OPERATION KILL ALL THE DRUG LORDS BEGINS by Hamlet The plane carrying the Fearless Five landed down safely at El Zamorano airstrip in Honduras that lay just 24 KMS east of the capital Tegucigalpa. Veronica the Black Scorpion could see a few houses in the distance. She felt so pleased she had landed at last in Honduras and that so far, the invasion had been so successful. Already her Nation Norseland of her adoption was winning and showing the world it was taking a lead in the War against Terror and Crime. US and Honduran fighters had tried to bring down their plane but had failed miserably. She looked forward to the task remaining before The Fearless Five! As their Boss Borghild touched down on the airfield Veronica could see three Justice Leaguers waiting for them. It was clear that they had secured the airfield against the attempts of the Honduran police and army to stop them. The Fearless Five walked out of the aircraft. They were met outside by three Justice Leaguers led by Senior Justice Toya Bergqvist the Commander of the Justice League in Central America and the Caribbean She was accompanied by Justice Vanda Dahlstrom and Assistant Justice Per.Frykman The JLs were dressed completely in black leather wore leather hats rather like the SS cap with the logo of a golden crown with a gun and a knife underneath. They also always wore leather masks in order strike utter terror into their enemies. The Justice League was the world's elite anti-terrorist force. They were invincible and terrorists all over the world were utterly terrified of them. Toya looked so impressive with her long black leather coat and almost white blonde hair and massive breasts and rippling muscles She was like all the Judges a Grade1 in Gym Kata being incapable of ever losing a fight at all. She had supervised the two other Justices taking out an entire unit of the Honduran Army that had tried to stop them. They had all emerged unscathed! Next to her stood Justice Vanda. She was slightly smaller than her Boss but powerful and strong. She had blonde hair as did all Norse Women and was very powerfully built. She had a wonderful curvaceous figure with huge muscles looking so impressive. Next to her stood Associate Justice Per. He looked really stunning too in his shiny black leather uniform that really revealed his gigantic bulge. He had lovely blonde hair making him so attractive Toya embraced Borghild. 'It's good to meet you Senior Toya!' 'Det er godt aa moote deg Eldri Reettl�ti Toya!' 'Operation Kill All The Drug Lords is totally successful so far! Pilots Erika and Jan have beaten an aerial attack from US and Honduran forces. They were no match for us at all and all of them were shot down into the Caribbean Sea!' 'Addgerdd Drepaallafiikniefni er helt vellykket saa langt !. Pilotene Erika og Jan har slaatt et luftangrep fra amerikanske og honduriske styrker. De var ikke noe jafningi fyrir okkur i det hele tatt, og alle ble skutt ned i det karibiske hav! ' 'We had a similar success. The three of us using guns, rockets, and knives have fought off and defeated a whole division of the Honduran Army! We must have killed at least fifteen of them They were no match for us either' said Toya. 'Vi hadde en lignende aarangur. Vi tre som brukte vaapen, raketter og hniifar har kjempet av og beseiret en hel deild av honduriske her! 'Vi maa ha drept minst femten av dem. De var heller engin samsvoorun hjaa okkur.' 'They never are Toya. We Norselanders always win! 'said Borghild. 'De er aldri Toya. Vi Norselanders vinna alltid! Borghild introduced the Judges to the Fearless Five. They all gave each other the Welcome Kiss. Veronica particularly enjoyed giving Per the Welcome Kiss and feeling the huge bulge in his trousers. God she was so desperate for a hulking Norse Man! 'Well Borghild we have taken over the town of El Zamorano and effectively put it under Norselandic control. It will be the centre of all our Operations. We have commandeered the local hotel.' 'Vel Borghild Vi har overtatt byen El Zamorano og aa aahrifariikan haatt satt den under Norselandsk stjoorna.' 'Det vil v�re sentrum for alle vaare addgerddir. Vi har hrosdadd det staddbundin hotellet.' After they had eaten Borghild addressed all seven of them. 'Today Fearless Five we will split into three teams.' 'I dag Oottalausfimm vil vi dele opp i tre lag.' 'I will operate from the capital Tegucigalpa where I will take out the Godfather Jos� Jimenez personally, the most evil drug lord in Honduras'. 'Jeg skal starfa fra hovedstaden Tegucigalpa der jeg vil ta ut Gudfaren Jos� Jimenez personlig, den mest onde narkotikaheren i Honduras'. 'Kadir will team up with Veronica and will take out the Godfather of Barrio 18 Marco Regalado in La Ceiba Atl�ntida Department.' 'Kadir vil slaa seg sammen med Veronica og vil ta ut Gudfaren til Barrio 18 Marco Regalado i La Ceiba Atl�ntida Deild.' 'Hildur and Heather will operate in western Honduras San Pedro Sula where they will take out the Godfather of Mara Salvatrucha� .� Enrique Santaana,' 'Hildur og Heather skal starfa i det vestlige Honduras San Pedro Sula hvor de vil ta ut Gudfaren til Mara Salvatrucha. Enrique Santaana, ' 'You in the Fearless Five will all be equipped with Hardanger motorbikes, the best and fastest in the world that have been parachuted in. You have also been supplied with road maps. You have also been given full range of fighting equipment including guns, knives, leather chords and knuckledusters. You must be ruthless. I will only accept victory! "�'Erduun medd Oottalausfimm vil alle v�re utstyrt med Hardanger motorsykler, dadd bestaa og raskeste i verden som har blitt fallskjermet . Deren haren ogsaa blitt levert med veikart. Deren haren ogsaa faatt hele spekteret av kamputstyr sem fela ii seer vaapen, hniifar, l�rakkorder og hnyyddirykmoonnum. Deren maa v�re hensynsloos. Jeg vil bare takaaa seier!' Veronica and Kadir were soon ready in their Hardangers revving up ready to set off for La Ceiba that lay 393 KMS to the north. The local time was 4 PM and they were expected to arrive there at night at 8 PM They had never been there before and relied on the road map that Kadir was reading. They rode northwards at full speed north of them looking so formidable in their shiny black leather and boots to spread terror in the local population as latter-day Vikings in a Rape and Pillage Expedition (RPE) Their purpose was not just to capture and if necessary kill the drug lord Regalado but to intimidate the local population into realizing that the Justice League were their Mastresses now and they faced terrible retribution and punishment if they gave even the slightest support to the Drug Cartels The two of them rode at full speed past the Parque Nacional la Tigra 238 sq. KMS of rugged forest that contained over 350 species of birds alone. They were soon in the town of Talanga the most notable feature being the streets were all dirt. For now, the town was the epitome of "wild, west," with ox carts, cowboys on horseback, stray dogs, untended livestock, and minimal law enforcement. As they rode through the town and then through the town of Gualmaca the locals gazed in amazement at the sight of Veronica a huge muscular Black Woman. They were not used to seeing a gigantic Woman like her and Iived in a macho culture with gender roles that had men dominating the public sphere and women occupying the domestic sphere. Men were expected to be the main provider of the family and head of the household. giving them power to make important decisions over women such as when they may procreate, how many children the women may have, what chores need to be done to maintain the household, if they may receive education, and whether or not they could participate in the workforce As the Two rode along past the Parquet Nacional la Muralia and over the Cordillera Nombre de Dios with Kadir leading, Veronica could see the Caribbean in the distance where her birthplace Cura�ao lay 1892 kms to the south east and which she longed to visit again. She could see the lights of La Ceiba in the distance as darkness approached. La Ceiba was a port city on the northern coast It was located on the southern edge of the� Caribbean, forming part of the south eastern boundary of the� Gulf of Honduras. With an estimated population of over 200,000 , it was the third-largest city in the country and the capital of the department of� Atl�ntida. The city had been officially proclaimed the "Eco-Tourism Capital of Honduras," as well as the "Entertainment Capital of Honduras". Every year, on the third or fourth Saturday of May, the city held its� famous carnival� to commemorate� Isidore the Laborer� (Spanish� San Isidro Labrador). During this time, the city was host to approximately 500,000 tourists. . As they were entering the city, they were stopped by a roadblock. There were 12 police all along the road armed with machine guns. A loudspeaker called out. 'This is Commander Guzman of the La Ceiba Military Police. You are ordered to end this illegal invasion of our country and turn back. If you do not turn back to within five minutes, we will open fire!' 'Este es el Comandante Guzm�n de la polic�a militar de La Ceiba. Se le ordena terminar con esta invasi�n ilegal de nuestro pa�s y regresar. Si no regresas a los cinco minutos, �abriremos fuego! Kadir replied in Spanish 'I am Senior Justice Kadir Roorstad of the Justice League. My Nation Norseland has declared war on the Drug Cartels and you must not stop us, or we will attack you. I am ordering you to clear the road and let us through. We have come for criminals who pose a threat to the world and not for you!'' 'Soy el Juez Kadir Roorstad de la Liga de la Justicia'. 'Mi Naci�n Norseland ha declarado la guerra a los carteles de la droga y no debe detenernos, o lo atacaremos. Ordeno usted que despejes el camino y nos dejes pasar. �Hemos venido por criminales que representan una amenaza para el mundo y no para ti! '' 'As soon as we have taken out and if necessary, killed the criminals and terrorists, we will leave your country. Our quarrel is with them and not with you or the Honduran people. If you persist in stopping us, we will act against you. Be warned we are the Justice League and we are invincible. I am ordering you to clear the way now! 'Tan pronto como hayamos salido y, si es necesario, matado a los criminales y terroristas, dejaremos su pa�s. Nuestra disputa es con ellos y no con usted o con el pueblo hondure�o. Si persiste en detenernos, actuaremos en su contra. Ten en cuenta que somos la Liga de la Justicia y somos invencibles. �Te ordeno que despejes el camino ahora! 'We will not clear the way You must leave now! 'Guzman shouted. �No despejaremos la forma en que debes irte ahora! 'Very well 'You have brought this on yourselves!' 'Muy bien' �Han tra�do esto sobre ustedes mismos! 'LET THE FIGHT BEGIN! '�COMIENCE LA LUCHA! TO BE CONTINUED Any comments to norselandic@hotmail.com