ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 78 by Hamlet THE DIVERS TOTALLY VICTORIOUS The Divers ran as fast as they could towards the crew of the USS Ronald Reagan, who were running away from Them in the distance .All the crew were now petrified of Them as they ran towards the hold of the carrier. They looked on the deck to behold over 100 of their colleagues dead .All they wanted to do was to run away from the fury of these Norselanders!   They just managed to get into the hold on time as the doors on the Divers were locked. Yet effectively the Commander Simpson and the crew were hostages in the middle of Vikingsborg harbour at the mercy of the Justice League!   It was now Commander Brigitte's intention to capture the Commander Simpson, the Deputy Commander Brugel and the Chief Officer Kathleen Hanssen and take them prisoner at the JLJHQ, where they would be interrogated and punished as war criminals.   Her plan was to attack the turret with Dirk the Deputy Commander ,Nairobi the Black Scorpion as well as Angela ,as She really admired Angela's fighting skills .Meanwhile Laurene ,Derecke and Mimi would stand outside and be ready to arrest the crew.   She decided to call Commander Nikita Narviken who was in the helicopter in the Harbour ready to land and assume control of the carrier.Also they had explosives on board that would be used to blast their way onto the turret.   Brigitte radioed for Commander Nikita to land on the carrier She looked up and soon the Divers could see the helicopter overhead ready to land on the deck. It carried the Deputy Commander Lolita and  Justice Karl Bauken .As the helicopter landed Nikita walked out in Her black leather naval uniform and Her leather hat ready to take total command of the crew!   As She walked forwards She shouted to the turret   'Commander Simpson give yourself up, the game is up !You have lost nearly a hundred of your crew who are lying dead on the deck here. There is no escape! The rest of your crew must surely be terrified of the fate that awaits them!'   He responded from the turret .His confidence had grown now that he had found out that there was a US carrier off the coast of Norseland the   USS Nimitz ready to strike at the city of Vikingsborg.He was now feeling more confident than ever before.   He responded.   'I am definitely not prepared to surrender. Your action is an act of war! Your Divers have killed over 100 of my crew and this will not be tolerated .We will retaliate and retaliate hard against your act of international hooliganism!'   Nikita responded.   'You leave me no choice but to arrest you and your two senior officers, Brugel the deputy Commander and Hanssen your Chief Officer.  You have no choice but to surrender .The fact that you have not surrendered means that all your crew will be killed after we have blown up your ship. You brought this on yourself Simpson!'   Just then She turned to Justice Karl.   'Right Karl I want you to place explosives at the entrance to the turret!'   He did exactly as She ordered him. He went and took explosive devices and out them on the door of the turret .He then fixed wires to connect with the explosives .Nairobi and the Divers moved away while Karl pressed the switch down.   There was a mighty explosion as the door of the turret went flying outwards .The Divers cheered as the entrance to the turret was now open to them!   Commander Nikita gave the order.   'Right Brigitte You go in with Nairobi, Dirk and Angela to arrest the commanders.Derecke Laurene and Mimi you will stay here and wait My orders!   Brigitte was inside .First She was confronted by 3 sailors firing at Her .She fell on the ground. With one move She hurled a knife straight into the neck of the first sailor. He screamed in agony as he fell forwards.   YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!   She ran towards the next sailor .Before he could fire She leapt on top of him. With Her incredible athletic skill She then pulled out a rubber chord and would it hard around his neck pulling hard as She turned him over .   She could hear his neck snap loudly.   CRAAAAAAAAACKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!   Another sailor moved towards Her .She then threw the dead body of the sailor right at him. He fell backwards as She moved right towards him and with one move plunged Her knife hard into his throat.   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!   She smiled as She looked at Her 3 dead victims!   Nairobi was behind Her .She moved in front of Brigitte as it was Her job to lead the way to the Commander.   'Come on follow Me!'   She ran up the corridor to a flight of stairs  .2 of the sailors fired at Her. She dodged out of the way .With one move She hurled 2 knives into the air. They found their mark with deadly accuracy, one going through the groin and the other through the neck .They both screamed out as they fell in a dead heap on the ground   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!   She was really showing Her skills as a Black Scorpion!   One of the sailors froze in horror as he looked at his two dead colleagues. This gave Her enough time to strike .She leapt in the air and threw herself on top of him .He was soon down on the ground unable to move against Her superior power.She held him down with Her powerful legs and brought Her strong hand on into his throat. Soon She could hear the bones of his neck snap     CRAAAAAAAAAAACCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!   'Come on follow Me! I know where Simpson is He's in the control tower!' She shouted.   Behind Her was Dirk running behind Her up the stairs.They were soon at the top of the stairs .He saw a sailor standing at the top with a gun. Before the sailor had a chance to fire Dirk ran up the stairs and threw himself with total expertise on top of the sailor bring him down with ease. Before he could move Dirk's massive fist was in his face breaking every bone!   CRAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!!!!   YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!   He ran upstairs followed by the 4 others.There were 6 sailors guarding the entrance to the commanders office.Dirk stood next to Angela.   'Come on 'She said Let's finish these off!   They both threw knives in front of them .They found their marks with total accuracy. Angela's knife went clean through the neck of the first sailor. Dirk's knife went right through the stomach as they both collapsed falling forwards onto the ground.   Angela ran forwards. Before the sailor had a chance to fire at Her she was right on top of him. He could not move a centimeter as She wound the rubber chords around his neck .   CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAACKKKKKKKKK!!!   Another sailor tried to fire at Her but before he could do so Dirk was on top of him with his rubber gloved hands twisting his neck.   CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCKKKKKKKK!!!   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!   Another sailor tried to fire but Angela used the body of Her victim to run towards him.Before he knew it Her knife was hard inside his throat.   There was one sailor left. He realised it was all over. He stood there shaking in front of Dirk's massive rubber clad body.   'Hand the gun over to me now' He shouted.   He meekly did as he was told giving the gun to Dirk knowing resistance was futile to these Divers.   'And you call me Sir!'   'Yes Sir' the sailor said shaking all over.   With one move Dirk had the rubber chord around his neck. With another  move He pulled hard .He could hear the all  too familiar sound of broken bone as the sailor slumped forwards.   CRAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!   Brigitte now  stood outside the Commander's office.   'Simpson open the door !The game is up and you've lost badly!'   There was no sound from inside. Brigitte took Her gun and fired right into the door. The lock was broken completely.   She was inside .Right in front of Her stood Commander Simpson. She walked straight up to Him  and pushed him over the table and handcuffed him.   'You're under arrest Simpson!'   Brugel the Deputy Commander tried to move away but Nairobi had him by the collar in a vice like grip.   Chief Officer Hansen tried to move away but Dirk grabbed her by the arm and twisted it round .She was sobbing with terror.   'PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!' she yelled knowing what these Norse Men did to Oslander women like her!   2 guards tried to move to rescue them. Angela grabbed hold of one by the testicles inflicting the most terrible CBT (Cock and Ball Torture) on him.At the same time She had the other guard by the throat .Both of them were in the most excruciating pain under Her rubber gloved hands   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!   She let them go and they fell on the ground screaming.   Brigitte held Commander Simpson in a terrible grip over the table .He was groaning with pain.   OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!   'Right Simpson! You've lost!'   'ORDER YOUR CREW TO SURRENDER!!'   Any comments to   FOR SITES SEE PREVIOUS EPISODES