THE LEATHER AND LATEX NUNS by Hamlet SISTER SAVITA AND JUDGE PAULA PITILESSLY BEAT UP THE LEADERS OF A KURDISH GANG Judge Paula met Savita outside the headquarters. She was taller and bigger than Sister Savita dressed in a skin tight leather cat suit as the Judges wore leather while the Nuns wore rubber .She was an experienced Judge of twenty years who had spent Her career beating and killing criminals all over the world .She had reddish hair unlike Savita being a Northerner from Lundsheim in Pedersborg Province while Savita came from the City of Varense from the Centre. She had just come from the Judge Wagon that was parked outside 'Come on Savita let's show these bastards that We're going to end their criminal activities forever!' Certainly Paula I can't wait to get my hands on them!' Savita and Paula approached the Bombers headquarters. It was still located in a Vacant storefront. She could see lights in the back. "Hello" Savita called as She stuck Her head in the door. "Back here, baby" came Hussein's s voice from the back. As They cautiously made their way to the back, They could see that the Bombers had made significant improvements. A sophisticated security system was in place. They could see two fully loaded computers set up and running. The back room was surprisingly well furnished with a bar and leather couches. Husseiin, Abdullah, and George were seated there. ""The Bombers have moved into the modern world. Now we can keep track of every nickel that comes in and every ounce of shit that moves out." "Very impressive," Savita stated. "I certainly did not expect this from the Bombers ." "O.K. what did you want to see us about." Husseiin was curious. Paula laid out in great detail what She wanted the Bombers to do. They were to end their criminal activities for good and surrender to Her. They were to put their hands behind their backs and She would handcuff them. She would take them in handcuffs to the Judge Wagon where they would stand trial at the Judge Headquarters and would almost certainly all face the death penalty. 'You are all under arrest. You can either come quietly or We can get physical. You've lost whatever you do!' As She spoke She could tell that they were furious and were not taking what She was saying very well. Hussein shook his head. "We're not going anywhere you Norsi whores .Who the f---k do you think you are! We like the money, and we like the power. People fear us and so should you bitches. We control everything here now. We want to keep it that way! Now f---k off back to Norseland!!' " "Then you must know that I will do everything in My power to stop you." Paula told them. Hussein stood up. "Then we have to make sure that you don't." The three of them suddenly encircled the two Women. "You've left us no other choice, mamas. We have to take you out." Hussein said sadly. "That may be harder than you think." Paula replied. She started to inch backward in the direction of the door while Savita stood and confronted them' George spoke for the first time. "Let me take care of this, boss. I can handle her." Paula looked at him. He was big, but not quite as big as he had first seemed. Also, even though he appeared to be very powerful, he looked to be out of shape. George slowly advanced on Paula. He reached for Her shoulders She jumped back out of his reach. His gut looked like it had seen more than it's share of beer and pizza. All at once he charged Her, causing their bodies to bang together. "I've got you now, whore." George exulted. He pinned Her against the wall and pounded his fist to Her stomach. His fist ploughed into Her hard stomach. He drew back his fist to do it again. Paula drove Her foot into his shin. He hesitated for an instant, and She slipped away. George swung a hard left at Her jaw. Paula ducked and then brought Her knee driving up into his groin. George groaned in pain. Paula then set Herself and drove Her hard fist ripping deep into his soft gut. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! George definitely felt that. She snapped a kick to his ribcage. George reeled away. Hussein and Abdullah were mesmerized by Her power and just watched. Paula sunk Her fist into the soft flesh of George's belly again. George started to wheeze. He couldn't breathe. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! " We'll just see how many of these you can take, and still stay up." She told George. With that She blasted a barrage of brutal blows right into his hurting belly. Each one seemed to be harder than the one before. Those battering fists were chopping the big man down. He dropped to his knees then pitched over on his face on the floor. He was having trouble breathing. All at once his dinner wound up on the floor as he started to retch. George was obviously out of action for a while. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Hussein and Abdullah moved to either side of Paula. They as by signal rushed Her at the same time. They tackled Her and all three of them were rolling around on the floor. They pulled Her to Her feet. Hussein and Abdullah held Her and began firing punches to Her face. Her left eye started to swell. Blood dripped from Her nose. Still Hussein drove his fists into Her face. She was almost gone. In desperation, She drove the heel of her right foot up to Hussein 's testicles. His hold weakened. She repeated the blow with her heel. Abdullah's 's grip lessened. As Hussein started his next punch She broke free. Savita moved in to the rescue She blocked the punch and grabbed Hussein s arm. Using his momentum She twirled him around and flung him face first into the wall. He bounced off and fell to the floor. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Savita ran for the door. Abdullah caught Her just before She got there and tackled Her. They grappled on the floor with neither gaining control. They split apart and both regained their feet. Abdullah leaped at Her. This time Savita was ready. Her right fist shot out and bashed his nose. The force he had generated with his leap added to the power of Her strong right arm delivering the blow had a devastating effect. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! The room was filled with the sound of his scream as his nose snapped like a twig. He raised both hands to his mashed nose. Blood ran between his fingers. She rammed Her fist hard to his gut. His hands came down. Her left fist smashed his nose again. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! The pain from his already broken nose was unbearable. He forgot all about trying to get Savita. He just wanted to get away from Her and those punishing fists. He had slumped to his knees. Savita took hold of his hair and pulled him to his feet. "You know what's next, don't you Abdullah?" "Please don't do that, I'll do any thing you want." He said pleaded. "I have to. You said it your self, it's My trademark!" With that She sent that hard right fist crashing into his mouth. He could feel his front teeth breaking from the power of that hard fist. He screamed again. She cut it off with a blast to his stomach, taking his wind away with Her left. As he started to fold around that fist, She slammed Her right to his jaw. He dropped to the floor and lay still, out cold. "One down" Savita thought. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Paula started for the door again, but behind Her she heard the click that was all too familiar in her younger days. That was Hussein's 's switchblade opening. She turned around and faced him. He had recovered from his encounter with the wall. Slowly Paula removed Her leather jacket and wrapped it around Her hand and arm. He made a swipe at Her with the knife. She jumped back and the knife just nicked Her leather bra and made a small cut just under Her left breast. "I'm going to cut you up in little bitty pieces, Norsi whore, " Hussein snarled at Her. Paula said nothing. All of Her attention was on the knife that he held loosely in his right hand. She knew how good he was with the knife. Her only chance was to distract him and try to disarm him. He advanced again. Instead of using the jacket for protection, She suddenly threw it at his face. As he reacted to the thrown jacket, She grabbed his knife arm with both hands. They struggled briefly for the knife before Paula was able to force him to drop it. She knew that She was physically much stronger than him as a Judge and Norse Woman. As the switchblade hit the floor, She kicked it behind Her. "Now, we're a little more even." She said. He made a move to go around Her and get to the knife. Paula tackled him to the floor. They wrestled around briefly then She got Her legs wrapped around his waist in a scissors hold. She squeezed with all of the power of Her strong legs. He struggled but he could not escape. In desperation he turned his head around and bit Her on the breast. She cried out in pain and released the scissors. They both started to get to their feet, but he was still feeling the effect of that powerful scissors hold. She got to Her feet first. She drove Her foot viciously into his side. He flopped over again to the floor. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Two more kicks were delivered with all the power of Her big legs. Hussein was crawling, trying to get away. Paula moved around in front of him. She reached down and got a handful of his shirt and lifted Hussein to his feet. "You tried to hurt me, so now it's my turn to hurt you." She Angrily growled at him. She released his shirt. He was having trouble staying up. She shoved him against the wall. Her right fist whistled a piled river of a punch wrist deep in his belly. He started to go down. She caught him and hauled him back upright again. Her left went crashing into his cheekbone just under his right eye. Again She pounded Her fist to that spot. With the third blast She could feel the bone give under the hard knuckles of Her fist. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! "Signature time, honey" She leaned forward and whispered in his ear. She drew back Her right fist and sent it smashing straight in his mouth. She reloaded and cocked that deadly fist again. "CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!! The sound filled the room as teeth and blood came out in a spray from Her brutal blow. The only thing keeping Hussein up was Her left hand snared in his shirt. She released him and started an uppercut up from Her shoe tops to explode on the point of his chin. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Hussein flew backward and fell on one of the leather sofas. "At least you Have a comfortable place to sleep." She said to the unconscious gang Leader. Paula turned to go, and found George who had somewhat recovered from their previous action standing between Her and the door. "Just give it up, big man." She said. "Take a look around." 'You were lucky the first time. I underestimated you and I won't make that mistake again." George was bent on revenge. "Your funeral," Paula replied. They circled each other cautiously. Paula stumbled slightly over the unconscious body of Abdullah and lost Her balance. George seized this opportunity to land a powerhouse punch to Her jaw. Paula went down. He snatched Her hair and started to drag Her around the room. She was disoriented when he stopped. He jerked Her to Her feet and fired another punch to Her jaw. She fell against The wall. "This is it bitch," George shouted as he wound up his right fist for the finisher. The punch flew toward Paula's s face. Just before impact, She managed to move Her head just slightly to Her left. George's big fist barely grazed Her cheek. It was still enough to knock Her down, but his fist continued and slammed full force into the brick wall. George screamed in pain. His hand and probably his wrist were broken from the collision with the wall. This gave Her a chance to regain Her senses. George was not even thinking about Her as he held his busted had with his good one. She came up behind him and drove a vicious punch to his kidney. Two, three times She drove that fist into that vulnerable area. Then She shoved him face first into the wall. His face hit the wall with a loud splat. She put Her left hand on his shoulder and spun him around. George knew what was coming but there was nothing he could do to stop it. Her right fist ploughed into his belly like a runaway train. George would have vomited again if there had been anything left in his stomach. As it was he was just gagging. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1!! Savita decide to join in the fun with Paula, She paused a moment to let the pain from that punch subside. As he began to breathe a little better, She sent Her brutal fist deep into his savaged stomach again. George could not believe that he was being battered like this. Especially by a Woman, and with Her rubber SHORTS protruding breasts he could see She was definitely a Woman. Savita turned Her shoulders and went into a crouch. Her fist was literally touching the floor. She rotated out of that crouch and put every thing She had into Her ferocious punch. It had all of Her bodyweight behind it as Her fist accelerated toward George's face. That sledgehammer fist crashed into his jaw full force. George hit the wall and bounced back into the room to fall face first to the floor. George's jaw was broken and a couple of teeth were hanging out of his mouth. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The battle was finally over. Paula and Savita were totally victorious All three Bombers lay out cold at Their feet. Paula found Her leather jacket and put it back on. She surveyed the carnage around Her. Abdullah was sprawled out on the floor with his nose spread all over his face and several teeth knocked out. Hussein still lay unmoving on the leather sofa with the side of his face caved in and bloody holes in the front of his mouth where teeth had been. George was face down with his broken jaw stuck out at a strange angle. Savita clenched those hard, powerful fists again with the blood of Her victims starting to cake on her knuckles, and just looked at them. "God, I really do love to fight." She said. Then She realized that Her panties and shorts underneath Her cat suit were soaking wet between Her legs. She had become sexually aroused during the fight. "Maybe that's one reason I liked to fight so much before," She mused. Paula handcuffed all three of them and They dragged their bodies into the Judge Wagon Paula also realized that Her muscles had an unreal pump, and flexed Her now huge bulging biceps. at half smile played across her lips. Outside Paula and Savita kissed passionately "So ends the Bombers reign of terror," Savita said. "It certainly has! "Said Paula LET'S TAKE THESE BASTARDS FOR TRIAL AND EXECUTION!