ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 117 By Hamlet ANGELA AND STORMIA PREPARE   TO TAKE THEIR PRISONERS HOME Angela and Stormia were now ready to take their prisoners back to Norseland for Torture and Interrogation. Angela would take Johnston and O'Donnell while Stormia would take care of Tanaka and Wajiyama. They surveyed the wreckage of the restaurant. 30 dead and dying bodies lay on the floor the floor was awash with blood,.It was worse than the scene from 'Kill Bill', with the floor covered with blood and the screams of the dead and dying .The difference was the carnage was even worse! What were more Angela, Stormia, Nairobi and Michele were far better fighters than even Uma Thurman! Suddenly Angela received a call from Senior Commander Gayle Moherqvist 'Hello Angela it's Senior Commander Gayle here Have you captured your prisoner Johnston? I want a full report of your Mission .I also want to know if the Yakuza have been destroyed.' 'The Mission has been a brilliant success. I have captured Johnston and a Senior Police officer O Donnell. Justice Stormia has captured the Yakuza Oya Bun Tanaka and the deputy Commissioner Wajiyama with the help of the Black Scorpions Nairobi and Michelle. We have totally defeated and killed all the Yakuza. What is more Ramona and Denetra have totally destroyed the Police outside .It has been a wonderful success!' 'That is wonderful news Angela. You will all be recommended for Awards by the Queen Goddess Herself. I will also recommend Awards to be sent to the BS as They cannot actually be in the presence of the Queen Goddess Herself being Oslanders.' 'You must now take Your prisoners back to the JLJHQ at Vikingsborg. The Americans will do everything they can to stop You. I have received news that the Governor of Hawaii Linda Leigle has ordered a state of Emergency and has appealed for Federal help The National Guard has been called in. I want you still to bring Your prisoners back!' 'The QGS Amazonia of which I am the Senior Commander is only 5 miles to the south of Oahu .The QGS Hippolyte is only 5 miles to the north of Oahu commanded by Senior Commander Christine Envallen .If the US Air Force respond We will fight back don't worry!' 'I am sending Justice Susanne Bock with one of the Divers Mimi to land a Fricka helicopter in front of the Pagoda restaurant. As it is a Fricka helicopter the bullets will bounce off as they have done before. You will take your prisoners onto the helicopter Yourselves. If the Police or Army try to fire at You You have My full permission to kill Your prisoners in the most excruciating way.' ' I would like now to speak to Justice Stormia' 'Yes certainly Senior Commander Gayle' She spoke to Stormia 'Stormia You know the Orders. I want the 4 prisoners take back to the JLJHQ (Justice Leaugue and Judges Headqurters) in Vikingsborg for a TIS( Torture and Interrogation Seaasion) and I don't want one hair of Your heads to be harmed Is that quite clear?' 'Yes certainly Senior Commander!' Just then Stormia received a message from Ramona. 'Hello Stormia .I just wanted to tell You that after beating and killing 30 police the whole area is surrounded by more Police as well as the National Guard and SWAT teams.' 'Don't worry Ramona .I want You and Denetra to fight any police who will try to stop us.A helicopter will soon be landing We will be taking Our prisoners home soon.' Suddenly there was a call on the loudspeaker 'This is Joisse Vorrea the Chief of the Honolulu police, I want to speak to Stormia Strengaard!' Stormia called back on the loudspeaker 'Right what do you want?' 'I'm asking you to release the 4 hostages You have in the restaurant and to give yourselves up to the Law!' There is no way We're going to give ourselves up. We are taking our prisoners back to Our Nation and you're not going to stop us What's more We have totally eliminated the Yakuza in Hawaii. They're all dead. You have paid the penalty for making friends with criminals Your Police should have tried stopping us. A helicopter is ready to take them away with Us and there is nothing you can do to stop us" Stormia grabbed Wajiyama and Tanaka by the hair as if they were just rubbish and led them forwards by the dog collar that held them together. Angela grabbed hold of O Donnell whose face was down in the dog bowl and tied him to Johnston who was now just a quivering wreck. She put a dog collar round and dragged them forwards Angela looked up in the sky .A helicopter gunship could be seen on the horizon. It was coming down at full speed driven by Susanne She was firing down at the Police and National Guard. Every shot was deadly accurate as She fired straight down onto Her enemies. They tried to fire back but they were no match for the Norselandic helicopter Fricka gunship the most advanced of its kind in the world.Soon She landed on the forecourt in front of the restaurant with Mimi next to Her. Angela and Stormia were now ready to take their prisoners outside. Before She did so She confronted Miramoto the owner of the restaurant holding his face in Her leather gloved hand. He looked in complete horror at the terrible carnage and the state of his restaurant. 'Well Miramoto your restaurant looks in a real state! You've harboured criminals and you're going to have to pay the penalty .I am ordering Nairobi and Michele here to destroy everything There won't be a restaurant left by the time They're finished! 'Please Ms Spiteful don't do this to me It's my livelihood!' 'You should have thought of that before!' . She turned to the 2 Black Scorpions to kiss them goodbye while She held Her prisoners by the dog collars. 'Goodbye Nairobi and Michele I will see you one day in Norseland!' 'SMASH THIS PLACE UP!!' Any comments please to,