ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 118 by Hamlet THE LAST FIGHT IN HAWAII Stormia and Angela dragged Their prisoners onto the front of the forecourt in front of the restaurant. Behind Them they could hear the restaurant being smashed up as Nairobi and Michele proceeded t destroy every single item. They could see the Police and the Army and SAWT teams with their guns trained on Them. The Fricka helicopter had landed safely with Susanne and Mimi on board. Susanne being a brilliant shot had fired down on the enemy and had already killed 10 of them easily. They had tried firing but all the bullets had bounced off, as it was the most advanced helicopter gunship the world had ever known! Stormia walked out first holding Wajiyama and Tanaka firmly by the dog collars. She had a knife in their backs and would have no hesitation killing them should any of the Police fire at Her . Behind Her came Angela holding Her prisoners by their dog collars so they could not move. She was quite ready to pull the chords if there was any resistance! The Police chief Vorrea called out to Storma 'Look here Stormia what you are doing is quite illegal. You cannot come into another country kill 60 of its citizens, break up a restaurant and then take 4 of its citizens hostage back to your own country!' She called back to him. 'What We have done is perfectly legal! The former Commander of the Nimitz Johnston called My colleague Ms. Spiteful a terrorist and said he wanted to have Her arrested as a terrorist. Your Police Officer O Donnell had Her arrested and wanted to have Her taken to Guantanamo bay. Your Deputy Commissioner Wajiyama tried to have Us killed.' ' What is more you have made friends with the Yakuza a criminal outfit that Our Government is pledged to destroy We have now totally eradicated them and We are taking back to Our Nation including the leader of the Yakuza Tanaka.They will almost certainly all be tortured to death in Norseland!' 'You wont get away with this, we will stop you!' he shouted back. Vorrea then ordered 16 SWAT and police to surround the helicopter They had seen that Susanne and Mimi had got out of the helicopter and wanted to prevent it from taking off. 'So you want a fight before We return. Well We will be happy to oblige!' Stormia called back. Stormia and Angela pushed Their prisoners on the ground. Ramona and Denetra the 2 Black Scorpions joined them on a line Next to them stood Susanne and Mimi. All 6 of them ran towards Their enemies. Stormia ran first .She confronted 3 of them these were elite SWAT members. One of them ran towards Her with his nightstick With one move She kicked hard into his stomach with full force. He bellowed in agony as he went flying forwards. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Before the other could move She had tripped him up .Her boot heel went hard into his neck slicing right through YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! It was Ramona's turn next .One police came towards Her with his nightstick It was hopeless .With one move Her fist drove into his stomach breaking everyone of his ribs CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! One of them hesitated She ran towards him and with one move took off his helmet Her fist went crashing hard into his face breaking the bones of his nose and smashing into his teeth knocking them all out totally. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! It was Susanne's turn next She looked so impressive in Her Black leather Judge's uniform with thigh length boots. One of the SWAT members came charging at Her It was hopeless. With one move She kicked. Her boot heel high up in the air connecting with his jaw. He bellowed with pain as he took off in the air. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Another one came towards Her .She moved with lightning speed. Her boot heel went crashing hard into his stomach. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! It was now Denetra's turn She specialized in fighting with a leather chord and loved knife fighting too. She moved towards one of the SWAT who was coming towards Her. He tried to hit Her with the nightstick With one move She had wrapped the chord right round and pulled it right out of his hand With another move She took the helmet off and wound the chord around his neck. She could hear a loud crack, as every bone in his neck was a totally broken. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Another one came running towards Her.Before he could do anything She had driven Her knife hard into his stomach. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! It was now Mimi's turn .She looked so attractive in Her muscular body and shiny rubber Diver's uniform. She was an excellent fighter and specialized in heavy ball busting. She ran straight towards one of the Police Before he could move She had landed Her boot heel straight into his groin. He let out a piercing scream and fell hard don on the ground. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Another one came from behind. It was hopeless. Her boot heel went upwards and drove straight into his groin. He bellowed with pain as he went flying forwards. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Vorrea looked in sheer horror as he saw his police being tonally beaten by these Women. There were 6 Police left .His plan was to capture Angela and hold Her as a hostage Angela stood there surrounded by 6 SWAT and Police Vorrea shouted out. 'That's Angela Spiteful. She's the cause of all this trouble! I want her captured!' 'GET HER!!! Any comments to SITES ANGELA STORMIA or RAMONA Please guess!! SUSANNE DENETRA MIMI or go into Ladies Professional Wrestling