ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 138 by Hamlet THE TRIAL AND SENTENCE OF THE ENGLISH TOURISTS Angela was now ready to take Her prisoners from the dungeon to the Trial Room. Both of them were on their hands and knees being dragged along by Her as if they were animals .She walked behind them kicking them hard up their arses to make sure that they were moving. She had put gags on their mouths to make sure She could not hear their screams! Meanwhile Presiding Judge Irena Bosson had taken Her place on the Throne in the Trial Room. She looked so imposing as She sat there ready to pass sentence on these 2 criminals. Next to Her was the Norselandic Flag, a green cross on a white background. Next to that was a massive portrait of The Queen Goddess, a portrait that could be seen in every single public place in The Nation. To Her right sat the court Usher Judge Martina Murterson. As I have said before trials in Norseland were completely different from trials anywhere in the world .For a start they were conducted by the Police the Judges who would arrest the victim. try him or her. sentence him/her and then carry out the punishment themselves .They had absolute power and were only answerable to the Minister of the Interior and The Queen Goddess Herself. There was no such thing as prisoners' rights at all. Once a crime had been committed the prisoner had effectively lost all their rights completely. There was no such thing as defence lawyers or lawyers in court at all. Judges could never be cross-examined. They were the Law and above the Law at the same time Everyone in Norseland was terrified of the Judges which was why it the most law abiding Nation in the whole world .It was not just the terrible penalties that crime carried. It was also that Norselanders were taught from birth to be law abiding, to respect Their neighbours and to obey the Law all costs. Crime as it was known in the UK and USA just did not exist. It was a Nation where the smallest offence such as spitting in the street carried a severe punishment. All punishments carried out by the Judges involved corporal punishment ranging from a beating on the hand to death usually by torture and strangulation. Like every other institution in Norseland most of the judges by far. in fact 80%. were Women being a female dominated and matriarchal society. Also the Women as usual in Norseland, were far more vicious the Men. It was far worse to be arrested and punished by Woman Judges than Man Judges though they were bad enough! (SEE THE JUDGE DREDD SITE to have an idea what the Judges are like! As the Senior Judge in Lildestrom Irena had a terrible reputation for being utterly ruthless and believing in absolute zero tolerance. She had been know to give someone 10 strokes of the crop just because his trouser belt was loose and was not tied properly. She made sure he was screaming with pain afterwards. What was sore, as a Presiding Judge She did not believe in any prisoner rights at all! If a prisoner said one word in his /her defense he/she was very likely to be sentenced for Contempt of Court and beaten there and then in front of Her. A Trial was there simply to humiliate the prisoner and for Her to pass Sentence. What was even worse for Jim and Julie that She had a deep-seated loathing for foreigners and Papians. A Papian had come before Her once arrested for Insubordination to his Mistresss. She had sentenced him to a slow and painful death by strangulation that She had administered Herself .Jim and Julie stood no chance before Her! Angela dragged Her prisoners into the Trial Room. They both looked so wretched half naked with their noses pushed hard into the ground by Angela who shoved Her boot heel into Jim's neck and shoved Her other boot heel over Julie's hair so that she could not move one centimeter! Matina spoke to Angela. 'JLSO Spiteful make the prisoner Jim Wright stand to attention before Judge Bosson! Angela dragged him off the ground with one hand as if he was just a piece of vermin .She forced him to stand to attention by holding him by the neck and by the hair. Matina read out the sentence Prisoner Wright you are charged with Insulting Behavior, Bad Manners Untidy Dress and worst of all the most terrible crime of High Treason against the Queen Goddess when you had the temerity to refer to Her Divine Majesty as a cow! JLSO Spiteful takes the gag from his mouth!' Angela took their gag from his mouth. Saliva came pouring out of his mouth God he was such a revolting specimen to her! Matina spoke to him. Do you understand the charges against you Prisoner Wright? 'Well ahm really sorry' he said in his broad Yorkshire accent. Irena was absolutely furious. 'How dare you speak? You answer yes and no only! You did not use the correct mode of address, which is Yes Judge Murtersson. ' 'JLSO Spiteful crop him across the face! ' 'I definitely will Judge Bosson! ' She held him by the hair as he groaned in abject pain She brought the crop hard across his face.Blood came spewing out! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! 'Say Yes Judge Bosson or I'll crop you so hard across the face you wont have a face left!' 'Yes Judge Bosson!' he said shaking in terror in the most abject pain! 'Come before me for your Sentence!' Angela dragged him forwards as just a piece of detritus. 'I Judge Boson by the authority invested in Me by Her Divine Majesty the Queen Goddess do sentence you Prisoner Wright to 30 strokes of the crop for each crime carried out by JLSO Spiteful and Judge Murteresson .For the most heinous crime of High Treason you are sentenced to death by strangulation, which I will have the pleasure to carry out personally!' 'Do you accept and understand the sentence?' He had no option but to accept as Angela was ready to crop him hard across the face if he dared give the wrong reply! 'Yes Judge Bosson!' he whined. Angela gagged him once more and forced him down onto the floor. Matina then called out. ''Bring Prisoner Julie Hepworth forward!' Angela dragged her off the ground by the hair almost pulling her off the ground with Her massively superior strength. She let out a piercing scream OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Matina read the charge.. 'Prisoner Hepworth you are charged with Disorderly Behaviour and wasting Life Guard's time. JLSO Spiteful take the gag from her mouth!' Angela did so as was saliva and Rolf's sperm was saliva came pouring out of her mouth. It was also pouring out of her legs after the thorough debauching she had received from Him. Irena then sentenced her. 'Prisoner Hepworth you are sentenced to 20 strokes of the crop to be carried out by JLSO Spiteful and Judge Murtersson. Then you will be deported immediately from Our Nation back to England, your passport stamped and never allowed to return .Do you understand the Sentence?' 'YES JUDGE BOSSON!' she wailed feeling so wretched and humiliated. Irena then spoke to Angela. 'Get this repulsive filth out of my sight!' 'TAKE THE PRISONERS BACK TO THE DUNGEON!' Any comments to SITES ANGELA IRENA MATINA