SISTERS MARLONA AND AVALONA PRESENT THEIR EVIDENCE BEFORE SENIOR SISTER JOANNE AT THE CATECHISION COURT by Hamlet Marlona stood in front of the Golden Throne where Senior Sister Joanne was sitting to present Her evidence against the prisoners Chris and Laura. "Senior Sister Joanne " "As You know this was the first Divine Mission outside Norseland with My Colleague Sister Avalona that I had been sent on since arriving in England. My orders were to break into the house of the Richardson's and to forcibly take them both back to the St.Agatha Convent . They were to be brought back to the Convent where Laura who was pregnant would have her child forcibly aborted and she would then be sterilised. Chris would be forcibly sterilised to prevent them both being able to have children ever again. He would also stand trial before this Catechision Court for his past crimes." "This was all part of the new Eugenics Drive as Your Excellency knows launched by Us LLN (Leather and Latex Nuns) in which thousands of raids would take place all over England and eventually the world by the LLN whose aim was to prevent retards and those with criminal records ever having children and thereby reducing the number of criminals and retards in the world." "After We had arrived I pushed against the window of their house in Dover and without a noise a pane of glass was pulled away by Me . There was enough room for Us both to enter the house through the window as Sister Avalona went in first." "The thing we both noticed as We entered the house was the terrible stench of urine and filth. As if any child let alone a dog could possibly ever be allowed to be brought upon in a dump like that!" "We walked up the stairs and could see the bedroom door slightly on Right. I opened the door as I walked in as quietly as possible .I could see Chris beneath Me sprawled under the sheets and blankets snoring loudly dead to the world. With one move I grabbed hold of his pyjama shirt and held him shaking him hard in My mighty latex gloved hands . He woke up and screamed and gazed in terror. Who was this black figure in as long latex gown standing right over his bed?" '"Who the ell are you? 'he shouted in abject fear sweat pouring down his face." "I leant next to his ear as I cold feel him shaking in terror and grabbed him by the neck in My r hand digging my razor sharp nails into his throat." '"My name is Sister Marlona of the Sisters of Mercy or the Leather and Latex Nuns, Chris!" 'You're My prisoner now !'I'm taking you to the Convent!' He replied in a totally offensive way as follows; "Look 'ere what the 'ell do you f-------g want? What are you doing in my house? I'm calling the Police!! "I replied." '"Chris I have come with My Colleague Sister Avalona here to take you to the Convent to be sterilised for your own good. You are also to stand trial at the Catechision Court to atone for you past sins and misdemeanours so that you can see the Light. You see Chris you and your girlfriend Laura here are Our first victims on Our Divine Mission to eradicate crime and to deal with criminals like you if necessary by putting you to death to save your soul." '"We have just broken into your house as Holy Burglars one of the skills We Nuns learn and are expert in. No house in the world is safe from Us and no criminal or sinner anywhere can escape the Divine Justice. My Colleague and I are going to take you back by force to the St Agatha Convent in Eastry near here. " "Your girlfriend Laura here will have her child forcibly aborted as she is not fit to have children being a retard herself just like you. You are not fit to be a father as you are a criminal and someone of very low intelligence not fit to bring up children as you are not a moral example to children at all .Also your house is a compete shithole and stinks of dog's urine! This house is not fit to bring a cat or dog up let alone a child and with your English love of animals the RSPCA would not let you bring up a cat or dog here!' He relied again showing no repect for My Divine Mission." 'You can't just stop me from having children you bitch ! Who are you God!' he yelled hysterically terrified out of his wits smelling the mixture of leather, latex and perfume that exuded from My massive muscular body. "Well I am a Nun and I am on earth to do God's Will!' You are an evil sinner and My prisoner now!' He replied resisting arrest and showing total disregard for My Divine Mission refusing to accept his sins." "YOU F------G BBBBB!!!" Sister Sarah had securely tied the two prisoners Chris and Laura to the rack first by the hands and them by the feet as they were tied in a crucifix position completely naked, unable to move a centimeter and facing total humiliation during their trial as they directly faced Sister Joanne theyhad no option but to listen in silence as Sister Marlona gave Her evidence "That was excellent evidence Sister Marlona I do not feel like showing any mercy to this criminal after what you have said!' "Sister Avalona -present your evidence!' Sister Avalona stood to attention to present Her evidence. "While Sister Marlona was dealing with Chris I moved around to Laura's bed. She was screaming hysterically as I stood over with rubber straps in hand ready to tie her up securely." "She started crying and shouted at Me" 'Please what do you want? What are you doing here? Have you come to kill us?' she wailed uncontrollably. "I then said to her." 'No Laura my child I've come to take you to the Convent with Me. If you don't resist I wont hurt you but if you do you might get My hands across your face and I might crop your arse!' "She replied still crying hysterically. " 'What do you want? Are you going to kill me then? What do you want with me?'she sobbed petrified of the dreadful fate that awaited her. "The dialogue went as follows." 'All that's going to happen to you is that I am going to take you with Me to the Convent where you will have an abortion and will be sterilised. As long as your a good girl and are obedient you will not be hurt! Just do as you're told!' 'I want my baby! I've always wanted a baby all my life! You can't take away my baby from me! I've always wanted to be a mummy!'she bellowed hysterically. 'I'm sorry Laura the fact is that you are a retard and a person of very low IQ and are not suited to have children. Any child born to you would be a retard too and only suffer. The best thing is for you never to have children ever again!' 'Who are you? How can you do this to me?' she blubbered terrified out of her mind. 'My name is Sister Avalona of the Sisters of Mercy or the Leather and Latex Nuns as We are more commonly known. You are now My personal prisoner. I am from a Nation thousands of miles away called Norseland which someone like you with such a very low intelligence will never have hard of. We are Instruments of God's Will and the Will of Our Monarch The Queen Goddess.' ' We believe in practising Eugenics which is a word a retard like you cannot even pronounce and which you would not understand. as you as so simple but it means that people of such low IQs as you and your partner cannot be allowed to have children as you are not fit to be parents!' 'Please let me have children!' she yelled. 'Now just be quiet !You will address Me as Sister Avalona at all times and obey My every command without question as I am superior to you in every way. Do you understand you little tramp?' "I held her firmly by the face in My latex gloved hand making her wince with pain." 'YES SISTER AVALONA!!' she screamed. "With that Sister Marlona My Colleaugue grabbed hold of Chris by the throat and the crotch at the same time hurling him in one move over Her mighty shoulder as if he was just a sack of potatoes." "Meanwhile I shoved a rubber ball hard down Laura's throat so that She did not have to hear her stupid voice any more. I then turned her over and with a rubber strap tied her hands securely together tightly so that she could not move one centimeter at all. I then tied her legs to her hands and then tied the straps around her neck so that she was trussed up like an animal on its way to market not able to move at all .With another move I hurled her with one hand over her shoulder as if she was as light as a feather." "The two of us carried our two helpless victims out of the house into the cold dark night outside." "That is excellent evidence Sister Avalona. You may sit down now!' "Sister Valentine You may now interrogate the prisoners!" Sister Valentine the Prosecutor walked over it Chris who was tied on a rack naked in the crucifix position with Sister Sarah standing over him looking such a complete weed shaking with fear. In the Catechision Court just like courts in Norseland the prisoner had no rights at all. The purpose of the trial was to humiliate the prisoner and to pass sentence .The prisoner was guilty as soon as he/she entered the court room. If the prisoner dared to argue with the Prosecutor he/she would only be in trouble been though he/she was give one opportunity to say a word in his defence. She toward right over him as She spoke pushing her powerful latex covered body into his puny frame as She grabbed him by the hair. "Chris you wretched filthy foul contemptible despicable squalid specimen!" "HAVE YOU A SINGLE WORD TO SAY FOR YOUR MISERABLE SELF?"