ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 141 by Hamlet ANGELA AND MATINA ENJOY THEMSELVES THRASHING JIM Angela gazed in triumph at the bruised and bloody body of Her victim Jim .Literally a torrent of blood was gushing out of his backside and flowing down the Dungeon floor down the drain .The Judges were used to drawing blood all the time and literally litres of blood had flowed down that drain .All punishments inflicted by the Judges on criminals involved physical punishment and that almost always involved drawing blood .The Judges as I have said believed in absolute and total zero tolerance! He was still screaming with pain but his screams made no difference to Her at all .The walls were soundproof so the screams made no difference at all They only made Her want to thrash him even harder than ever MERCYYYYYYYYYYY MADAME SPITEFUL!! He wailed in utter torment. She grabbed him again by the hair pulling his head right back. He groaned in anguish. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! 'Look here you English piece of garbage! You're getting another 20 and I'll give them as hard as I want and you're just going to have to take it .I couldn't care how much it hurts! What's more after I've finished with you Judge Bosson is going to throttle you to death with a leather chord. You're not getting any mercy at all!' NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!' he bellowed Meanwhile Matina was standing next to her ready to give Julie his partner a damned good thrashing .She was getting really impatient desperate to do some Thrashing. She really wanted to draw some blood! 'Angela I want to do some Thrashing. I can't just stand here waiting to thrash My victim.I want to join in!' 'Certainly I must obey You as You're senior to me Matina .I could give him the next 5 strokes and You can give him the next 5!' Angela positioned the crop just below the last 5 She gave. She really wanted him to feel utter agony .She moved the crop up and down slowly so that he would not know when She was going to strike. With no warning She struck mercilessly CRAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCKKKK!!!!!! CEAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! CRAAAAAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCKKKK!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! He was in such frightful pain that he almost forgot to count, yet he knew that if he did forget he would get all five again! ELEVENNNNNN!!!!!TWELVVVVVEEEEEEEE!!!TIRTEEEENNN!! FOURTEEEEENNN!!! FFIIFFTEEEEEENNNNN!!!! NO MORRE PLEASSSEEE MADDDAAMME SSPPITEFULL!!!! He yelled now mad with pain! He whined again wishing this time They could kill him just to put him out of his suffering. It was now Martina's turn to weild the crop, She moved it up and down his naked rump as he sweated in anticipation.She loved Thrashing even though Her Thrashing skills were not quite as good as Angela's! She moved the crop up and down delighting in his anguish. She could see tears and beads of sweat pouring down his face. She positioned the crop right over the last 5 weals which made his backside a deep shade of purple. 'You'd better count these you piece of refuse!' She struck with total ferocity. CRAAAAAAAAACCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!! CRAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKK!!! CRAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!!! CRAAAAAACCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! CRAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Blood was now shooting up and almost hit Her .It was really a torrent now as it flooded down into the drain. Angela was rather concerned that he might die of blood loss before Irena had the chance to execute him! He just about remembered to count just in time SSSIIXXTTEEENN!!!SSSEVVVENNTTEEEN!!!EIGHTEEEENNNN!! NNNNNINTEENNN!!!TWENTYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! She held him hard by the hair 'Say thank you Madame Matina!' THAAAAANNKKKKK!!!!! YYYYYOUUUUUUUUU MMMADDAMME MMARRRTTTIIINNNA!!!! He bellowed out of his mind in pain. Matina was literally getting an orgasm from thrashing him this was ecstasy to her The sight of blood made Her so excited! 'Angela I want to thrash him some more I want to give him the next 5 strokes and you can give him the last 5!' She was actually having an orgasm now! Angela had to obey as Matina was senior to her as a fully fledged Judge Still She wanted to thrash him as well They were having the time of their lives! Martina positioned the crop next to his testicles. She wanted to hit him right on the testicles causing him the most excruciating agony She decided to strike without mercy She brought the crop down hard CRAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKK!!! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCKKKK!!!! CRAAAAAAACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! CRACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! CRACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! The pain was so awful that he had pased out and was now unconscious' Martina was worried that he would be dead before Irena could execute him! She threw a bucket of iced water over him and he revived' She held him in a painful grip by the hair Count for me like a good boy!' He could just about speak TWENTYONNNE!!!TWENTTWOOOO!!! TWENTYTHREEEE!!!TWEWNTYFOURRRR!!! TWENTYFFIVVVEEE!!! Matina passed the crop to Angela. Angela positioned the crop over the last weals ready to strike Just then there was a call from Irena. 'Hello Angela How are you getting on with the Thrashing?' 'We're thoroughly enjoying ourselves Irena The only problem is that he's been sentenced by You to 30 strokes and as You know he's a complete weakling If I give him 5 more he will be dead through internal injuries and blood loss as he's lost so much blood already .There's not much life left in him!' Don't worry Angela I'm coming down to strangle him to death!' PREPARE HIM FOR EXECUTION! Please send ideas about future episodes to