SISTER MARLONA'S FIRST DIVINE MISSION by Hamlet Sister Marlona sat in Her room praying to the image of Christ and the Queen Goddess at the St. Agatha Convent in Eastry in Kent in England. She had just arrived from Norseland and had just completed Her Novitiate to begin Her Divine Mission to wage Holy War against sin, crime, godlessness and evil. She was now a full fledged Sister of Mercy or a Leather and Latex Nun as They were more commonly called. They were the militant arm of the Royal Lutheran Church the State Church of Norseland. She had just completed the six year training period with all its hardships both physical and intellectual and had succeeded brilliantly in every subject. She looked every centimeter a Nun and felt so pleased with Herself. She was dressed completely in black leather and latex from head to foot and looked so impressive in Her incredible uniform .She admired Her magnificent muscular body as physical perfection was something all Nuns had to attain since the body had to be developed by the Nuns to its full potential as it was a gift from God. It had to be cultivated to its total and full potential to serve God and whom She believed to be His Divine Representative on earth Her Holiness The Queen Goddess. She wore a long black shiny latex gown that went right down to the ground. Her hair was completely covered in a tight latex cap. She would wear a mask on Her first Divine Mission to terrify Her victims so that Her mouth was the only part of her anatomy that was visible. Under Her gown She wore a really tight black leather basque that showed off the power of Her body and Her muscles to terrify Her enemies. She also wore thigh length leather boots with 6" heels and pointed steel toes around Her waist as well as carrying a steel cross that was pointed at the end and could in itself be used as a weapon. She wore an armoury of weapons a whip with steel thongs at the end knives leather chords and knuckledusters. She also wore long shiny skin tight latex gloves. � She knew that She was undertaking a Divine Mission to create a New Order a Matriarchal Empire of Righteousness and headed by The Queen Goddess Herself. She was going to wage Holy War against all sin, immorality and godlessness by killing all the evildoers and criminals not prepared to repent from their sins and to see The Light, just like one destroys the weeds in the garden so that the flowers could grow in abundance. She believed passionately in the words of St. Mathew 3.12 as spoken by John the Baptist. 'His winnowing fork is in His hand and He will clear His threshing floor and gather His wheat in the granary, but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire!' She was about to undertake Her first Mission under orders from Her Supervisor Mother Superior Athena. She was going to be accompanied by a Junior Nun Sister Avalona who was still doing Her Novitiate and had one year to graduate. Her Mission was to go to a family called the Richardson's who lived nearby in Dover. The wife Laura was pregnant with her first baby. The only trouble was that she was known by the LLN using their advanced database, to be mentally retarded. What was more the husband Chris was someone with a very low educational level who could hardly read and write. What was worse he had a history since childhood of petty crime having been sent to borstal at 15.The Mission involved forcibly kidnapping them both and having them both sterilized at the Convent while Laura would have her child aborted. Neither of them would be able to ever have children in their lives. This as all part of the Eugenics Movement that the LNN passionately believed in that would involve the scientific breeding of humans in preventing criminals and child abusers as well as retards from giving birth. The LNN believed They were doing God's Will by only having humans who were born in His image and therefore would do His Will. They were also involved in a Holy War against child abusers being strong advocates of the death penalty to for all non believers and criminals. (The word Eugenics (from the Greek eugenes or "...good in stock, hereditarily endowed with noble qualities") was coined in 1883 by Francis Galton in his Inquiries into the Human Faculty. An Englishman and cousin of Charles Darwin, Galton applied Darwinian science to develop theories about heredity and good or noble birth. .The first edition of the Encyclopedia of Bioethics' entry for Eugenics notes that the term has had different meanings over time: "...a science that investigates methods to ameliorate the genetic composition of the human race, a program to foster such betterment; a social movement. ". In the United States after World War I, new ideas like the importance of environmental influences and the more complex concept of multi-gene effects in inheritance had slowed scientific justification for Eugenics, but this knowledge did not slow pressure for legislation, judicial action, or immigration controls. Such measures were supported by organized religions - Protestant, Jewish, and Catholic - all� promoting Eugenics at official functions. To support the notion that eugenics was a " whose message moved effortlessly from laboratory to church", the American Eugenics Society sponsored a cross-country "Eugenics sermon contest". The U.S. Immigration Restriction Act of 1924 favored immigration from northern Europe and greatly restricted the entry of persons from other areas referred to as "biologically inferior." Between 1907 and 1937 thirty-two states required sterilization of various citizens viewed as undesirable: the mentally ill or handicapped, those convicted of sexual, drug, or alcohol crimes and others viewed as "degenerate" In Germany, interest in Eugenics flourished after the turn of the century when Dr. Alfred Ploetz founded the Archives of Race-Theory and Social Biology in 1904 and the German Society of Racial Hygiene in 1905. The German term Rassenhygiene or race hygiene was broader than the word eugenics; it included all attempts at improving hereditary qualities as well as measures directed at population increase. By the 1920s various German textbooks incorporated ideas of heredity and racial hygiene, and German professors were participating in the international Eugenics movement. defects" in cases of "congenital mental defects, schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, hereditary epilepsy... and severe alcoholism." Great Britain, the United States and Germany were the countries most involved with Eugenic science in the first half of this century, but interest was always present in Europe and other parts of the world. Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway and Sweden had Eugenics movements of their own. With the rise of new genetic technologies, and the technical ability to change an individual's genetic heritage, Eugenics is once again a topic both discussed and advocated all over the world.) The LNN were involved in the WACT (War against Crime and Terrorism) that was being waged worldwide by the JL (Justice League) and the ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges). This was a total War that involved no less than the death of every single criminal and terrorist in the world. The LNN was involved too in a war against child abuse, rape and domestic violence which it knew to be rife throughout the world. The St. Agatha Clinic had been opened as a result of the ANT (Anglo Norselandic Treaty) whereby the British Government was forced to accept the presence of the ROJ and the LNN in the country. The British Prime Minister Blair had completely condemned Eugenics as a 'racist pseudo science and claptrap' but he had no choice but to accept Norseland as the world Superpower and Police Woman that had displaced the USA. She could easily occupy the whole island of Britain within a day and destroy the whole country in a few minutes with Her vast nuclear superiority. The St. Agatha Convent was soon going to be vast as it was helped by donations from the RLC that was now the wealthiest Church in the world .The Convent would contain sterilization clinics, abortion clinics, and dungeons as well as housing. classes and gym and sports facilities for abused children and victims of domestic violence . There would also be a Catechision Court, based on the Spanish Inquisition, where non believers, heretics and criminals would be tried and sentenced usually to be tortured to death .The LNN were passionate believers in torture and death as instruments of God's Will and as a way of mitigating the even worse pains of Hell. It was now midnight and the time for Avalona and Her to set out on Their Divine Mission. Marlon called Avalona on the phone, 'Come on Sister Avalona 'LET'S SET OUT ON OUR MISSION!! Any comments please to