ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 142 by Hamlet IRENA AND ANGELA CARRY OUT THE EXECUTION Angela and Matina stared at the bruised and bloody body of Jim as he was trussed up on the whipping block .Angela was ready to give him 5 more yet She had told Irena who was to carry out the execution Herself that he could not stand any more Thrashing or he would be dead .She was an expert Thrasher and had thrashed Her victims to death before. She knew that the human body was only capable of taking so much before there would be death by blood loss and internal injuries. She knew that some human body was very delicate especially an Oslander's body and just how mighty Her hands were in comparison. Angela could see how much blood was flowing from his arse down the drain.It was becoming a torrent!There was literally most no skin on his back at all.Matina and Her had done a wonderful job thrashing the living daylights out of him! 'He looks a terrible state doesn't he? Matina That's the trouble with these Oslanders they just can't take a dammed good Thrashing!' 'He can't even take 25 strokes what a weakling!' said Matina. Meanwhile Matina could not wait to give Julie a Thrashing She was trussed up over the rack and had just had to endure the screams of Her partner next to Her .She was sweating with fear as the straps dug hard into her hands and legs .She just could not stop herself crying in terror of anticipation. It was made even worse by the fact that Matina kept pinching her backside and putting Her leather gloved fingers up her pussy and anus as if she was just an object! Matina was getting really sick of her wailing.She grabbed her by the hair almost pulling it right out of the roots 'Look here you f-------g English cow I've had enough of your wailing! Why don't you shut up I'm just about to give you 30 really hard stokes You're getting them as hard as I want to give them to you and I'm going to love every minute!' NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MMMEERRRRCCCYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Just as she was speaking Irena walked in. She looked as impressive as ever dressed totally in black leather. She was really tall with Her hair tied tightly in a pony tail. She was dressed in the Judges Executioners' uniform. This consisted of a black leather hat, a leather mask, a tight cat suit ,thigh length boots with sharp high heels and to complete the effect a long shiny leather cape that trailed to the ground. The purpose was to strike total terror in the mind of the victim. In Her hands She carried a long leather chord that She would use for strangulation. She walked straight through looking so confident and self assured .She walked over to Jim and examined his rump that really was in such a terrible state as blood continued to flow in a flood on the floor going down into the drain. 'God what a terrible state he's in! It's just as well I arrived in time otherwise I wouldn't have been abe to strangle him to death! I really can't wait to get the leather chord around his neck! You've done a wonderful job as usual Angela You are a brilliant Thrasher and with Your fighting skills I will soon nominate You to become a fully fledged Judge! 'Thank you so much Irena As he has been my victim all along I would wonder if you minded if I could take part in the execution itself?' 'Certainly Angela! What I though we would do is to strap him to a chair . will strangle him within the leather chord from the front while You could break his neck from the back with Your great strength! She turned to Matina. After We have executed him You will give this English cow Julie 20 strokes. I want you to demonstrate Your thrashing skills to Me Just because she is weak and pathetic does not mean you show any mercy at all!' 'Certainly Irena I can't wait. By the way I gave Jim here 5 strokes It's just that I was desperate to do some thrashing!' 'That's fine Matina. As a Judge you do need to get plenty of practice thrashing as it's an integral part of Your duties You must believe in zero tolerance! That means absolutely no mercy must be shown for even the slightest offence!' 'By the way' said Irena 'This incident has provoked a real outcry in England. The local press in the place he comes from in Yorkshire called Barnsley has demanded action against Our Nation. The parents of Jim and Julie have applied for a visa at our consulate in a place called Leeds and were shown the door. ' There have been demonstrations outside Our Embassy in London .Naturally the Police did not let them anywhere near. Naturally too the ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges) in Britain has called these demonstrations a violation of the ANT (Anglo Norselandic Treaty) and have demanded that the ringleaders of these demonstrations be arrested or the ROJ will move in themselves What's more the British press have gone on about these criminals being denied their human rights! 'That's what gets on my nerves I heard this all the time when I was in England,these English going on about human rights as if criminals have any rights at all! said Angela. 'That's quite right Angela. In fact I have just met the British consul in Vikingsborg. His name is John Archibald What an arsehole! He said he was asking for clemency He said he realised that they had committed criminal offences but he wanted them just to be deported to England without being punished .He then asked if they could have a trial! He said he should be entitled to a defence lawyer He said that in England there is a presumption of innocence that a criminal is innocent until proved guilty!' 'I replied that I had never heard such a farrago of nonsense in My entire life! I said they would get no mercy or clemency whatsoever! They were criminals and in the case of Jim had committed High Treason the most serious crime of all! 'I said that only in the case of one of them Julie would she be deported and that was afar receiving 20 hard strokes. Jim would be put to death by Me personally and I would enjoy ever moment. As for defence lawyers I told him that criminals in Our Nation had no human rights whatsoever. In fact once in the JHQ they had no rights whatsoever!As for the presumption of innocence how could anyone be innocent if they had been arrested.? I was bloody furious with him In fact I told him to get out of my office at once or I would throw him out and if he caused any more trouble I would have him declared persona non grate! 'I agree with you Irena I've been to England and it got on my nerves when they went on about criminals' rights No wonder they have so much crime! Irena then looked at the bloody mess of Jim's body once more Well I suppose it's time to get this bastards down By the way the only concession I have made is that we send the body in a coffin We'll send it back in the plane with Julie to England The parents can see the bloody mangled body of their son!' Angela moved over to untie him .She had tied him down so securely that it took almost 10 minutes for Her to untie him. As soon as she had untied him he fell on the floor in a bloody heap. She realised as She looked at him that he was in fact lame after the beating She had given him. Still he would soon be dead so what did it matter? She carried him over to the chair in Her muscular arms as if he was a little baby. How could anyone be so puny! She shoved him down on a chair and tied his hands down really securely so he could not move a centimetre .She then threw some frozen water in his face so that he could feel the pain of the strangulation. Irena moved over to him. She enveloped him in Her long black leather cape so he could only be are of total darkness. Irena turned to Matina 'Matina I want You to watch this I understand since You became a Judge You have only carried out one execution You're going to have to carry out plenty more in Your time!' Yes Irena I've only put one person to death He was a Papian and was on the street after curfew' 'I have beaten and executed many Papians in My life as far as In concerned the only good Papian is a dead one! Irena then turned to Her victim JIM 'Right I will read out the Sentence 'I Presiding Judge Irena Bosson by the authority invested in Me by Her Divine Majesty the Queen Goddess do hereby execute you Jim Wright for serious crimes the most serous of all being High Treason against Her Divine Majesty May God have mercy on your soul!' 'You have 2 minutes to say your prayers before I carry out the execution!' Jim bowed his head knowing that the end had come for him on this earth Angela stood behind him ready to break his neck from behind. The 2 minutes were up. Showing no pity whatsoever Angela dug Her razor sharp nails right into his neck from behind They sliced like razors as blood came pouring out .She was determined that he would suffer agony right up to the last. He let out a piercing scream of pain. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! At the same time Irena wound the leather chord around his neck winding it round 3 times She held it there .She then gave one mighty pull She brought his face up and could see it getting redder and redder. She pulled once more She could hear every bone at the front of his neck crack .From the back Angela continued to dig Her nails hard though his neck .It was worse than bring cut by a knife! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!! He let out his last cry of pain. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! With that his head slumped forwards as if it was disconnected from the rest of his body into Irena's leather cape! Irena stood up smiling at Her wretched dead victim. He deserved to die !When Oslanders enter Our Nation they respect Our Laws! LET THIS BE A LESSON! Any comments to