ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 94 by Hamlet NIKITA AND GAYLE PREPARE FOR THE ASSAULT Commander Nikita stood at the Control Tower of the USS Ronald Reagan ready to complete Operation SinktheCarriers.Everything had gone exactly according to plan.The sailors had been beaten at Rattans Bar , the Reagan had been captured with all the crew on board , not one hair in the heads of the Divers had been even touched ,the Commanders of the Reagan had been captured and taken back for torture. The attempt to rescue the Ronald Reagan had been a total failure (see previous episode).Everything had been brilliantly successful! All the Divers and Deputy Commander Lolita Larsson stood on the deck ready for instructions .Nikita looked really impressive in Her black leather RNN ( Royal Norselandic Navy) uniform as She strutted along the deck crop in hand. All 3 of the Divers Mimi Laurene and Derecke as well as Justice Karl awaited Her instructions. 'Right Divers We are about to mount an assault on the USS Nimitz.We will attack the crew in the same way as We attacked the USS Ronald Reagan.The objective is to sink the carrier the Nimitz in the same way .' 'Soon Captain Justice Susanne Bock will be arriving by helicopter with Angela and the Black Scorpion Nairobi. They will join Us on the mission. The objective of Angela is to capture the Commander of the Nimitz Johnston and to bring him back for torture at the JLJHQ.He has made a cowardly attempt to escape.!' 'As You may know he has referred to Her as a terrorist and She is furious about it .She has already done a brilliant job of torturing and killing the Commander and Deputy Commander of the Ronald Reagan and will definitely do another great job!She has proved as a JSO what a brilliant fighter and Torturess She is!' 'What's more I have just received a message from Weiling the leader of the Asian Amazons. They have fought and beaten all the members of Operation Rescue .The elite of the American forces the SWAT teams are lying dead on the deck of the Nimitz Operation Sinkthecarriers has been a brilliant success!' All the Divers cheered wildly knowing that They were completely successful so far and their American enemies had been totally beaten! Nikita then rang up Captain Susanne Bock of the JL. She was sitting at the JLJHQ ready for the attack and to be summoned by Nikita. She looked magnificent as ever in Her skin tight shiny leather JL(Justice League) uniform. Her task was to fly the helicopter to the Ronald Reagan .Once the carrier had been blown to smithereens Her next task was to land on the Nimitz ready for the Assault! 'Susanne it's Nikita here. I want You to get ready to fly the helicopter to the Ronald Reagan. You are to collect Angela Spiteful , Dirk and Nairobi the Black Scorpion All 3 of them are in Room 24 torturing and debauching Chief Officer Kathleen Harrison from the Ronald Reagan. ' 'Angela in particular is essential in this Operation. It is Her task to commandeer a helicopter from the Nimitz and chase after Johnston the Commander who has deserted his duty and escaped to Hawaii.You will land on the deck here to collect us in exactly 20 minutes time. Is that understood?' 'Certainly Commander Narviken. I will move now!I will go and collect Angela, Dirk and Nairobi as you have ordered!' Nikita's next call was to the Commander of the QGS Amazonia Commander Gayle Mohereqvist . Commander Gayle looked as impressive as ever in Her Black leather RNN Commanders uniform.She strutted down the deck crop in hand inspecting Her 6 elite Pilots ready to blast any plane that took off from the Nimitz out of the sky. She looked so wonderful with Her blonde hair that came down Her shoulders ,Her leather hat with the Norselandic Coat of Arms and the cat o nine tails on Her waist symbolizing Her full authority. She was one of the most powerful figures in the RNN and was a Senior Commander. She commanded what was in effect the largest aircraft carrier in the world. It was vast like a floating skyscraper. It was so huge, it was bigger and far more modern that the Nimitz that dated from World War 2 .She commanded a crew of nearly 700 as well as a fill crew of fighter Pilots .The aircraft they flew were the Cheetahs the fastest and most deadly in the world!She controlled the carrier and the crew with rigid authority and Her orders had to be obeyed to the letter! She stood in front of Her 6 pilots The Head of the Mission was Captain Stephanie Parkinson .She looked so gorgeous dressed in Her skin tight leather cat suit that was the uniform of the pilots of the RNAF( Royal norselandic Air Force) .She was a superb pilot and could attack any enemy aircraft with deadly accuracy. Under Her was the Deputy Captain Jurgen Bassheim who too looked so impressive in leather and boots His huge bulge protruding. There were 4 other pilots ready for action 3 Women Julie ,Nicole and Katharina and one Man Frederik. They were all superb Pilots and bodybuilders too and could not wait to wipe out the enemy aircraft right out of the sky! Commander Gayle addressed them. 'Pilots of the RNAF!You are the greatest pilots on earth equipped with the best aircraft ever know the Cheetahs. Your Mission is to knock out all the aircraft on the Nimitz before they have any chance to take off!You will show no mercy. They are under orders to attack Our Motherland and to bomb selected sites in Vikingsborg .Before You attack I will give the Commander of the Nimitz one last chance to surrender!Is that understood?' 'YES COMMANDER MOHERQVIST! They all called out at once. She rang the new Commander of the Nimitz John V.Mc Call.He had taken over from Johnston ever since Johnston had escaped by helicopter.He looked in horror at the sight of the QGS Amazonia arising in all its size in the distance only 800 meters away. It seemed to tower over the Nimtz .He had never seen in the whole of the US Navy a carrier of such a size! She radioed him directly. 'Commander Mc Call !Well I see your former Commander Johnston has escaped showing himself for the complete coward he is. He realised that he has lost and the game is up !Don't worry we know he's gone back to Hawaii .There's no escape. One of our Offices Angela Spiteful has been given the task of pursuing him.Don' worry She will find him no matter where he goes!He cant escape Her wrath. 'She has orders to take him to the JLJHQ in Vikingsborg for a full scale Torture Session for daring to call Her a terrorist!' 'I'm giving you with one more chance. I will show mercy to your crew as you have no chance to escape at all.You can surrender now and spare all your crew from the terrible fate that awaits them that will be worse than the fate that awaited the Ronald Reagan. You can surrender now .' 'Your carrier will be allowed to turn back to Pearl Harbor.I will board your carrier personally and will take your surrender personally.The condition of surrender is that you will be taken as a prisoner back to the JLJHQ by the helicopter that is soon to arrive for Torture and Interrogation at the hands of a Justice appointed for the task .Are you prepared to give up your miserable life to spare your crew?' 'Look here whatever your name is you Norsi bitch!' he said trying to appear tough but realising Her superiority over him. ' You can't make me surrender .I have orders to rescue the crew of the Ronald Reagan and to take retaliatory action!Your actions are nothing more than international piracy!' 'Don't you dare call me a Norsi bitch! You have just signed your death warrant! I will personally take you back to the JLJHQ and torture you to death you arsehole!' 'There is no way you can rescue the Ronald Reagan! The Asian Amazons are still on board your carrier and will attack again soon .They have just beaten and killed all the members of your Operation Rescue you idiot!The Ronald Reagan will be blown sky high in a couple of minutes .The Divers will soon be attacking your carrier by helicopter led by Commander Narviken.They will be joined by the Asian Amazons who with the Divers will demonstrate Their superb fighting skills again! 'Then My pilots will attack and destroy every one of your aircraft.After that your carrier will be blown up with all the crew on board .Then I will personally take you back to the JLJHQ and you will meet the same fate as the Commanders of the Ronald Reagan.It's going to be complete and total defeat for you Mc Call!!You had your opportunity to surrender and you blew it!' 'You won't get away with this Moherbitch or whatever your goddam name is! 'he said sweating with fear. 'You can't even pronounce my name right you idiot!'She said triumphantly. 'THE ATTACK STARTS NOW!!' Any comments to FOR SITES SEE NEXT EPISODE