ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 93 by Hamlet DAWN AND MAH ANN VICTORIOUS Dawn stood in front in front of the remaining SWAT agents and the pilots ready to do battle.She looked gorgeous in Her shoulder length hair and thick make up .She was wearing a tight leather jerkin and thigh length boots .She carried a set of knives and and a whip.She looked really formidable .She was determined to take Her revenge on these Americans. Being a Korean She could not forget what was done to Her mother in Korea raped as She was by American soldiers near the DMZ. She knew that there were 8 more members of Operation Rescue to fight .Weiling had already knocked out 8 the Commander of the Operation Scarlett, the SWAT leader Olsson ,4 SWAT agents and 2 pilots .She had effectively taken out the elite of the American forces! Just as Dawn was about to attack there was a call on the mobile to Weiling from Commander Nikita. 'How is everything going Weiling? We're ready to attack at any time!' 'We've been brilliantly successful so far!I have just beaten and killed the Commander of Operation Scarlett. I have also beaten and killed the SWAT commander Olsson .As well as thatI have beaten and killed 4 more SWAT agents as well as 2 pilots .I can report total success!' 'That's wonderful Weiling .Well it looks like Operation Rescue by the Americans will be a total and complete failure!They have no chance whatsoever of rescuing the carrier Ronald Reagan.Justice Karl is getting everything ready now .He has loaded explosives all around the carrier ready for the carrier to be blown sky high !' 'We are about to have a helicopter come and pick us up and take us to the Nimitz .It will be piloted by Captain Justice Susanne Bock .She will come accompanied by JSO Angela who is an expert Torturess and can't wait to get Her hands on that bastard Johnston! I will be accompanied by Justice Karl ,Deputy Commander Lolitaand the Divers Mimi, Laurene and Derecke who will proceed to beat the living daylights out of the rest of the crew!' 'I have also contacted Commander Gayle Moherqvist of the QGS Amazonia who is ready to send in the RNAF for a full scale attack on the Nimitz!' 'That's great Commander NikitaNarviken.I will keep you fully informed of all developments don't worry. It won't take long to beat these bastards!' Dawn was ready to take on 2 SWAT agents .They both had knives in their hands trying to look menacing.She looked back at them waiting for them to strike.Suddenly She shouted out. 'What are you waiting for youbastards?' One of them made a desperate attempt to lunge at Her It was a total failure as She easily moved out of the way .He went running forwards with the knife in hand.With one move the heel of Her boot went hard into his stomach with full force .He doubled up in agony screaming before he could move. She struck again harder into his stomach .The pain was terrible as he went flying forwards. He let out a bellow of pain. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! The other one came behind Her .It was another hopeless attempt. Her boot heel just went upwards crashing hard into his testicles. He just flew forwards lying right on top of his colleague clutching his crotch. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Dawn stood over them as they were lying there in agony .She decided to end their lives for good. With one move She brought Her boot heel hard into their throats .The heel sliced right through .In one move they both lay dead to the world! Dawn looked into the distance. She could see 2 pilots running before her into the safety of the planes .She was determined to stop them .With one throw She hurled a knife forwards. It found its mark exactly going through the neck of the pilot .He fell in a bloody heap on the ground screaming in agony. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! He was soon just a dead heap on the ground. Dawn then ran forwards. Before the pilot had even a chance of running forwards She was right on top of him.He could not move a centimeter.As Her leg ground into his neck he began to yell in pain as Her leg dug harder into his neck not allowing him to move at all.She then increased the pressure. Her knee was too powerful for him as it ground into his neck .Soon She could hear the sound of cracked bone. CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! She stood in triumph just like Weiling before Her this time over 4 broken and bloody bodies .Mah Ann walked over to her and kissed Her on the lips It was now Her turn to do battle with just 2 SWAT agents and 2 pilots left .She looked magnificent too dressed as She was in a leather bra ,tight leather shorts and calf length boots ready to do battle. Meanwhile Johnston was becoming more and more scared standing there in the Control Tower. It was becoming obvious to him that now Operation Rescue was a complete and total failure with all but 4 of its members ,many of whom were the elite of the American forces dead on the deck and the Ronald Reagan about to be blown out of the sky! The thought of a full scale assault on the Nimitz together with an attack from the QGS Amazonia filled him with dread. After that he faced a full scale Torture Session from Angela who was dermined to get him at all costs. He was now seriously considering taking a helicopter and flying straight back to Pearl Harbor. Even though it would be called dereliction of duty ,anything was better than facing the wrath of Angela and the Divers! Mah Ann stood in front of the remaining 4 members of Operation Rescue .They knew that they stood no chance at all against this muscular Filipina Amazon!She looked so impressive. They were carrying chains in their hands ready to attack. Suddenly they both attacked at the same time. One of them came towards Her swinging the chain screaming. 'You f---g Filipina cow!' It was quite useless .She just dodged out of the way. He went flying forwards falling on his face on the deck .She came behind him and grabbed the chain from behind. With one move She had it around his neck .She pulled hard with all Her strength. 'It's light 's out time! 'She shouted. She could hear his neck break as She pulled hard CRAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! She got up from the ground. She could see the last remaining SWAT agent just standing there with his chain in his hand not knowing what to do. Suddenly She rushed towards him. He stood there not knowing how to react. With one athletic move She leapt in the air .Her boot heel connected with his throat .He went flying high up in the air landing about 30 meters away .She could hear a loud scream as he landed in a dead heap on the ground in a pool of blood. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! 2 more were left They were running for safety to the rest of the crew .She bounded after them. With Her athletic prowess She wasso fast as She caught one and tripped him up .She grabbed him by the collar showing no mercy for this coward. She grabbed him hard by the throat .With one move Her deadly fingers were cutting into his neck .She heard one gasp of life come from him. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! As She was holding him down She could see one more pilot running into the distance .With an easy move She took the knife and threw it forwards. With deadly accuracy it pierced right through his throat coming out the other side. He shot forwards and lay in a bloody pool a few meters away from Her. Like Weiling before them the Asian Amazons were totally victorious as they gazed at their 8 dead victims. Their victory had seemed so easy and effortless. As They were savouring Their victory They could see a helicopter take off. It was Johnston escaping! Mah Ann decided tocall him on his mobile. 'You bloody coward Johnston! You can't escape from the wrath of the Divers that easily. I'm going to tell Angela you're escaping back toPearl Harbor . 'Angela is after you now you bastard!' 'THERE'S NO ESCAPE!!!' Any comments to FOR SITES See previous Episodes.