BLACK LADY OF PAIN by Hamlet � � You made me lie down upon the pillow I waited not knowing where this would go What pain and agony would I face? I bent down in awe and haste In submission I bowed low I never knew just how strong you were Your black strap on so�� imperious long My backside in submission bent You thrust in me the strap on went Your hard gloved hand drove in so deep �As in submission I began to weep O Black Lady of Pain in power �You overpowered me So that your strength and majesty I see! � Your Black body with boots and gloves so proud My White body so puny next to you Compared to you I felt so small and cowed So wretched frightened and so weak Your majestic lips betray no hint of care So red and cruel�and so vain You so ready�to� inflict such pain As you force me to lie prostrate My anus you begin to penetrate You hold my hands in black latex covered hands My resistance weak pathetic frail How could I resist your firm commands? O Black Lady of Pain in control You show no hint of care My body feeble so helpless and so bare! �