THE LEATHER AND LATEX NUNS by Hamlet SISTER SAVITA PREPARES TO DESTROY A KURDISH GANG Hussein Bayasin had been holding court at his usual afternoon spot at the Front of a caf� called the Scimitar in Stoke Newington in north London. The discussion was about what to do with the latest problem for the Bombers, the mainly Kurdish street gang of which he was the leader and which mainly operated in the Stoke Newington area of London. Although it had started out as only a minor irritation, it was now a fully fledged problem. The problem was two Norse Women who had moved into the neighbourhood. They were stirring up the residents to clean up the neighbourhood. Now the residents had started to respond and it was becoming much more difficult for the gang to pursue their criminal activities. The two women were Sister Sativa Brangaskjold of the Leather and Latex Nuns and Judge Paula Hammarstad of the Royal Overseas Judges .They had moved in as part of the Anglo Norselandic Treaty to do something about Britain's growing gang culture as part of the WACT (War against Terrorism). London Turks and Kurds controlled much of the heroin importation to the UK, and occasionally their feuds had broken out into open warfare, as in the infamous Battle of Green Lanes, when 40 men armed with guns, knives and baseball bats battled outside a social club. By the time police arrived, 21 men had been injured, one fatally. 'It is family controlled and for years it has remained covert,' said a senior Metropolitan Police officer of the Turkish heroin trade. "It is extremely powerful, controlled more from Istanbul than London.' In interviews with journalists, Husssein portrayed himself as a kind of International Man of Violence, a gangster who had financed both the Turkish ruling classes and the separatists of the Kurdish Workers' party, or PKK - and who would not hesitate to order the killing of those who insulted his honour. "I would travel with a gun in one hand and a diplomatic passport in the other," he boasted. . The discussion cantered on what to do about these two Norse Women. The suggestions from the thirty or so Bombers listening to Hussein covered everything from threatening Their Mothers (who unfortunately were in Norseland) to killing them .All at once Hussein noticed the loud talking had died out. The silence was overwhelming. All of the Bombers present were staring at something directly behind him. Hussein turned his head to see for himself what had distracted them. "What the hell! He saw was a very attractive young woman. She was very tall at least 6 inches taller than him. Her nose was a little to long and Her jaw line a little to strong to be truly beautiful, but Her flashing blue eyes, Her long blonde hair, and high cheekbones made Her look striking. She was wearing a skin tight rubber cat suit with high heeled boots that showed Her really muscular shoulders the thigh length boots emphasised the sheer power of Her legs. The effect was completed by Her long latex gloves that went right up Her arms "Hello Hussein how are you? My name is sister Savita of the Sisters of Mercy or the LLNs" Hussein was overwhelmed by Her size and build. "I've heard all about you. Could you take a few minutes and come by my office this evening?"he thought it was time to show Her who was in control. "If you want to see me, you can come by our place tonight. We are having a 'board of directors' meeting at ten o'clock. You can come by then if you want to. " "Who is this so-called 'board of directors' anyway?" . "Just three of us. Me, Abdullah who you know and George , the big guy over there. He's in charge of security." Hussein pointed to a big black man. He was big everywhere, big shoulders, Big arms, big legs, big gut. "Maybe I'll see you at ten I'd like to bring a Colleaugue with Me Paula." Savita said and turned to leave. As She walked back down the street to Her small office She heard whistles and cat-calls. Hussein was slim and wiry. He was about five-nine and one hundred and forty pounds. He was an expert with a knife. That was how he got and maintained control of the Bombers. It was said he could cut you and you wouldn't even know it until you blood was all over the sidewalk. Abdullah was bigger at five-ten and one-eighty. He was a vicious fighter, but he were the actual brains of the outfit. He was a computer genius and excellent with numbers. His main job was keeping the business end running smoothly. Savita did not know the last man, George, but she assumed from his size that he was the muscle, and used to intimidate when needed. She knew that . now they had taken over the neighbourhood and were terrorizing the people who had lived there for years. Another of the complaints she heard was about the scum who came to the neighbourhood to buy drugs. They were also harassing the people. Savita knew She could be asking for trouble, by going to see Hussein, but decided it was worth the risk. If she and Paula could beat his thugs senseless, the people could live in safety once again. Savita decide to wash and shower before going out tonight As She took off Her clothes, She checked herself out in the mirror. She liked what She saw. Her strikingly attractive face topped off an amazing body. Wide, strong, shoulders tapered to a firm waist. Her breasts were really large, and jutted straight out from Her muscled chest. A bra was strictly an accessory for Her. Her legs were muscular but sexily attractive. And then there were Her arms. Large veins ran up and down Her arms. When She turned her arm, muscles writhed like snakes in Her strong forearms. She struck a sexy pose, and then flexed Her bicep. A mountainous peak leaped up, then subsided as She relaxed. Horseshoe shaped triceps sprang to life when flexed and also disappeared when relaxed. She held Her hand up in front of Her face. It was larger than usual for any person of Her size. Slowly she clenched it into a hard brown ball of a fist. Looking at that fist a half smile played across Her lips She stepped on the scale "One-forty six" it read. She began to get dressed. She selected tight rubber shorts that Her thighs almost filled completely. A sleeveless rubber jerkin covered her muscular stomach. Calf length boots and gloves completed the outfit checking Her watch She saw it was time to leave. I'M COMING FOR YOU HUSSEIN!!'