ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 114 by Hamlet STORMIA ELIMINATES THE REST OF THE YAKUZA   Stormia walked into the restaurant accompanied by Her prisoner Wajiyama. He looked so wretched as She dragged him along as if he was just an object. She took him over to the other prisoner Tanaka. They looked so miserable  tied as they were together. The once proud Oya Bun and the Deputy Commissioner of Police were now just wretched prisoners.   She stood in front of them all looking so proud and dominant. She was even bigger and stronger than Angela and that was saying something! She was wearing a tight leather jerkin, tight hot pants, calf length boots and leather gloves.   She stood in front of them all flexing Her huge muscles just to intimidate them and make them feel so pathetic. If they stood no chance against Angela what chance did they stand against Her who was even bigger and stronger?   ^ÑRight you bastards there are 11 of you left You can use your samurai swords while I will use just my hands ,legs and leather chords Lets see what chance you stand!   They did not know what to do. At the same time they realized they had no choice but to fight this massive Woman.   .'Come on you bastards fight Me!^Ò She screamed!   3 of them came running towards Her .With one move She kicked hard into the stomach of the first one. He let out a bellow of pain as he went crashing across the room his sword flying right up in the air   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!   Another one made an attempt to hit Her .It was again a total failure as She kicked hard into his testicles.   YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!   Another one made an attempt to hit Her .Again She turned bringing Her boot heel right into his jaw He let out a piercing scream.   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!1   She stood over her 3 victims who lay prostrate on the floor   ^ÑWell that was easy who^Òs for more punishment?^Ò   She turned round. 3 were behind Her. She moved with lightning speed With one move She kicked hard into the stomach of the first sending him carrying across the room.   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!   She turned round once more bringing Her boot heel smashing into the groin of the next one. He bellowed in total agony   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!   She then leapt up in the air kicking hard into the jaw of the next one. demonstrating Her incredible athletic skills. He went flying like a catapult right up in the air.   YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!   There were 5 more left for Her to take out. They stood there cowering in the corner not knowing what to do.   ^ÑCome on you bastards fight me !What^Òs wrong with you?^Ò   They carried on standing there.   She rushed towards them leather chord in hand .With one move She had the chords around the throats of 2 of them. She squeezed hard. She cold hear the crack of broken bone as She pulled hard.   CRAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!   CRAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!!!!   YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!   YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!   There were one just 3 left. One of them screamed out.   SURRENDER!!! SURRENDER!!!   .^ÒYou^Òre not surrendering you stay and fight!^Ò   They stood there not knowing what to do   ^ÑRight put your hands on your heads!^Ò   They obediently did as She said knowing they did not stand a chance against Her.   She took the leather chord and wound it around all 3 of them They sweated not knowing that death was imminent.   ^ÑIt^Òs light out time boys !^ÒShe said as She pulled hard   CRAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!   All 3 of them lay dead on the floor.   She looked around Her .30 Yakuza lay dead or dying.The floor was awash with blood and bits of body.   THE YAKUZA IN HAWAII HAVE NEEN ELIMINATED!!!      STORMIA       see   or   0r Films 2005 Storm getting savage    A REAL NORSE WOMAN!