THE ROJ IN ACTION VICTORIOUS AGAINST FILIPINO GUERILLAS by Hamlet THE ROJ UNIFORM THE FILIPINO TSUNAMI AND NORSELANDIC ECONOMIC AND POLICE AID OUTLINE OF STORY A terrible tsunami and cyclone called Hilda has hit the Philippines the worst in its history. It has devastated the north east of Mindanao as well as southern Leyte and the islands of Dinagat Siargao and Bucas Grande . It has led to a state of total chaos with thousands homeless without electricity and water. The towns of Butuan and Surigao and Biolig in Mindanao have been almost totally destroyed as has Baybay in Leyte, there has been a complete breakdown in law and order with criminal gangs looting in all the towns in the area. The Filipino army and police are powerless to do anything at all The USA and Britain have donated millions of pounds in aid but most of it has arrived at the port of Davao and been looted by gangs as well as local wealthy businessmen and politicians. In desperation the Philippine President Duterte calls on Norrlandic assistance as the most advanced country economically in the world and the Philippines main aid donor. He calls on Norselandic Premier Patricia Ingvoll who goes to Mindanao to inspect the damage. At their meeting Premier Ingvoll insists that Norseland will provide over £! billion in assistance on condition that ; The aid program is administered completely by the Royal Aid Corps (RAC) only who will supervise the docks at Davao and will deliver and supervise all the aid themselves Law and orders will be administered ruthlessly by the Norselandic Royal Oversee Judges (ROJ) or the Royal Philippine Judges (RPJ) who will have complete control in Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental, Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Surigao del Sur, Surigao del Norte Southern Leyte Sur and Leyte provinces which will be placed under draconian Martial Law for two years The ROJ would exercise control through immediate arrests on suspicion, 6 PM curfew, immediate violent death penalty for all criminals and terrorists and the debauching of local women at any time the ROJ desired it and the right to entry to all property at any time. At the end of two years order would be restored, crime would be totally eradicated, all the towns would be rebuilt with efficient sewerage systems and running water and there would be a massive program of school and hospital construction while thousands of Filipinas would be happily debauched by the RPJ. In this particular story two members of the RAC Diana and Viliam visit a senior Official of the Foreign Ministry in Manila Adalynn to sign a £billion-pound contract for massive Norselandic aid to for slum clearance and repair the damage of the tsunami In return Adalynn has to sigh a Sex Contract agreeing to be debauched over her desk by Viliam on a regular twice weekly basis under Diana's strict supervision. Needless to say, she has no choice but to obey! Any comments to