ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 52 by Hamlet ANGELA BEGINS HER HOLIDAY IN ENGLAND Angela left me in hospital to prepare for Her holiday .She really was exhausted after coming back from Sicily and doing all that beating and killing. She really did feel She needed a break at last After She returned from Her 2 day holiday .She could not wait to return to Her Nation Norseland once again which She missed so much! She had packed everything and was ready to leave. There was only one problem left Her Papian slaveant Mina .As I have said from previous episodes ,Angela had put Nina in charge of me while She was in Sicily .She had done a Cleanliness Inspection in which she had found that my house was not tidy enough. She had punished me severely .However Mina had failed to tell her Mistress She must have thought her Mistress stupid as the Dirt Detector kept a careful record of the scores of each Inspection and She knew exactly how much I had scored. It was her duty to have told her Mistress that I had failed the Inspection.  As a result of the deception Angela had put her through severe Rope Bondage. She had tied her hands hard behind her back .At the same time she had tied her legs right up to her neck almost breaking her legs. She had tied a rope around her neck almost choking her in the process .Mina had spent the whole night in unbearable agony that would teach her not to deceive her Mistress ever again! It took Angela almost 20 minutes to untie Mina. When She had finished there were deep cuts in her arms and she was aching all over.She had not slept a wink and was crying with pain 'Look here you Papian cow don't you ever deceive me again. You were ordered to report Stephen's misdemeanours to me and you failed .The next time I will not only put you through severe Rope Bondage I will thrash you until you are bleeding all over .Now get up and get my bags ready now!' She shouted 'Yes Mistress Angela 'she said still groaning with pain after a night of sheer torment but grateful that at least her Mistress had not given her a damned good thrashing! After Mina put all her bags out Angela spoke to Helga 'Right Helga I'm going away now for two days . I am now appointing you the new Manager of Votans .I will be way on holiday on My own and then I will return  to go back to Norseland on Friday. Even though I will be away I will be the Manager in spirit. I will be returning to England in 3 months to see my Niece Christine and to see how everything here is going' 'Certainly Angela don't worry everything will be in order. I will make sure that the rules of the bar are ruthlessly followed and if anyone does not obey them I will punish them severely .I also promise you that I will take strict care of your slaveant Mina and if she disobeys any rule or deceives me I will punish her severely!' She then kissed Mina goodbye and told her that she was a Papian slaveant .who always had to do as she was told by her Norse Mistresses! She really looked magnificent as She was really dressed for action ready to speed off down the road at full force on Her Harley Davidson. She was wearing a leather hat, leather mask to keep the dust off Her eyes, a studded collar ,a skin tight leather jacket ,skin tight shorts and a new pair of thigh length boots with 6 inch heels spikes and pointed steel toe caps .She also carried two whips handcuffs and 2 knives to make Herself look even more petrifying .Her shorts showed off Her magnificent muscular legs. She had decided to head in the direction of Devon and Cornwall which she had been told were some of the most beautiful counties in England .She wanted to stay with a Norselander so She had asked Judge Heathera if there were any Norselanders living in Devon and Cornwall. Heathera had insisted She stay with a Norselander and had  managed to find one Marsella Hesterborg . Marsella taught gymnastics  and aerobics on exchange  at Okehampton Grammar school and had been told that Angela would spend the night .Marsella was so happy to be in the presence of another Norse Woman like Her! see Madame Marsella She mounted Her Harley Davidson and shot forwards into the distance.   She turned westwards down Seven Sisters road.She skirted skillfully between the traffic showing off to everyone Her biking prowess She was stopped by the police soon for speeding .She just told them she was a Norselandic Citizen covered by the ANT ( Anglo Norselandic Treaty)and if they did not leave Her alone they would get Her cat o nine tails across their faces and She would report then to Judge Heathera Her Supervisor. Within an hour She was out of London completely shooting forwards on Her bike like a rocket. She was consciously ignoring all speed limits as She drove past Slough on the M4 leaving all the traffic behind Her . Soon She was riding past Reading and was soon in the glorious countryside of Berkshire and Wiltshire .She felt so good as the wind was blowing in Her face .She looked at the lovely country around Her and was so happy to be on holiday at last ,to get away from London and all the cares of managing a pub and being a JSO(Judge Support Officer) She was now going nearly 90 mph and was almost exceeding the speed of a biking .It was now just around 11.30 AM and She was just outside Bristol heading towards Wales. She looked at the cars around her and could tell that they were all looking in total amazement at the sight of this leather clad Biker Woman who was overtaking them so easily! Eventually She came to an enormous junction .To Her left was the M5 that went to Somerset Devon and Cornwall. She shot along the road heading south west  As She was riding along She began to feel hunger pangs .She looked and to her right was the Bristol Channel with the Welsh mountains in the distance. To Her left was the countryside of Somerset. She decided to take the next turning to Weston Super Mare a town that was on the sea. She was determined to see the sea again as She came from a from a town  in Norseland Varkjaa that lay on the coast. She rode into the town looking so impressive dressed in leather. It was clear that the local people were quite intimidated as they had never seen such a sight as Her.  She drove along the sea front On the main road she saw a Thai restaurant called the Taste of Siam. She strode in through the door as if She owned the place.So these Thai restaurants were everywhere!  She sat down and looked at the menu 'Right I'm really hungry .Don't just stand there get Me a drink now. I want a cold orange juice in ice this minute!' The Manager  had no option but to obey as he came running right up to Her. He was a short man with a little moustache and looked like a dwarf compared to Her His name was Mr. Phanburi 'So do you know what country I'm from?' 'Yes Norseland Madame 'he said shaking 'And you know all about the reputation we Norselanders have don't you? '(SEE EPISODE FOUR) 'Yyess Madame 'he stuttered looking so scared. 'We rape and pillage just like our descendants the Vikings did thousands of years ago 'We go to your country and we rape and pillage there don't we?' 'Yes Madame' he said shaking even more. 'You thought by coming to some small English town you could escape us Norselanders. Well as the saying goes you Thais can run but you can't hide!To us you're even weaker than Papians and that's saying something!' 'Right I'm really hungry after my travelling today .You will bring me decent helpings as I'm a large Norse Woman and I'm not used to eating portions that aren't enough to feed a hamster!' 'Yess Madame ' 'Right I'll have 3 dishes and a starter .I'll start with Tom Yum Kung spicy prawn soup ,then I'll have Kai Kratiam stir fried chicken ,Ped Makam sweet and sour duck and Kao Pad Poo fried rice with crab claw' 'It had better taste right or I might commit some pillage in this restaurant What's more hurry up!' Angela knew a lot about Thai food as there were several Thai restaurants in Vikingsborg the nearest city What She did always notice was just how miserable the portions were! Soon the food arrived 'They had made sure that they had cooked extra large portions as they were terrified She would carry out Her threat to break the place up.The food actually was very well cooked While She was eating She called on the mobile to Marsella Marsella was giving an aerobics class but still had time to speak 'Hello Marsella it's me Angela I'm having lunch in a place called Weston Super Mare on the coas't 'How far is it from where you are?' 'Well you're just over 150 KMs away Angela im in the next county Devon. It wont take you that long to get here  .I own a motorbike myself so I know what its like! You continue on  M5 and take Junction 22 to a place called Tiverton which is in Devon .You then take a road called the A3072 to another place called Crediton After Crediton you will see signposts to Okehampton .You turn off on a side road called the B3215 It's lovely country and you will enjoy your ride!' 'Thanks Marsella I'll see you soon Ill be so glad to meet a fellow Norse Woman as I don't want to stay with oslanders.!' Angela ate heartily. The portions were not quite big enough for Her so She ordered another dish Pia Muek Kra Tiam which was fried squid. The place was quite expensive and the bill came to nearly £30 .Still Angela being an affluent Norse Woman could afford it! Angela made a brief inspection of the kitchen which she said was not clean enough .She also told them again that the portions were not large enough She said that She would be back in 2 days time on Her way back to London and the place had better be clean then or else! She rode back to the M5 to Junction 22 .Soon She was speeding along through the Somerset countryside looking so impressive in Her shiny black leather and huge motorbike. She could see various towns in the distance passing by Bridgwater and Taunton. It was not long until she was on Junction 27 .She was glad to be off the motorway and really to see something of the English coutryside Devon did indeed look lovely as She sped through the market town of Tiverton. She decided to stop in the town and look at Her map as she sat in the main square with a glass of fresh orange juice .It was a lovely day and She really did want to see something of England before it was time for Her to go back.  She decided to take a B Road in the direction of a place called Withleigh. She was soon speeding along enjoying the fresh air.  As she entered the village of Withleigh She could feel that the locals were all staring at Her and She noticed a certain hostility in their stares She ignored it as She headed down a country lane with a signpost marked to a place called Muddington. The road was really A country lane rocky with many blind bends Still She increased her speed .Suddenly without warning a flock of sheep crossed the road. She also hit a hole in the road As She slammed on Her brakes the motorbike went flying up in the air.  She landed face down in a field nearby .Her ankle was grazed but being a tough Norse Woman She did not feel that much pain. She got up from the ground and looked at Her motorbike. It was an almost a  write off .The front wheel was buckled ,the plastic was smashed and it was clear there was a puncture Here She was in the middle a strange country ,Her bike damaged and She was not even sure how far it was to the nearest town! She picked up Her bike and walked along the road feeling slightly dazed. It was greeting quite late and She did not know how to get to Marsella's house.She would have to find somewhere to spend the night . Eventually She arrived walking Her bike at a large village called Muddington. It really just consisted of one long streeert. She was now very tired, thirsty and aching after Her crash . The only place open was a pub in the main street called the Cock.She walked straight in .As She waked in all the men at the bar turned round at the sight of this huge Woman dressed in black leather .They had never seen anything like it before .She walked straight up to the bar and ordered orange juice. She could feel the hostility of the locals around Her .She ignored them and carried on drinking. She then said to the lady at the bar. .Is there anywhere I can stay tonight? ' She looked as her with complete diddain and replied in her broad Devon accent 'Nope thars nowhere ere ' One of the local yokels then shouted out 'Oi blondie you can sleep im moi bed if thars enough room!' She looked at him with utter contempt especially the way he was dressed in muddy overalls and dirty boots. The whole pub erupted in raucouslaughter Just then a small man came over to Her 'You can stay at my place for the night as there are no hotels in this village. I have a garage down the road My names David Jones' 'That's fine Mr. Jones 'She replied 'Perhaps you could fix my bike too' LETS GO TO YOUR PLACE! Any comments to This story is loosely based on the Australian film Shame 1987 .(see  or look it up on yahoo yahoo) suggestions for future episodes welcome)