NORSELAND AN EARTHLY PARADISE by Hamlet PART THREE THE NORWEGIAN SETTLEMENT WARNING Many readers might find the content of this history offensive disturbing and upsetting. I would like to go into more detail about the history of Norseland based on the information given to me by my Norselandic friend and penfriend Angela Spiteful. This history is based on the research I have done on the world's only Matriarchy Gynarchy, Police Woman and Superpower. It is a story of how an island in the Pacific Ocean emerged from being a remote wilderness to become the world's leading economic military and industrial power with by far the highest standard of living in the world and a leading member of the G21. The original inhabitants of this island, whose name is Pacifica comprising the two present day Nations of Norseland and Papia, were dark skinned peoples called Papians. They were a Polynesian people related culturally a linguistically to their nearby neighbours the Hawaiians as Pacifica is 80 miles north west of Hawaii. For thousands of years these Natives had lived a peaceful and a many way an idyllic life not knowing what war was like in their lovely island. They resembled in many ways the Caribs of the Caribbean who were almost later exterminated by the Spanish conquistadores. The Papians lived almost totally on the coast fishing and involved in some subsistence farming so that the interior of the island and the mountains were almost totally undeveloped and uninhabited, The first White Settlers arrived on May 13th 1650 from Norway, which is now commemorated in Norseland as a National Holiday Pioneer Day. They arrived in a longboat resembling a Viking ship and there were only 20 of them all Norwegians 13 of them were Women the descendants and foremothers of the present Norse Women or Valkyries. They came to escape the poverty and cold and religious persecution of their Christianist Faith they faced in northern Norway at that time. Like their descendants the Vikings they were anxious to explore the world and to conquer and settle and if necessary, to subjugate the native populations. They had just arrived on their longboat on a perilous voyage of 26,700 KMS crossing the Atlantic Ocean from Norway to Tierra del Fuego and then travelling northwards across the Pacific Ocean until they reached the first land mass. Yet they believed as Christianists a Faith that had begun in Norway that they were God's New Chosen People who had predestined them to arrive in this tropical paradise the New Garden of Eden .They were ordained by God to subjugate and enslave the Native population, just as the Israelites had subjected and driven out the native population in the Promised Land in the Old Testament to create a land flowing with milk and honey. The Twenty Settlers named the island they had landed in and were soon to conquer Pacifica or the New Garden of Eden Ny Hagen Av Eden. They were determined to settle conquer colonise rape and subjugate the Natives and to rape and pillage just like their Viking ancestors had done 600 years before. They were led by Jan Stefan a Captain in the Norwegian navy now the National Hero regarded as the Founder of the Nation. The 20 Settlers arrived on a small inlet in the south west of the island the site of the present day capital Stefansholm. The Native inhabitants fled in terror at the sight of these enormous blonde tall beings, who looked to them like giants and Gods so much bigger and stronger than them. Also like the Spanish conquistadores before them the Settlers arrived with horses an enormous animal they had never seen in their lives. They were armed with guns again which the Natives have never seen in their lives as well as swords and whips. The Natives offered almost no resistance to these Giants as they had never know war in their lives and in fact welcomed them especially their women who had never seen such strong handsome men in their lives with such huge Cocks .To the Native women these men definitely came from another planet as did the Valkyries .The Natives did not really realise that the Settlers came on a mission of conquest rape and pillage just like their Viking ancestors and that every Native man and woman would be mercilessly debauched and in many cases killed by these leather clad Giants and Giantesses. These Settlers originated from the remote and usually freezing cold northern provinces of Norway Finnmark and Tromso to escape from the poverty and arctic temperatures of northern Norway and to settle in the warmth and fertility of this new Heaven on earth. Most of all they had come to escape from the religious persecution of their Christianist religion, this religion was based on the Founder the Saint and Prophetess Diana who claimed to see the Second Coming of Christ appearing in person in Finnmark. She believed in combining the ancient Norse religions with their multitude of Gods and Goddesses with Christianity. The new religion was ruthlessly supressed by the official Lutheran Church who regarded it as an evil pagan cult. Christianism had to be supressed by force and a full-scale war broke out in 1638 with troops from the Norwegian state invading Finnmark that led to the Christianists being victorious. The persecution was in some ways similar to the persecution of the Puritans by the official Anglican church that led in many ways to the outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642. In many ways these Norse Folk were very similar to the Pilgrim Fathers who landed 30 years earlier on the coast of America in Cape Cod on November 9th 1620 The Norse Folk saw themselves as descendants of the Vikings of the 8th to the 11th centuries .They called themselves Latter Day Vikings or Miseventdag Vikinger.They had learnt how all the sagas of the Vikings and memorised them .Thay had learnt how the Vikings had spread across the world from their homeland mainly in Norway conquering Europe, the Mediterranean, North Africa and had even landed in America. They had also learnt how the Vikings had conquered England with two Viking kings Sven and Cnut. They had established Danelaw across the north east of England. They had studied how the Vikings conquered through rape and pillage utterly defeating their enemies so much that there was a famous Anglo-Saxon prayer '" From the fury of the Norse Man good Lord delivers us." Thousands of Settlers arrived from Scandinavia through the end of the 17th century particularly Christianists. The Natives offered almost no resistance to these Settlers who had come with the express purpose of settling and conquering their land to ethnically cleanse them, to forcefully drive them out of their homes and to enslave them through the use of terror. Resistance was ruthlessly crushed as more and more Settlers arrived from Scandinavia soon outnumbering the Native population by 1680. What these Natives also found out that these Norse Folk had come from the world's first truly matriarchal society and Gynarchy in the provinces of Finn mark and Tromso What was more the Chrisianaist religion was founded by a Woman Prophetess Diana who believed in a Mother Goddess based on the Virgin Mary a Goddess Rajaa who was the all-powerful and omnipotent Queen of Heaven or Valhalla where numbers of Women Warriors or Valkyries lived as Deities. The Natives were amazed at the sheer size of the Norse Women To these Natives these Valkyries were an amazing sight with their rippling muscles often bigger than the Norse Men and huge mammaries especially as their Papian women were so docile and submissive. The Native were so overpowered not only by the Cocks of the men but even more by the sheer power size and build of these Amazons! Any comments to TO BE CONTINUED