SISTER EVA CONTINUES HER VICIOUS CROSS EXAMINATION OF THE PRISONER DAVENPORT by Hamlet Sister Eva the Warrior Nun stood in front of the Catechision Court at St Agatha's Convent in Eastly Kent. 'Ladies and gentlemen my intention in this Trial which is being relayed across the world, is to totally expose the prisoner Roland Davenport as a complete worm brained fraud and to totally destroy his arguments as expounded in his appalling blasphemous book 'God Does Not Exist.' The main argument he puts forward against the existence of God is put forward on pages 157-158. 'One of the greatest challenges to the human intellect has been to explain how the complex importance appearance of the design in the universe arises. The natural temptation is to attribute the appearance of design to actual design. The temptation is a false one because the designer hypothesis immediately raises the larger problem of who designed the designer. The most ingenious and powerful explanation is Darwinian evolution by natural selection. We don't have an equivalent explanation for physics. We should not give up hope of a better explanation arising in physics, something as powerful as Darwinism is for biology. Therefore, God does almost certainly exist.' 'I now intend to ruthlessly cross examine the prisoner Davenport in front of the whole world!' Davenport sat there shivering with fear dressed only in his underpants that revealed his skinny puny body overwhelmed by the pitch darkness of the Court. The Golden Throne was in front of him on which sat the imposing figure of the Mother Superior Mother Athena Lydiasdottir above whom was an enormous golden cross. Next to him was his Supervisor during the Trial the Court Bailiff Sister Marisa who sat next to him holding him firmly by the neck in her latex gloved hand with the other hand now right down his underpants squeezing his testicles hard. He let out a piercing scream that the whole Court and so the whole world could hear. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Sister Eva stood right over him feeling the desperate need to slap him senseless. 'Davenport your argument is invalid because the argument 'God does not exist' suddenly emerges from the argument. You must realise Davenport that this conclusion does not arise from your premises!' 'Err what do you mean?' 'You address the Prosecutor as Sister Eva you worm or you won't have any testicles left! 'Sister Marisa yelled in his ear. 'YESSS SSSIASSTER EVAAA 'he screamed as her she squeezed his testicles hard again in her latex gloved hand 'The point is Davenport is that the conclusion 'God certainly does not exist' does follow from your premises Davenport Are your ignorant of basic logic you academic fake.? 'I err don't understand Sister Eva' he groaned as Sister Marisa continued to wank him hard under his pants. 'The point is Davenport that the only conclusion that follows from your argument is that one cannot infer that God does not exist purely on the basis of design in the universe.' Sister Eva's face was now only a centimetre way from his. 'Err I err agree err Sister Eva,' he whined remembering to address her correctly as Sister Marisa's nails began to rip again into his testicles. The pain was excruciating. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! 'Yet your arguments are quite compatible with God's existence. We could for instance believe in God on the basis of the cosmological or ontological argument or the moral argument couldn't we Davenport?' 'Well I suppose so'. he groaned. 'What word comes at the end of every sentence you piece of garbage!' screamed Sister Marisa in his ear. SISTER EVA!!' he yelled as her razor-sharp nails penetrated into his testicles. Sister Marisa was now beginning to wank him mercilessly as he began to ejaculate right in front of the court in his underpants which were now covered in cum. The Mother Superior noticed his every move. 'Davenport I will have to instruct one of the Court staff to bring you another pair of underpants as the ones you are wearing are quite disgusting and are soaking wet. I will not have you appearing in Court in that revolting state! 'CONTINUE WITH THE CROSS-EXAMINATION SISTER EVA! TO BE CONTINUED Any comments to