Mistress Pleasuredome part 2 by Hamlet THE MISTRESS HUMILIATES AND BEATS A PUB LANDLORD AND THEN DEMANDS HER PROTECTION MONEY Mistress Pleasuredome waited at the bar for the landlord to arrive .As She waited She rhythmically hit the side of Her boot with Her whip to instil fear in the minds of all the customers in the pub who looked at Her in awe and amazement at the sight of this huge voluptuous Woman. Her purpose was to instil fear in them too as She knew that She was to become the Mistress of Daventry so She wanted to have their respect and fear right from the beginning. The landlord# eventually came out to see Her .He was a small fat balding man with a moustache .He looked up in utter horror at the sight of this huge Woman dressed in a black leather trench coat and high heeled boots so big and strong towering right over him. She walked up to him standing right over him intimidating him totally. He could feel the aroma of black leather and perfume that exuded from Her muscular incredible body. 'My name is Mistress Pleasuredome I want to have a word with you now!' 'Certainly is there anything you want at all?' 'You will soon find out!' She walked behind the bar and ordered him to take Her to his office at once. He had no choice but to obey. She stood over him displaying her massively superior height and strength to him a complete wimp. 'Right we will start with some basic Rules in the way we relate to each other!' She was going to treat him as if he was one of Her clients as a professional Dominatrix. She was going to start with The Three Rules of Domination. 'Right the First Rule is quite simple.I am Mistress Pleasuredome the Boss Lady and I demand total obedience and respect. You will do as I say always! What is your name?' 'Err Mike actually'he replied beginning to sweat with fear. 'Well Mike you miserable wimp we will proceed to the Second Rule, that is that you address Me at all times without fail as Mistress Pleasuredome. Can you understand that if you fail to address Me properly then I will have no alternative but to slap your stupid face?' He just could not understand what was going in !Who the Hell was this Woman and how could She speak to him like this. 'I'm sorry but are you crazy? Who the# Hell are you? Can you please leave this pub as far as I'm concerned you're barred!If you don't leave now I will call the Police!' With one move Her mighty right hand went crashing right across his face. CRAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! The pain was terrible as tears came rolling down his face. It was worse than being hit by a steel cricket as .stars appeared before him . He began to wail like a little child. His screams could be heard right across the pub to the customers who were sitting outside. She grabbed him by the neck in a rally painful strangle hold that She used on Her clients when She wanted to terrify them... 'Let's get one thing clear Mike! I am the Boss Lady and a Dominatrix and no one but no one # speaks to Me like that !You will do as I say and address Me properly or I will take you back to that pub and will thrash your arse # in front of all the customers! .Now# do # I make myself perfectly clear?' 'YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! he whined as he felt Her# enormously superior strength and power. 'Yes who?' She said as Her fingers began to cut into his skin. 'YES MISTRESSPLEASUREDOME!!' he wailed in agony. 'And that brings Me on to the Third Rule of Submission and Domination that you only speak when I speak to you .Is that clear?' 'YES MISTRESS PLEASUREDOME.' he wailed as She carried on squeezing his neck in Her steel like leather gloved hands. 'Right we will proceed to what I came for.' 'I am a Boss Lady and I want you to give Me 10% of your turnover every week Is that clear?' 'What do you mean you want 10%?' he retorted stupid enough to believe it was possible to argue with an all powerful and experienced Dominatrix like Her. Her hand went crashing across his face# once more.Blood came pouring down his nose as he bellowed with pain. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! 'Mike you are # either very stupid or very forgetful Didn't I tell you that you address Me as Mistress Pleasuredome,# that you show Me respect and obedience at all times and that you only speak when you are spoken to ?' 'I'M SORRY MISTRESS PLEASUREDOME !' he wailed. 'Because if you don't you will loose every one of your teeth and I will break your nose After all you will be the one to feel the pain.I am a complete sadist and I will be thorioughly enjoying every minute of your suffering!' 'YES MISTRESSPLEASUREDOME!!' 'Right let's start then. What's your weekly turnover?' 'I don't# really know Mistress Pleasuredome.# I will have to ring my accountant.' 'You don't need to ring your accoubntant.Being a Dominatrix I'm superior intellectually as well as physically.and I can do accounts.'. 'Well how many customers do you get on a weekday?' 'About 100 Mistress Pleasuredome.' 'I'll double that, this pub is in busy area in the High St.# It's at# least 200. I'm not stupid Mike I used to work in a pub.' 'So how many drinks does each customer have on average?' 'About 2 Mistress Pleasuredome.' he had to remind himself to address Her properly or# he was in danger of losing all# his teeth. 'If you carry on insulting My intelligence you will start to lose your teeth and you won't have a nose left!. Its more like 5!' 'Yes Mistress Pleasuredome.' 'What do you charge for a pint of beer or a glass of wine?' 'About ##2 Mistress Pleasuredome.' 'So that means your turnover for the week is ##200 x 5 x4 x2 which is ##8000..And at weekends your turnover is more with 500 customers a day which is ##500 x 6 x 3 x 2 = ##18000. As well as that you serve about 500 meals during the weak and# 1000 at the weekend which is ##2000 x5= ##10000 Altogether your weekly turnover is nearly ##36000 Am I right?' He was amazed are Her mathematical skills that She could do multiplication in Her head without a calculator.# She was not only very strong but extremely clever too.! 'Well I want 10% of that# ##33600 and I will collect it every week in cash. If the money is not there I will start breaking you and every# bone in your body in this pub until I am# paid .You will start by giving Me the money now! Also you will have to understand that I am the owner of this pub# and you and your staff will do exactly as# I say. I will come round tomorrow to inspect every inch of the pub and if it's not spotless there will be some very sore arses including yours!' There's one thing I loathe and that's disobedience!' 'I want ##3600 in cash if you# can't# give Me the money then # then I will walk you to the cash machine# in front # of everyone in the street!' 'GIVE ME THE MONEY NOW!!!' Any comments to Norseland@hotmail.com