ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 131 by Hamlet ANGELA AND FAMILY GET READY TO DEBAUCH ENGLISH TOURISTS Angela stood over Her victim Jim .She was absolutely disgusted by his appalling behaviour. How dare this foreigner this Oslander come into Her Nation and make insulting remarks! How dare he shout across the restaurant so that everyone could hear! How dare he wear such revolting clothes such as a Barnsley United shirt and green trousers! He really stood out in contrast to these magnificent Norse Men like Rolf with Their black leather and Their muscles and blonde hair. What was even worse was that he had dared to insult the Divine Queen Goddess by calling Her a cow! This was unforgivable, it was High Treason and carried the Death Penalty .It was bad enough if a Norselander said it but a dirty Oslander! After She had dealt with him and his girlfriend Julie, the British ambassador in Stefansholm would be notified and there would be a future ban on British tourists if this behaviour continued. He was under the illusion that he could cause as much trouble as he liked and that he would be let off lightly by just being sent on the next plane back to England. How wrong he was! He was about to be taken to the Love Room upstairs by Angela and Her Sister Peggy and then debauched senseless and beaten. Judge Irena Bosson would then collect him from the restaurant and then take him to the JHQ (Judges Headquarters) to be strangled to death and killed and his body thrown into an incinerator. No more would ever be heard of him again! Ever since he had arrived in Norseland with his girlfriend Julie he had caused trouble. This was the first time he had ever been out of Barnsley in his entire life except for one-day trip to France and there he had caused so much trouble too. He had to remind everyone that he came from Barnsley .He did not realise that it was thousands of miles from Norseland and that no one in Norseland had ever heard of it.He kept asking for the score in the Barnsley Sheffield Wednesday match as if anyone there should care! He thought that Barnsley was the centre of the universe. He was only persuaded to go to Norseland because Julie had joined the NAS (Norselandic Admiration Society), as did thousands of foreign women who longed to meet a Norse Man. She had won first prize in a holiday competition in a women's magazine which had questions about Norseland such as 'what is the capital? What ocean is Norseland situated?'She had great difficulty answering them and had to enlist the assistance of a school friend. She had managed to win first prize! They were staying at a hotel called the Hotel Herda in Vikingsborg the second largest city. The hotel was almost entirely occupied by foreigners or Oslanders on package holidays .The owner was Ms Jana Hellsson who was accustomed to dealing with troublesome foreigners. She stood no nonsense from them at all! The first thing Jim could not stand had to get up at 5 AM every morning. The alarm would go of for breakfast at that time and all the residents were supposed to get up There was no such thing as lazing around in bed in this Nation. Norselanders were used to getting up at 5 AM, then go for an hour of aerobics and then having a healthy breakfast before going to work for 7 AM Jim had insisted on lying in bed saying that this was his holiday and he was getting up whenever he liked! Jana's response was to enter his room and stand over the bed until he got up ripping off all the sheets .He was basically a coward and if any woman especially a Norse Woman stood up to him he would give up. He would then cause trouble at the breakfast table embarrassing his girlfriend Julie who had longed to come to Norseland ever since she had joined the NAS. He insisted on having black pudding. What was more he wanted to eat white bread and drink tea that were unavailable. He could not stand eating rye bread and crisp bread which he said tasted like cardboard He had also said that he could not drink any more pineapple juice as it was for pouftas only! Jana had told him on no uncertain terms to behave him and was seriously thinking of using the crop on him! They had hired a car and drove to Lildestrom as Jim wanted to do something else apart from lying on the beach, which was all she ever seemed to want to do. He could not stand the tropical climate and the heat whereas she loved it. What made it worse was that she would spend the entire time on the beach staring at the huge muscular Norse Men and their gorgeous naked bodies and their penises, which seemed to be bigger than horses! She had already pretended to drown in the Ocean so that a huge rubber clad lifeguard could give her the Kiss of life It was a wonderful experience as He fondled her over with His rubber gloved hands giving her one orgasm after another just to make sure she was alive! If only he could have penetrated her He would really know that she was alive then! Although her behaviour was not nearly as bad as Jim's it was still not acceptable .She just loved Norse Men and longed for a CLS (Cocks and Leather Session) She was desperate to leave her dreary job working on the checkout at Simsbury's in Barnsley to settle in Norseland and spend the rest of her life never having to work again and being screwed senseless every day by a wonderful Norse Man and His friends. Unfortunately her dream could never be .She would have to return to England when their holiday was over as it was illegal for a Norse Man to marry a foreign woman and what was more it was illegal not to work. What annoyed Angela and Her family most of all was the way she flaunted herself in that restaurant constantly staring at the Norse Men and their bulges under Their leathers .She had never seen such an example of Male beauty in her life and the most beautiful of all was Rolf who unfortunately was surrounded by 3 Norse Women! If only He could debauch her over the table She would be glad to pay for it! Being in Norseland had turned her into a raving nymphomaniac! She was also fairly drunk and had 4 units left on her FAC(Foreigners Alcohol Card) whereas Jim has none. He was now blind drunk having gone through 24 units in one day! She had started to play with herself under her dress just looking at Rolf. This had led to the Bar Person Eva to tell her to behave herself or be reported for misbehaviour to the Judges. Angela stood over Jim holding him hard by the neck at the same time Peggy held him by the arm He was sweating with fear. 'What the bluddy 'ell do year want!' he said trying to sound tough. 'My name is Angela Spiteful. I am a Judge Support Officer and I am arresting you for Misbehaviour and High Treason. I will deal with you severely Your girlfriend is also arrested for Misbehaviour and will be taken upstarts with you to be debauched and beaten!' With that She dragged him up with Peggy holding him in a powerful grip from the back. At the same time Rolf grabbed Julie by the breasts showing no mercy to her at all. Christine held her hard by the neck regarding her as nothing more than a cheap tart. .' You wanted a CLS and that's what you're getting you tart!' said Rolf. 'Please don't hurt me!' she wailed. 'You address Me as Master Rolf and My Daughter here as Madame Christine!' 'Yes Master Rolf and Madame Christine' she whined but at the same time desperate for Him. 'Please Father screw the Oslander cow senseless. I want to use the strap on her' said Christine. 'Certainly Christine it's your 17th birthday present!' The Bar Person Eva came up to them. 'Please Angela could I debauch them a well as they've caused so much trouble!' 'Certainly Eva debauch and beat them as much as you want!' She turned to me Stephen stays here and finish your first course we will eat the main course with you later!' Certainly Angela' I said finishing my beef soup and unable to eat any more. Angela. Peggy. Eva. Rolf and Christine dragged Their helpless victims across the floor upstairs to the cheers of the crowd. She looked at Jim who was purified as She held him hard by the neck 'GET READY TO BE DEBAUCHED!' Any comments to ANGELA FOR OTHER SITES SEE NEXT EPISODE!