JUDGE JACINTA CAPTURES THE BULGARIAN GODFATHER by Hamlet Pastor Sandrine and Judge Jacinta stood there in their black leather wonder surveying the complete carnage that lay in front of them outside Zhukov's villa in Istanbul, They stood over a pile of 27 dead Bulgarian mafiosi bodies, all contorted, mangled and broken. They felt so wonderful and strong in their victory as they were truly the Mistresses of all they surveyed. They looked down at the 6 mafiosi who were cleaning and licking their boots for all they were worth. They were their subjects now of the Norselandic Queen Goddess. They would now have to obey every single order or else! This day would go down in history as the Massacre of Istanbul! It was then urgent that they caught Zhukov the Godfather as quickly as possible. Their plan was to give Zhukov ta good thrashing after they had captured him. They would then tie him up securely. He would spend tonight in absolute agony unable to sleep a wink. Tomorrow they would carry out the Death Sentence. What a lot of activity for one day! Pastor Sandrine would need a well-deserved sleep tonight! Pastor Sandrine ordered the two mafiosi to stop their licking her high heeled boots. They were sparkling clean and the leather positively shone! The mafiosi knew that they were now the subjects of the Queen Goddess and orders had to be obeyed or else. Pastor Sandrine barked out the orders 'Right scum you will clean up this forecourt as you can see there's blood absolutely everywhere and it's getting deeper. We're going after that bastard Zhukov. Get to work now!' Judge Jacinta ordered one of them to contact the mortuary to take away the dead bodies. Judge Jacinta called out to Zhukov again on her loudspeaker.in fluent Bulgarian 'Right Zhukov we're coming after you now. There's no escape at all. Just give yourself up and accept your Torture and Death. It's coming and there's absolutely no escape at all! Точно Жуков, сега в�рвим след теб. Изобщо няма бягство Просто се предайте и приемете изтезанията и см�ртта си. Идва и изобщо няма бягство! - Tochno Zhukov, sega vŭrvim sled teb. Izobshto nyama byagstvo Prosto se predaĭte i priemete iztezaniyata i smŭrtta si. Idva i izobshto nyama byagstvo! There was no reply. What had happened. Perhaps he had escaped! Judge Jacinta spoke to oner of the mafiosi whose name Agafonov was who was standing before her in the Pose of Submission. 'Well Agafonov-where does Zhukov normally hang out?' - Aga Agafonov - kŭde Zhukov obiknoveno se motae? 'He has an underground bunker Judge Jacinta. We call it Zhukov's lair. I will take you there.' Той има подземен бункер с�дия �"жакинта. Наричаме го б�рлогата на Жуков. Ще те заведа там. - Toĭ ima podzemen bunker sŭdiya Dzhakinta. Narichame go bŭrlogata na Zhukov. Shte te zaveda tam.' She made him run into the villa. They were inside running down the stepstone They were soon outside the bunker. Pastor Sandrine pushed the door in. It was a small cramped room. It had an intercom and a television where Zhukov had watched the fight. Yet there was no sign of him. The bloody bastard had escaped! Agafonov interrupted 'Permission to speak Judge Jacinta. I think he's escaped through the back entrance He's obviously tried to escape to Bulgaria. The border is 348 kms away. You will have to catch him fast. There's a helicopter pad about two kilometres from here and he will to try to leave the country,His car is a blue Mercedes registration number ZHU 1!' � азрешение да говоря с�дия �"жакинта. Мисля, че е избягал през задния в�...од. Очевидно е опитал да избяга в Б�лгария. �"раницата е на 348 км. Ще трябва да го �...ванеш б�рзо. Има �...еликоптер тампон на около два километра оттук и той ще се опита да напусне страната, колата му е син регистрационен номер на Мерцедес ZHU 1! " - Razreshenie da govorya sŭdiya Jacinta. Mislya, che e izbyagal prez zadniya vkhod. Ochevidno e opital da izbyaga v Bŭlgariya. Granitsata e na 348 km. Shte tryabva da go khvanesh bŭrzo. Ima khelikopter tampon na okolo dva kilometra ottuk i toĭ shte se opita da napusne stranata, kolata mu e sin registratsionen nomer na Mertsedes ZHU 1! " 'I'll get the bastard if it's the last thing I ever do. There's no escape from me Judge Jacinta!' ' Stay here Pastor Sandrine and man the villa while we get the bastard!' 'Yes, certainly Judge Jacinta Good luck!' With that Judge Jacinta ran across the forecourt to her Hardanger bike parked outside. She leapt onto it and revved up with full force. It was now dark. In the distance she could see the light of a distant car. She moved towards it and shone her lights on it directly. It was a blue Mercedes Benz. She was soon right behind it. She could see Zhukov at last! I She looked and he turned around with a look of absolute terror. She was soon riding right alongside. She had a spanner in her hand. She yelled at the driver in Bulgarian. 'Pull over or you will get this spanner through the window!' "�Premestete se ili shte poluchite tozi gaechen klyuch prez prozoretsa!" He looked petrified and knew that she meant it. She moved the bike alongside the car and was ready to strike hard with the spanner. The car swerved onto the pavement to the left and came to a halt. Within a second, she was off the bike standing beside the car. 'Unlock the doors or I'll smash the windows 'she yelled. Immediately the doors were unlocked and she was inside the car. - Otklyuchi vratite ili shte razbiya prozortsite! Zhukov was absolutely terrified. 'Please don't hurt me Judge Jacinta! - Molya, ne me naranyavaĭte, sŭdiya Jacinta ! PLEASE HAVE MERCY!' MOLYA, IMA MERKI! SLAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPP!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! She slapped him across the face with all her power. Blood spurted across the car. SLAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! 'You f-----g piece of shit dd you really think you could escape from me?' - Ti si ---- laĭno, koeto naistina mislish, che mozhesh da izbyagash ot men? Blood was pouring in a torrent from his face. SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPP!!!! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Even more blood started to flow. Two teeth went flying across the car. He was unconscious. 'Right driver take this car back to the villa. This bastard is going on my bike!' Правилният шофьор откара тази кола обратно в�в вилата. Това копеле в�рви на мотора ми! - Pravilniyat shof'or otkara tazi kola obratno vŭv vilata. Tova kopele vŭrvi na motora mi! With that she easily lifted the body of Zhukov on her shoulders. Blood was still streaming out of him and going all over her beautiful shiny black leather! She carried him easily. He was such a weed! She threw him over my bike tying his hands securely behind his back. She strapped him tightly to the bike pushing his head right down. She then ordered the driver to follow her back to the villa. She revved up her bike and within a few minutes was back at the villa. The mafiosi now under the control of Pastor Sandrine gazed in amazement at the sight of their former boss strapped to the back of a bike! She unstrapped him and pulled him over her shoulder. She walked down to his bunker which would now become a place of torture. She threw him on the ground. To her he was no more than a lump of total shit! He was gradually regaining consciousness. She knelt down next to him on the floor. 'Right you piece of garbage. Your end is nigh! You are a corrupt, useless, t and evil piece of crap! I will be putting you to death in the most painful way possible!' - Точно парче боклук. Краят ви е близо! Ти си корумпиран, безполезен, т и з�л к�смет! Ще те убия по в�зможно най-болезнения начин - Tochno parche bokluk. Krayat vi e blizo! Ti si korumpiran, bezpolezen, t i zŭl kŭsmet! Shte te ubiya po vŭzmozhno naĭ-bolezneniya nachin First of all, I will tie you up. You will spend a night of Hell unable to sleep a wink.' П�рво, ще ви зав�ржа. Ще прекараш адска нощ, не можейки да заспиш . Pŭrvo, shte vi zavŭrzha. Shte prekarash adska nosht, ne mozheĭki da zaspish. 'Tomorrow you will face your execution by strangulation by my leather chord. You will be hanged on a scaffold outside your villa. Pray to God for mercy!' - Утре ще се изправите пред екзекуцията си чрез удушаване от моята кожена акорда. Ти ще б�де обесен на скеле пред вилата ви. Молете се на Бога за милост! ' - Utre shte se izpravite pred ekzekutsiyata si chrez udushavane ot moyata kozhena akorda. Ti shte bŭde obesen na skele pred vilata vi. Molete se na Boga za milost! ' With that she tore his shirt of and gave him a mighty punch in the stomach. She could feel the bones of his rib cage crunch beneath her mighty fist! CRAAAAAAAAAAAACCKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! His screams could probably be heard over a kilometre away as he doubled up in sheer agony. She then proceeded to rip all his clothes off until he was bollock naked. She held his miserable prick in her leather gloved hands and squeezed his ball sac hard. He let out another piercing scream of pain. She thought to herself that this would be the first part of his body to be removed tomorrow! She turned him right round. She tied the rubber strap around his throat making it almost impossible for him to breath. She tied his legs tightly. She then tied his legs to his neck almost breaking his legs in the process. She could hear the loud crack of bone as she securely tied his legs to his neck. Tears of agony came pouring down his face! She then tied rubber straps all around his prick and testicles almost castrating him in the process. Finally, she put a rubber ball down his throat almost choking him to death. To complete the picture, she blindfolded him. She just wanted him to experience as much pain as possible. She looked at him in bondage on the floor. He was well and truly hog tied! Your last night on earth would be one of sheer torment Zhukov .! �'ашата последна вечер на земята би била една от чистите м�ки Жуков.! Vashata posledna vecher na zemyata bi bila edna ot chistite mŭki Zhukov.! MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOU! MOZHE BOGA DA MERKI NA VAS! Any comments to norselandic@hotmail.com