at some time. It was 11 Am and he normally went to a bar across the road called Visa's bar, as he really did like his drink. True to form Riva could see him walk out of the Consulate. He was a short balding man wearing a grey suit .She could tell that he was desperate for a drink as he walked fast along his hand slightly shaking. . Riva had inspected his FAC (Foreigners Alcohol Card) on Her computer .She realised that he only had one unit left as he had already consumed 23 units in three days. She was determined to stop him drinking any more at all! What was worse he was smoking a dirty disgusting habit that was illegal in The Nation. What was even worse than that he was dropping cigarette ash on the pavement. This bastard thought that because he had diplomatic immunity he could do what he liked. As he was crossing the road to get to the bar Riva got out of the car. She walked straight towards him to Vasa's bar He was about to enter when She held him by the shoulder. This bastard was going absolutely nowhere! He turned round to look at Her in all Her incredible tall rubber clad splendour.He begn to shake even more with fear. 'You're not entering that bar are you Archibald? Don't you know you've only got one unit left on your FAC? 'I just thought I would have a couple of drinks Judge Rubberhaard' he replied nervously. 'A couple! You've had well over 6 this morning in the Consulate. I have placed a bug and camera to monitor your every movement. I know it's British territory and you can drink as much as you like there. You are now on Norselandic Territory and you are well over the limit You would fail My breathalyser miserably! ' She grabbed him by the collar hard. 'I'm putting you under arrest you bastard and am arranging to have you sent back to England with your criminal friends This is the last time you defy the Laws of Our Nation. What's more you are smoking ,an activity that is quite illegal and have been dropping ash on the pavement You will lick that up!' 'You can't do that I'm a Diplomat I represent Her Majesty's Government in your country!'he whimpered. She was bloody furious now. With one hand Her steel like rubber-clad hand went slamming across his face. SWMAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHH!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! He went flying across the pavement like a catapult hitting his head across a parked car. Blood came streaming down his head He was groaning in pain. She stood over him Her boot heel in his neck as he lay there writhing in pain. What a miserable specimen he was She thought as Her boot heel went right into his neck! He yelled in pain once more. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! 'The next crime you committed you arsehole was to smoke. You know perfectly well that it is illegal in Our Nation! What' s more you dropped ash on the pavement .You will lick it up now you dirty scumbag!!' With that She grabbed hold of his hair and shoved his face into the pavement. 'LICK IT UP!' OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! With that She shoved his face down hard into the ground. She made him lick it up until his tongue was aching. The effect of doing this was to make him vomit. Vomit came spewing from his mouth onto the pavement. 'God you revolting pig! You can lick that up too!!' She rammed his face down into the pavement. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! He carried on licking until there was not one speck of vomit left. His whole mouth and tongue were aching in sheer pain! She called over to Helena. 'Let's carry this bastard into the car!' With that She picked him by the hair while Helena picked him up by the legs. They then threw him into the back of the Judge Car as if he was just a sack of potatoes!. A whole crowd had now gathered to laugh at his misery. Riva then handcuffed him securely head down. As She stood over him she called to Irena on Her mobile. 'Irena I have the British Consul here as My prisoner!' 'That's great I'm coming over with Angela now. I can't to beat the shit out of him before he is deported. Angela wants to get Her hands on him too for whingeing about human rights! We have the prisoner Julie Hepworth all trussed up ready to be deported and Jim Wright's body in a coffin!' 'LET'S DEPORT THESE BASTARDS BACK TO ENGLAND! Any comments to SITES ANGELA RIVA HELENA IRENA