ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 63 by Hamlet ANGELA PREPARES TO GO MANHUNTING Angela stood in front of the mirror looking absolutely stunning.She was really looking forward to go on a long Man Hunting Expedition that would go on all night .She was looking forward to seeing the lovely and lively city of Vikingsborg once again that lay only 35 KMs away and which could be reached  quickly by Norseland's unrivalled and excellent public transport system ,that ran all night and was truly the envy of the world!   The plan of the evening was after they had arrived in Vikingsborg to go to the nearest Filipino restaurant called the Luzon Palace .Even though She had contempt for Filipinos, regarding them as just fit to do manual work and to be MWs in Supermarkets, She did like the food. In fact Filipino food was becoming increasingly popular in the Nation.They would eat heartily as all have them had hearty appetites and did not find the dishes large enough for them especially as the Filipnos like the Thais were such small people!   They would then go to a bar and sing karaoke all making sure they were singing lustily .Unlike in England they would drink only a small amount, probably only a bottle of wine each that they would make last all night.   They would make sure that they ate all the time as drunkenness of any kind was not tolerated in this Nation at all .I would have to keep a very strict control on my drinking as I had a FAC( Foreigner's Alcohol Card) that only allowed me to drink 6 units of alcohol or 3 pints of beer in one night which was almost nothing. My SO(Social Officer) Alexis would also be keeping a very strict control as She could access my FAC account at any time.   After that Angela, Peggy Her sister, Laura and Helga would do some serious Man Hunting .Before They started, Christine and I would leave. As an Oslander I was not supposed to be on the streets after midnight and Christine as a School Girl was allowed to go into bars but could not drink any alcohol at all until She was 19. Besides Her Mother Peggy did not want to be seen Man Hunting in the presence of Her Daughter.Christine and I would travel back together to Varkjaa on the Nation's brilliant transport system that ran all night and was perfectly safe to travel on a any time.   All four of them would approach four Norse Men and buy them drinks. They would start the conversation. As I have already said Women always start the conversation with the Man never the other way round as in other countries.   They would then take them dancing . The dancing would become more erotic as the evening went on with the Women actually putting Their hands don the Men's crotches.    After about 2 hours of dancing they would take the Men up to Love Rooms that were situated upstairs and could be hired for £10(200 NM)an hour.They would throw the Men onto the bed ripping off Their clothes .Passionate love would be made with the Women screwing the Men too with their long rubber strap ons.This would go on until about 4 AM.The Women would take the Men's  addresses and arrange to see Them at another time.They would take the train then back to Varkjaa returning at about 530 AM making sure they took taxis home as they did not want to get the wrong side of Judge Marissa especially.. That was their idea of a wild night out that would go on all night!   She had just taken a lovely long shower once again admiring Her lovely muscular body.She then perfumed and creamed Herself all over. She had then dressed. She put on a new cat suit that was made of shiny green leather and long shiny PVC boots.The point was in all Man Hunting Expeditions(MHEs) the Women would outdo each other in looking as stunning and in some way as outrageous as ever just to attract the Men.   She then covered Her face in make up. She put mascara in Her eyes .She then put purple shiny lipstick on to look even more stunning.   In about 20 minutes Her Sister Peggy would arrive accompanied by Her Niece the lovely Christine .Shortly after that I would come back driven by his SO Alexis she knew he had spent the last 2 hours in the Gym under the supervision of Gym Instructor (GI) Rhonda who was a champion bodybuilder .I would come totally exhausted .I would be fit for nothing but bed ,yet would have to spend the rest of the evening forced to have a wild time in the company of 5 Norse Women!   After that Angela's 2 friends Helga and Laura would arrive .They were Angela's normal Man Hunting partners  or Man Hunters and would look totally stunning just like Her dressed in leather or rubber ready for action!   Just then the door bell rang. It was Judge Miranda of the RPJ( Royal Papian Judges) who had come to take Mina back to the Papian Quarter in Vikingsborg.Mina had now spent nearly 6 hours cleaning the floorboards .She had returned with Stephen from the Supermarket .Fortunately for his arse and hers ,they had bought all the shopping mainly because the Associate Manager and Customer Officer(CO) Nicole had made sure they had bought everything.   After SO Alexis had taken Stephen to the Gym, Mina was forced by her Mistress to clean the flat until it sparkled. By the end you could see your face in the floorboards after Mina had cleaned and polished them over and over again. The whole flat now almost stank of bleach ,floor polish and cleaning liquid!   Of course the main reason why the flat had to be spotless was that both Angela and Mina were facing an HCI ( Hygiene and Cleanliness Inspection) from SO Jens Helsson .He was in charge of Alfa Block where Angela lived .If the flat was not totally spotless then both of them would be punished .In fact if Angela constantly failed HCIs  then She would lose her slaveant Mina altogether!   When Jens did arrive to do His  both of them stood there really frightened though Angela did all She could to hide Her fear. He arrived as usual looking so powerful and strong in His black leather SO uniform with His manly bulge showing .He walked around the flat going into every nook and cranny with His Dirt Detector. At last He had finished His HCI and went up to them.   'Congratulations Angela. You have scored 95%  the highest score in the Block. I will nominate You for 'Flat of the Week'. Just make sure you keep it that way!'   'Certainly Master Jens I'm so glad we are the cleanest flat in the Block !'   Just as She was speaking His tongue went down Her throat and He fondled Her breasts, while She fondled His crotch .It was a wonderful display of EW( Erotic wrestlig) that this time He had won!   He then turned His attentions to Mina   'You have worked very hard Mina though I do not normally praise Papians!'   With that He threw her down on the sofa .He kissed her hard at the same time pushing His leather gloved fingers into her. Angela held her down, getting so excited at the sight of Her slaveant being totally debauched .After 10 minutes she was  quivering wreck groaning under His expert feel, soaking all over.He then left saying He would soon be back for more HCIs!   After Mina had been debauched, Angela ordered her to sit in the spare room and wait for Judge Miranda to take Her way to the Papian Quarter. Angela just wanted to get rid of her so that She could enjoy herself with Her friends!   She was so pleased when Judge Miranda arrived.   'I'm so glad You've come Judge Miranda .Please could you take Mina back to the Papian quarter'   Miranda stood there looking really powerful in Her  black leather Judge uniform ready to drag Mina way .At once She put on a dog collar around her neck .Mina began to cry being terrified of the RPJ!   'Could you bring her back at about 10AM Judge Miranda? I will want her to cook the breakfast for me as I will be having a lie in and will want my breakfast at that time.'   'Certainly Angela I will bring her here at once!".   As She took her way She was met by Peggy and Her Daughter Christine.   'Good evening Judge Miranda ,that's the way to treat all Papians They're there to serve and to be screwed and that's all.I've just given my slaveant Keio 10 hard strokes as he failed to clean My bathroom out properly. Needless to say he is in complete agony!That's what shoud be one to this Papian cow !'   Mina was even more terrified of Peggy than Angela especially as She was a champion bodybuilder.She was looking magnificent that evening .She was wearing a tight leather jerkin and thigh length high heeled leather boots that made Her look so tall and strong .She held Mina in Her leather gloved hands. Mina was terrified as she was held by 2 huge Norse Women.   ''You're just a f---------------g Papian cow What are you?' yelled Peggy right in her face.   'I'm just a f----------g Papian cow Madame Peggy!' she blubbered.   Christine then stood next to her .Mina was now terrified out of her wits .Christine was looking really stunning too, wearing a tight leather jacket, leather hot pants and calf length boots and leather gloves .   'God Mother  I hate these Papians .I can't wait to have a Papian slavent of My own whom I would beat mercilessly!'   'You certainly will Christine .I will give you one for your 18th birthday. Remember they're there to be used and abused!'   'Please Judge Miranda take her out of my sight. I can't stand the sight of the Papian whore any longer.!' said Peggy imperiously.   Judge Miranda dragged her down the corridor by the neck to be taken back to the Papian Quarter in Vikingsborg!   Peggy and Christine then entered the flat .She kissed Her Sister on the lips.   'I'm really looking forward to this evening Peggy! I'm so happy to be back in my Nation once again!'   'I'm so glad you're back  Angela.We haven't been Man Hunting for ages!This is the first time Christine has been!'   'I'm really looking forward to it Angela though I know I can't start Man Hunting properly until I'm 18 .Anyway I really look forward to seeing Stephen again .I will be his partner this evening. Where is he now? ' said Christine,   'He's in the Gym Christine, He's been there for the last 2 hours .His SO Alexis took him there after he had been shopping with Mina. I'm sure he's totally exhausted. It.s all part of his Fitness Programme!(FP)'   It was true I was totally and completely exhausted as Alexis drove me back to Angela's flat .Every single muscle in my body was aching .She had driven me there after I had returned with the shopping with Mina. Alexis came to the flat soon afterwards.   This was the start of my FP and I was dreading it .She had driven  me into the centre of Vjarkjaa to the Gym and Fitnees Centre( GFC).It was an enormous building of 6 Floors.It was situated right next to the Judge and Social Officer Headquarters(JSOH) reflecting the four National obsessions: Law ,Social Control ,Fitness and Health.   I realised that GFCs were the most popular places to go in Norseland .Not only did Norselanders love to keep fit ,they were also social centers with restaurants and cinemas showing body building films .Like almost everything in the Nation they were State owned. One could join for only 200 NM £10 ($18) a month .In some cases if a SO decided that His/Her subject  needed a FP, membership was free .   Membership entitled the member to use all the equipment that was vast, go to Aerobics and Weight lifting classes  and go through a complete FP under the supervision of a Gym instructor(GI). Most of these were Women as Women on average were stronger and more muscular than the Men as I have said.   As I walked in I could see rows and rows of cycling machines and treadmills as far as the eye could see. There was a whole floor devoted to weightlifting. There was another floor full of Saunas and Jacuzzis .There was another floor full of squash and badminton courts .There was anther floor full of Sex Rooms where couples could engage in love making and EW to their hearts' content .This was a true Palace of Fitness!Everyone looked so incredibly muscular and bronzed  especially the Women and I felt such a puny wretch in comparison!   Alexis took me into the Office where I was introduced to my GI Rhonda .She really was a giantess with huge rippling muscles and long blonde hair .She wore a sign 'GI Rhonda Dethlev'. She was wearing a tight black leather leotard and calf length boots the traditional outfit of the GI.   The Men GIs wore skin tight leather shorts.They looked wonderful too with muscles that made Schwarzenegger look small and wore  cod pieces to show off Their big bulges. They too wore calf length leather boots .The very sight of Them made me wet with excitement!   Rhonda cae forwards and kissed me.   'Good to see you Stephen .I wll start your FP by taking you to a private room .You don't want everyonher to see your puny body do you?Alexis could you collect him in 2 hours?'   'Certainly Rhonda. You will find him so weak compared to us Norselanders so don't be too hard on him!'   'Don't worry Alexis I'll be gentle on him to start!'   She took me in the lift by the hand to  a small private room .It was called a Beginners Room , for people  starting their FPs .It was quite a small room with a rowing machine. a treadmill and  few weights.   'Right  Stephen you will start on the cycling machine, then the rowing machine and then the treadmill .You will spend 20 minutes on each and I will stop you after each Session ,when you will have a drink of water .You will strip now to your underpants'   I stripped right in front of Her feeling so pathetic in front of Her magnificent body.   As I stood in front of Her semi naked She could not stop Herself laughing.   'God Stephen you really are weak .I've seen Our 6 year old children with bodies bigger than yours .I can't do much for you in only 2 weeks but your body might be slightly less wretched than it is now!'   'Get on thay cycling machine now! '   'Yes Madame Dethlev' I said getting right on  machine.   These were the most gruelling 20 minutes of my life as I cycled and cycled .Even though the room was air condiioned I was covered all over in sweat .After 20 minutes She came into the room and I had a break for 5 minutes. She then ordered me on the rowing machine and then the treadmill. This carried on for 2 hours until I was a total physical wreck.   She then ordered me to take a cold shower and wash all over .Norselanders normally took a long Sauna in which they would be beaten by GIs  with birch twiggs, followed by a cold shower after their Gym Sessions .Thank God I was spared the Sauna!   Rhonda kissed me goodbye and made an appointment for another Gym session.     I got back to Angela's flat almost unable to walk.   She greeted me and kissed me on the lips.Alexis drove off leaving me with Her.   'Stephen you look exhausted! I spend 3 hours a day sometimes at the GFC and really enjoy it! We're all going out to Vikingsborg tonight so you'd better take a rest. Helga and Laura will be here in an hour .We have a long night ahead of eating , drinking, singing and dancing ahead of us! You'd better be ready!'   GO AND TAKE A  SHORT REST DARLING!   Anycomments to   SITES   ANGELA     MIRANDA   WWW.OWK.CZ/LADIES MADAME MIRANDA   MARISSA only She has  blonde hair!   JENS     PEGGY       PEGGY     CHRISTINE     ALEXIS     RHONDA   Go into Movies Rhonda Dethlev posing