ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 90 by Hamlet NIKITA AND ANGELA CONFRONT THE COMMANDER Weiling waited in the cabin with Mah Ann and Dawn ready to attack and to demonstrate Their fighting skills .They could not wait to get Their hands on the crew and beat them senseless. Weiling had not had a fight for such a long time and relished the prospect of killing and beating as many sailors as possible. Both Dawn and Mah Ann had suffered at the hands of American troops.Dawn wanted revenge on the sailors simply because She wanted revengefor the way Her mother had been killed and raped in Korea. Mah Ann wanted revenge for the treatment of Her mother by Americans in the Philippines. They just could not wait to get Their hands on these bastards and win victory for Norseland! Just as they were waiting there was an announcement on the intercom. 'Now hear this! Hear this! This is Commander John V. Johnston .As you all may know our sister ship the USS Ronald Reagan has been captured by Norselandic forces. This is an act of international piracy that will not be tolerated !The Commander who has illegally taken control of the carrier is Nikita Narviken. She is now taking the carrier into the Pacific and is going to blow her up with all the crew on board and sink her.' 'We have an elite squadron of the 6 USAF fighters on board.They have 2 SWAT fighters on each aircraft .Their task is to land on the carrier and free the crew. Ifthey meet any resistance from the Divers, as they are calledthey are to shoot to kill. Remember the Diversare brilliant fighters and have killed many of the crew on board the Ronald Reagan.' 'After thatI am ordering another squadron to then attack selected targets in the city of Vikingsborg that only lies 30 KMS away in retaliation.' 'I have heard that the Commander of the carrier and Deputy Commander have already been tortured to death .The Chief Officer is being raped and tortured.The criminals who did this must be brought to justice !We intend to bomb the JLJHQ( Justice Leaugue and Judges Headquarters)in Vikingsborg and if necessary bring the torturers to justice!' 'We already have the name of the main torturer and killer Angela Spiteful.She is now regarded as a wanted terrorist even worse than Al Qaeda.There is a price on Her head just like Bin Laden!There is now a price on her head of $50,000 dead or alive!Posters are now being distributed across the USA!' 'You are up against a ruthless enemy but with God's help you will prevail!' Weiling then radioed Nikita on the control towerof the Ronald Reagan. 'Commander Narviken .You must have heard the message from Commander Johnston and the nonsense he has spoken about being able to free the crew!' 'Idefinitely have Weiling ! Don't worry I will send my response. I'm absolutely livid .What's more how dare he call my friend Angela a terrorist!' She then radioed Her response. 'So Commander Johnston you thought you could escape did you? Well you'd better know that you are in very serious trouble .Not only are there 3 stowaways aboard the Asian Amazons,who are ready to attack you now ,we have a carrier the QGS Amazonia that is speeding towards you ready to knock youraircraft out of the sky !' 'What is more once We have blown up the Ronald Reagan. We will be heading towards you. The invincible RDU( Royal Divers Unit)will land on your deck and your crew and you will meet the same fate as the crew of theRonald Reagan'. 'You have one choice, turn back now to Pearl Harbor or face being blown to smithereens and lying at the bottom of the Pacific just like your sister ship!' ' What's more I'm not even sure whether to let you go even if you do turn back to Pearl Harbor.I would like to capture you personally. How dare you call My friend the Toturess and JSO Angela Spiteful a terrorist!In fact I am going to call Her now and I tell you what She wants to do with you for daring to call Her a terrorist!' He had just suffered a Tongue Lashing (TL) from a Norse Woman and was really terrified! 'Look here Commander Narviken you can't threaten me like that! What you did in taking the Ronald Reagan out was illegal! You can't sink her at the bottom of the Pacific .' It was quite clear he really was scared of Her as there was fear in his voice. 'Don't you dare tell me what is legal or illegal Johnston !Your sailors who behaved like pigs in Rattans Bar were behaving illegally! You were in clear breach of the USNNA ( United States- Norselandic Naval Agreement) that stipulates clearly how your sailors are to behave!' He knew in his heart She was right .What was more he did not know there were stowaways the Asian Amazons on board ready to attack.What was worse he feared an attack by the Divers after what they had done to the USS Ronald Reagan .Even worse than that was an attack by the RNAF that could blow his aircraft out of the sky. He was now sweating with fear! 'Look here Commander Narviken can't we just do a deal ?Can't you just let the crew of the Ronald Reagan go and we'll turn back to Pearl Harbor and call it quits!' There was more fear than ever in his voice! 'There's no deal Johnston! In fact whatI havedecided to do is to let your ship go and have you personally arrested for daring to call My friendJSO Spiteful a terrorist.I think you should pay for this!I'm going to call JSO Spiteful now!' She left Johnston sweating in a panic. She then called Angela at the JLJHQ in Vikingsborg. 'Hello Angela it's me Nikita how are you getting on?' 'Oh I'm having a wonderful time here. I've just tortured the Deputy Commander Brugel to death usingCBT(Cock and Ball Torture).I have also put the Commander Simpson to death by strangulation .I'm just about to go to the next Torture Room and help Dirk debauch Chief OfficerHanssen. HopefullyI can put her through some VNT( Vagina and Nipple Torture)and then put her to death too!' 'That's great Angela. I always thought You were a brilliant Torturess !I just wondered if you would like to take a break from Torture and would like to to take part in the Assault on the Nimitz as part of your training to become a Judge .The Commander there Johnston has called you a terrorist and said there is a price on your head!' Angela was absolutely furious . 'Why the f------g bastard! I'd love to take part in the Assault and get the bastard personally! No one but no one calls me a terrorist and gets away with it .In fact I'd love to torture him to death Myself !' 'You certainly can. Would you like to speak to him now?' 'I'd love to. I'll radio him at once!' Johnston picked up the phone from the Nimitz. 'Johnston you bastard ,it's JSO Spiteful. So you think I'm a terrorist do you?' 'Well you killed 2 US Commanders and tortured one to death' he said his voice slightly shaking. 'They got exactly what they deserved !.What's more I'm coming after you Johnston. I will personally arrest you and take you back to the JLJHQ with Me .There .s no escape at all !' 'You cant do that. I'm the Commander!' 'Don't you dare tell Me what I can and can't do you f------g piece of trash .I'm taking you back with me to the JLJHQ and I will put you through the most terrible tortures imaginable. You can't run away from Me Johnston! As you Americans say you can run but you can't hide!' 'Look You cant do this!' 'I can and I will and you will learn to address Me as Madame Spiteful or I'll have you screaming it!I'll see you later!' It was quite clear She had put the fear of God into him with Her superior intellect. He had sufferd 2 TL'sfrom two Norse Women in one dayand now faced the terrible prospect of torture at the hands of Angela who was now an invincibleTorturess. He stood there sweating trying to appear calm .He knew She meant exactly what She said. Nikita then spoke to Weiling on the radio. 'Weiling I want you and the AAs to attack the flight crew and the SWAT agents now before they can take off.Then the Divers and I will arrive by helicopter and attack the rest of the crew and arrest the Commander Johnston. He and the other Commanders will be arrested and taken back to the JLJHQ .Then the RNAF will attack the carrier blasting every single aircraft to smithereens. After that the Nimitz will be sunk just like the Ronald Reagan!' 'Show no mercy at all!' 'ATTACK NOW!!!' Any comments or suggestions to