Sheila arrives by Hamlet Cliff sat at the breakfast table at their home in Grantham Lincolnshire absolutely livid as usual, intimidating his much smaller wife Sandra who was cringing before him. 'Does that Norsi cow think we should meet her at the airport? I told you I don't want to hear any more about that f-------g country and you go and invite that Norsi bitch friend of yours! You tell me she so wealthy and what a fantastic apartment she has there when you went over to that f---------g country. Well if she's so wealthy why can't she share some f-------g riches with us? .You know I stay at home and make my models all day and have hardly made any money out of it at all, The only money we have is the income from that job you have from that job in the theatre which hardly keeps me in beer money let alone anything else!' 'Please Cliff do be pleasant to Her. You know we were really good friends when I went over to Norseland and stayed with Her in Vokksehamm. She's really wealthy like almost everyone in Her Nation but She does come from a very affluent society and runs a very successful PC software business.' 'Look I don't want to hear about that f---g country again! You never stop talking about it and that Norsi harridan and those men with huge cocks ever since you retuned home two weeks ago leaving me alone to do my own cooking as well! Don't you dare go back that f----g country and I don't want to hear about those men in leather again !' 'All right Cliff it's just that the Norse Men there do look quite amazing dressed totally in black leather.' 'I must go to work now, Don't worry I will be at home in time to do the cleaning and cooking. You could always look for some job offers er Cliff.' she said as she became wet between the legs at the very memory of a muscular leather clad Norse Man penetrating her senseless. 'Don't worry but you wont catch me slaving away for peanutsl And remember I want steak tonight as it's Monday and I want it well done too!' She remembered how she had met Shelia and could not wait for Her to arrive from Norseland if only to save her from the life of domestic misery she had to endure with Cliff. She had seen an advertisement for the NAS (Norselandic Admiration Society) in a women's magazine, advertising Norseland as a tropical paradise full of gorgeous people. She was not sure where was on the map, thinking like Cliff it was somewhere in Europe. They both came from Grantham, which was a� market town� within the� South Kesteven� district� of� Lincolnshire, England. It bestrode the London to Edinburgh� East Coast Main Line� railway and the� River Witham, and was bounded to the west by the� A1� main north-south road. The town was best known as the birthplace of former Prime Minister� Margaret Thatcher, and the place where� Isaac Newton� went to school, at The King's School. Grantham was also notable for having the first female police officers in the United Kingdom, notably� Edith Smith� in 1914. They had met at the local Baptist church. She found him really handsome and the star of the local football team Grantham Town. They married in a hurry as she was desperate to move away from her parents. Eventually he had become self employed as he was quite good with his hands making models and toys for children. What she did not foresee was that he hated any kind of full time work preferring to stay at home drinking and doing as little as possible, while she became his domestic servant doing all the cleaning and his cooking after a hard day at work. She had managed to find Norseland in an atlas in the Pacific Ocean,which showed it to be near Hawaii, She had told Cliff that she had never been out of the England before and could they go on a holiday there? He replied in his usual arrogant way that he did not know where the f----g place was and she could go there on her own if she wanted, as long as he left plenty of ready cooked meaks in the fridge for him. She then met up with a friend at work Laura who was a member of the NAS (Norselandic Admiration Society). Laura said she had a great time at the NAS and really recommended it to anyone. Sandra had just visited a Norselandic restaurant in London the Viking Heaven, where she had been to a barbecue where they had huge meals with every type of meat and fish and line dancing. She also recalled how wonderful and sexy the Norse Men were with Their blonde hair dressed in tight black leather and Their huge muscles and protruding members. She eventually told Laura that She wanted to go to a meeting of the NAS. They eventually went to their first meeting seeing it as a way of getting out of Grantham just over to London 100 miles away. They found the hotel in where meetings of the NAS were held quite near the Viking Heaven They went to a meeting one night at the conference room. There were at least 100 people attending almost all women with some men desperate for a Norse Man and Woman, having heard so much about Them and Their sexy reputation. The meeting was addressed by a Norse Man whose name was Kristen . He looked so gorgeous being so well built and tall dressed in a Cow Person outfit of a leather jacket, gloves, leather hat, black silk scarf, skin tight leather pants and black shiny boots. Next to Him was His Partner Sheila also dressed totally in leather who was slightly bigger than Him, as Norse Women were nearly always bigger than the Men. They both looked very much alike with Their long blonde hair, except that His bulge was between His legs whereas Hers was on Her chest! He talked all about the benefits of NAS membership including discounted prices at Norselandic restaurants, social events, the possibility of spending a night with a Norse Man or Norse Woman, courses in Norselandic and discounted holidays in Norseland! By the end Sandra was totally transfixed and listened in respectful silence gazing at Him in adoration as Kristen spoke in excellent English that was better than most English people. She was desperate to escape from the cold and travel to the warmth of a holiday in Norseland and for the big arms of a Norse Man like Kristen, While He spoke she could not take her eyes off Him especially His massive p member that was so visible under His leather pants! She had an orgasm by the time he had finished speaking and obtained his autograph .She also found out where he lived which was a city in Risero Province called Vokksehamm.At the end of the meeting she was too shy to talk to him but spoke to Shaila who became her friend. They soon exchanged numbers and She invited her to Vokksehamm while Sandra invited Her to Grantham to stay whenever She wanted. After Sandra had met Kristen she could not forget him masturbating at night hoping Cliff would not notice. She begged Cliff to take her on holiday to Norseland. He kept moaning that he knew nothing about the ' f-------g country except that all their women looked like Dolly Partons'.He also said the fare would be too high. She knew that he was very tight with money and said that as she was a member of NAS she could get there for only £500 return each by Norse Air, he replied that he was not prepared to travel on one of 'These f----g foreign airlines even if it was cheaper' and that she could go alone. God he was so prejudiced she thought ! She then contacted Sheila by e mail who told Her that she was welcome to stay who Her in Vokksehamm.She could not watt to travel there and to see Sheila's Partner Kristen again. Before she bought their ticket she had to be interviewed at the Embassy in London.She did her best to look smart The fond memories of Kristen made her wet with excitement. She interviewed by a SIO (Senior Immigration Officer). She was much taller than her with long flowing blonde hair dressed in a black leather uniform with a crop at Her side. She had never seen a woman of Her stature before. She treated her like a little girl during the Interview. She had a wealth of information about her that had been gathered by the ROJ Royal Overseas Judges) and the RIS (Royal Immigration Service) on Their massive Database.She knew all about their unhappy married life and the fact that she worked so hard while Cliff stayed at home idling his life way, In fact the intelligence of the ROJ was so extensive that They could almost tell what she had for breakfast every day! As a result of the Interview She was given a Conditional Visa .This meant that while she was in Norseland Her activities would be watched very carefully. She would be given a very strict Sponsor Sheila who would look after her every day like a Mother to her. Before she left for Gatwick airport Cliff had shouted at her 'You can stay with that Norsi bitch! I don't want to go to that f----g country.You can go there on your own to that fascist hole! You've always been a fascist just like your dear daddy!' he shouted at her knowing her father had been a very right-wing Conservative counsellor in Grantham. Meanwhile while Sandra was reminiscing he was lying in the armchair at home reading the Sun, which was what did every day. He was under the illusion that Shelia might offer him a job in Her Company. Suddenly the doorbell rang, as he was about to doze off. RRRIIINNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. He got up from the chair swearing to himself. 'Surely it can't be that Norsi cow.I"m sure her letter said she was coming tomorrow.' He opened the door and standing before him stood a gigantic muscular Glamazon who towered right over him, dressed in a long shiny black leather trench coat, high heeled boots, leather gloves and a fur hat. He could see Her blonde hair coming down Her shoulders. She spoke to him with sneering contempt. 'HELLO CLIFF YOU LAZY BASTARD! TAKING A MIDDAY NAP? Any comments to