ANGELA THE NORSE WOMAN AND VALKYRIE 48 by Hamlet ANGELA RETURNS TO ENGLAND Three hours  had passed  and the plane touched down at Gatwick Airport.Angela was back in England  again.She felt exhausted after all Her exertions and was desperate for a holiday.Karl's head lay in Her lap. They had had a short SVS ( Sex and Violence Session)while They were in the plane .He had tried to squeeze Her breasts  .It really hurt Her as He dug His powerful leather gloved fingers into Her breasts .She had  responded by digging Her leather gloved hands hard  into His crotch, at the same time squeezing His neck hard. He had tried to pull Her hand way .It was useless  as She was too strong .He began to almost cry . 'Karl Darling I love You passionately. I know You are very strong and gorgeous to look at but sweetheart if You  don' let go of My breast  this instant I will bring my fist down hard into Your testicles and if necessary beat the f-----g shit out of You .Is that understood?' 'YEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! He yelled in agony. 'PLEASSSSSSSSSSE LLLETTTTT ME GO! 'I think You'e had enough sweetheart just let Me kiss You !@ With that She put Her tongue in and out if His throat .She was almost choking Him as Her tongue moved in and out with amazing speed . She continued to kiss and kiss Him  passionately swallowing all His saliva. Herda and Heathera were having a similar SVS with Leif .Herda was holding Him hard in a neck grip pushing Her tongue forcibly down His throat while Heathera was wanking Him furiously showing no mercy whatsoever!There was always  a winner and  loser in a SVS and almost always the winner was the Norse Woman! It was soon time to land back in Gatwick .They all made sure They were properly dressed  before They left the plane! As  ROJ  (Royal Overseas Judges)members  going through Customs hardly took any time at all  They kissed goodbye to each other. Angela kissed goodbye to Her darling Karl. 'Goodbye My sweetheart .We have had a lovely time together. We will have many more EW( Erotic Wrestling )and  SVS Sessions. I will try not to be too hard on You as I do love You so much!@ ' I will be going on holiday  on  Tuesday on My own as I really need one.  I want to see England so badly as all I've seen is Walthamstow and parts  of London .I hear the English countryside is very pretty. Don't worry Darling We will go on holidays together in the future!' 'I would love to go with You Angela and I will miss you so much .The trouble with these SVS and EWS is that You always win!' 'Well  Karl You do come from the same Nation as I do Norseland  and You should be used to Norse  Women always  winning by now!' With that She kissed Him and said goodbye  again. She said a special goodbye to Her Supervisor Senior Judge Heathera saying if there was any trouble She would contact Her. She also aid farewell to Herda and Leif. She longed to see both of them gain.It was clear  They were both now Partners! She then rode off towards Walthamstow on Her Harley Davison shooting off into the dark  night sky onto the M25. She was soon breaking the speed limit but She knew as a JSO ( Judge Support Officer) She could do just as She likes as She did in Sicily As She was about to  Junction 28 She gave Helga a call . 'Hello it's the Manager Angela .I've just arrived back in England after Our total victory in Sicily. We beat and killed 79 people in only 2 days! It was wonderful and  had a great time there too !' 'What's more I got the best score of all and am now wearing the Golden Ring!My performance was the best of all!I really loved beating and killing those Sicilians! We really showed Our superiority to them .What's more I beat and killed a Godfather single handed I've never had such fun in my life!' 'We all really admire You here Angela. You really are invincible even without that Ring. All the staff are here ready to greet You !' 'I will be there in about half an hour. Make sure you are all ready for an Inspection Parade!' She roared down the road towards Walthamstow breaking all speed limits .Soon She was was outside Votans. She strutted in crop in hand.They all looked really scared now that their Manager was back in England after fighting the Mafia. Helga stood there ready for Angela. They Both exchanged a Welcome Kiss in front of all the staff.It was 10 PM and Helga had closed the bar early to make ready for Angela's arrival 'Well Helga I hope this bar has been properly managed and there has been no infringement of the Rules or there'll be serious trouble' She said hitting the crop against Her leg menacingly. 'Yes Mistress Angela .The Bar has been run to your standards and I have made sure that the Rules have been enforced rigorously.' 'Good because while I am away on holiday in England and when I return to Norseland You will be the Manager in My absence. However I will be returning in the near future and God help any of you if this Bar is not run perfectly!' 'Well Helga I trust that the staff have behaved themselves and have followed  the Rules exactly!' 'Yes Mistress Angela .I have done everything You have ordered me to do . The rules have been followed meticulously ! 'Right I'll start the Inspection Parade' She walked along all  hitting Her crop by Her side All 12 staff stood in an exact line. Next to Helga stood the 4 other  Marshals  Her Partner Lars. Next to Him stood Martha and Her partner Erik. A short distance way   from Them stood Angela's Papian serveant Mina the Kitchen Supervisor Next to her stood Mina's kitchen staff the 3 South Africans, Marlena, Marta and Rik Finally there were the 2 Papian chefs Mr.. Tahini and his wife Maha and the other Papian chef Mr. Uaakatua.Finally there was Arnold the former Manager and now the toilet attendant. 'Good evening staff.' 'Good evening Miss Spiteful' they all said at once! As you know I have been away from you in Sicily where with the Judges and Justices. I have demonstrated my invincibility!i have now returned to England .Tomorrow I will be going away on holiday in England for 2 days returning on Thursday .I have decided I need a long overdue holiday .I will be returning on Thursday evening On Friday I travel back to my Nation Noresland with Stephen and Mina'  'Stephen will return with my niece Christine on the 19th of this month. Christine is a big strong  Norse girl only 16 years old but very tough. She will be staying with an English family to improve Her English .She will also be taking in the role of a Marshal .She loves fighting and Ball Busting especially so if any customers cause the slightest trouble .She will break their balls to smithereens!She is a brilliant fighter and loves fighting and beating Her opponents!( see or go into She will feature in future episodes called CHRISTINE THE NORSE GIRL)I will be returning in the autumn to see how the Bar is going and of course to see my darling Niece.' ' Helga how is Stephen doing?' I understand he's in hospital after the Gang Banging he received from Karla and Lara (see episode) 'He's in hospital now. He's had an emergency operation at Whipps Cross Hospital  to have his anus stitched up after They gave him a good hard SLS 9( Strap on and Leather session) upstairs'. 'Well I will see him in the morning as he's probably under anesthetic at the moment'. She turned to the staff. 'Right staff you will thoroughly clean up this Bar before you go home. It must be spotless!' 'Yes Miss Spiteful !'they all shouted out knowing the terrible penalties for disobedience. She then turned to Mina. ' Mina you will run Me a long hot shower and then you will make up My bed! You will do as you're told or else you f----g Papian piece of trash!' She was in tears knowing her Mistress was angry and tired and would tolerate no disobedience.She was in tears with fear. 'YES MISTRESS ANGELA !' Any comments to