PASTOR SANDRINE AND JUDGE JACINTA AND THE FIGHT AGAINST THE BULGARIANS by Hamlet Judge Jacinta called out to the rest of the Bulgarian hoods speaking to them in fluent Bulgarian. 'Why don't you all surrender and make it easy for yourselves. Wouldn't you love to become the subjects of The Queen Goddess in the Queen Dom of Righteousness?' 'Защо всички не се предадете и не улесните себе си. Не би�...те ли обичали да ставате субекти на кралицата богиня в �"ом на праведността на кралицата? " 'Zashto vsichki ne se predadete i ne ulesnite sebe si. Ne bikhte li obichali da stavate subekti na kralitsata boginya v Dom na pravednostta na kralitsata? 'Well mafiosi you are being easily defeated. I'm really enjoying myself but you are suffering.17 of your colleagues are dead and dying including the ones I dumped at the gate and the ones, I shot and killed with my knife. Is it really worth it?' �"обре, че сте лесно победени. Наистина се наслаждавам, но вие страдате. 17 вашите колеги са м�ртви и умират, включително тези, които �...в�рли�... на ортата, и тези, които застреля�... и уби�... с ножа си. Наистина ли си заслужава? 'Dobre, che ste lesno pobedeni. Naistina se naslazhdavam, no vie stradate. 17 vashite kolegi sa mŭrtvi i umirat, vklyuchitelno tezi, koito khvŭrlikh na portata, i tezi, koito zastrelyakh i ubikh s nozha si. Naistina li si zasluzhava?' Pastor Sandrine moved forwards yearning to fight once more. 'Please Judge Jacinta let me take over. I'm desperate for a fight!' 'Just to show you a little mercy! I'm now going to put way my weapons and just fight you with my fists and legs'she shouted at the Bulgarians. Judge Jacinta translated again - Samo da ti pokazha malko milost! Sega shte slozha orŭzhiyata si i prosto shte se biya s yumrutsi i kraka It was not mercy at all as her body was really as strong as any weapon. Suddenly she could hear Zhukov's voice again on the Intercom. 'What's wrong with you idiots -why can't you get the Black Jungle Bunny! She's a murderous Black Bitch.Surely you must be able to kill her with your guns!' Какво става с теб идиоти - защо не можеш да вземеш зайчето на Черната джунгла! Тя е убийствена черна кучка. Сигурно трябва да можете да я убиете с пистолетите си! -'Kakvo stava s teb idioti - zashto ne mozhesh da vzemesh zaĭcheto na Chernata dzhungla! Tya e ubiĭstvena cherna kuchka. Sigurno tryabva da mozhete da ya ubiete s pistoletite si! Judge Jacinta shouted back. 'Shut the f---k up Zhukov. Why do you make your Mafiosi do something you can't do yourself you bloody coward? If you want to spare your Mafiosi come to her and let me torture and kill you!' Мл�кни f --- k нагоре Жуков. Защо караш гоните си да правят нещо, което не можеш да направиш сам, ок�рвавен стра�...ливец? Ако искате да пощадите вашите гони, елате при нея и ме оставете да ви изм�чвам и убивам! 'Mlŭkni f --- k nagore Zhukov. Zashto karash gonite si da pravyat neshto, koeto ne mozhesh da napravish sam, okŭrvaven strakhlivets? Ako iskate da poshtadite vashite goni, elate pri neya i me ostavete da vi izmŭchvam i ubivam! There was no reply as he knew as usual she was in the right. Pastor Sardine walked again towards the ten remaining Mafiosi. 'As I said before you have a simple choice. -surrender which must be unconditional or death! Why don't you all surrender and make it easy for yourselves. Wouldn't you love to become the subjects in of The Queen Goddess. 'Very well arseholes!' Judge Jacinta translated into Bulgarian. - Както каза�... преди да имате лесен избор. -предаване, което трябва да е безусловно или см�рт! - Kato Kazakh pried da inmate lessen inborn. -pregavage, keta tryabva da e bezuslovno ili smŭrt! Защо всички не се предадете и не улесните себе си. Не би�...те ли обичали да ставате поданици на Богинята на кралицата Zashto vsichki ne se predadete i ne ulesnite sebe si. Ne bikhte li obichali da stavate podanitsi na Boginyata na kralitsata "�Mnogo dobre dupki!" She stood before the remaining mafiosi looking so wonderful and powerful in all her black leather leather and latex. She could feel the fear on all their faces as they looked at her in complete wonder. Around her a pool of blood that was getting deeper than ever were 17 dead mafiosi lying in the blood, the bodies all broken and twisted by the fighting skills of her and Judge Jacinta. 'You all have a simple choice before you. We are winning this fight easily. You have to ask yourselves the serious question -do you really want to die in the most terrible pain? You see my colleague Judge Jacinta and I don't just kill people. We make sure they suffer the most terrible anguish and pain before they die. Is that what you really want? If you do we will be happy to oblige as we know that we are getting stronger than ever the longer the fight goes on. You are the ones who will suffer-we will emerge unscathed!' 'Well come on -what are you waiting for? I have only my fists and legs whereas you have bludgeons and knives. What are you waiting for you f---g cowards?' Suddenly one of the mafiosi came running right towards her a bludgeon in his hand. 'Your murderous Black cow!' he screamed. She just stood there as he came running. With one swift movement sheer grabbed hold of his hand and with my full strength twisted it right round. He let out a screech of pain as the bludgeon went flying up in the air. She caught it with one hand. 'Would you like this back?' she said laughing at him. He looked at her in sheer terror. 'Don't worry I'll use my fists instead.' With that she drove my fist hard into his stomach. She could hear the bones crunching beneath it. CRAACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!! He fell down hard on the floor grasping his broken rib cage. He was about to pass out when she decided to put the razor-sharp heel of her boot driving it into his throat. He let out one gasp as the life was driven out of him. 'Well if my arithmetic is right that's 12 dead a. That only leaves us with 5 more to fight. Who's next?' Judge Jacinta moved in 'All of them walked backwards none of them daring to on front this terrifying Judge and Norse Woman and Valkyrie. As none of them were prepared to take her on she simply pulled one of the mafiosi out by the hand. with one mighty blow drove her fist hard into his adams apple. YAAAGHGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! As he landed on to the ground. She knelt down and drove my fist once more into the adam's apple crushing it to a pulp. Blood came spurting out of his throat as his neck went back limply. His life was at a terrible end! 'Well who's next for a good punching. I think you will do' she said as she grabbed one of the goon's truncheons from his hand with one powerful lunge. 'Е, кой е следващият за добро пробиване. Мисля, че ще направиш!' 'E, koĭ e sledvashtiyat za dobro probivane. Mislya, che shte napravish!' She then held him by the throat. With one incredible mover her fist smashed into his face. She repeated the blow again and again in a wild frenzy. Blood was pouring and streaming out in one last torrent. I dealt one more blow to the forehead. It was too much. He fell with a thud on the floor dead. Only 4 were left. Judge Jacinta decided to use her incredible Ball Busting skills to finish 2 of them off. One of them tried to use his bludgeon but with a one blow of her fist she knocked it off him with ease. It was if the fight had been drained out of him. She reached down and held his prick and balls in my hand. She decided to give him a really good hard Wanking right in front of his colleagues. She was winning this fight so easily she she decided to have some fun. She moved her latex gloved hands up and down his member squeezing his ball sac at the same time. She wanked and wanked as hard as she could making sure he felt plenty of pain. After a time, he came right over her leather gloved hands. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! he roared as she squeezed him and wanked at the same time. ''That's a naughty boy skunking over my gloved hands, Lick it off!' '' Tova e palavo momche, skubashto prez rŭkavitsite mi, oblizhete go! ' She totally humiliated him as she made him lick the spunk off and swallow it. His colleagues looked in utter amazement not knowing what to do. He had to be punished for exposing himself in public. With one sudden movement she thrust my razor-sharp nails hard into his throat. The nail went clean through. His face looked in horror as he fell in a dead heat on the ground.! She looked behind her. One of his colleagues tried to rescue him coming up behind me with his bludgeon. She was just too strong for him. She just wrenched it out of his hand and pushed him backwards. With one mighty lunge she stamped hard on his tentacles brought my foot hard down on his throat. He screamed in pain as he lay there dead beneath me. 'IT'S YOUR TURN TO FINISH THEM OFF PASTOR SANDRINE!!!' Any comments to TO BE CONTINUED