IOANNA by Hamlet The next day came blazing hot as the sun streamed through the windows. Margarethe walked straight in to the room. She was dressed rather like Her a leather bra and hot pants and calf length boots. She really revealed Her wonderful muscles to me! 'Come on Stephen you will get up now it's 8.30 am and you will have breakfast .At 10 am Madame Alexis wants to see you and after that Judge Marisa!' She dragged me out of bed by the neck and marched me to the bathroom .She wanted to make sure that I washed every crevice of my body ready for my appointment with my Supervisors. She then marched me back to my room to make sureI changed into my smartest suit. I looked outside and could see the magnificent view of the Gronskull mountains and the mountain the Gross berger that was 1900 meters over twice the height of Scafell the highest peak in England with its snow capped peak and formed the border between Norseland and Papia.In the balcony I could see and smell a profusion of tropical plants Grass of the Dew flowering plants produce furry violet blooms Heliconias are double coloured with Pinkish red on the lower half of the cheek and red on the upper half, with a yellow lip and tip and having a deep red rachisand hibisci are large, flat, conspicuous, trumpet-shaped flowers with five petals ranging from white to pink, red, purple or yellow. As I was changing there was a knock on the door. It was Judge Miranda of the Royal Papian Judges with Ioanna my Papian friend and lover whom I had missed so much. . Ioanna looked so abject and humiliated quite different from how she appeared in England .Her head hung in shame as Judge Miranda looking so impressive in Her leather uniform . She held her by the arm. 'I've brought your Papian slaveant Ioanna for you Margarethe .I took her straight back to the hostel last night .If she gives you any trouble you must call Me at once!' "Jeg har tatt din Papian slaveant Ioanna du Margarethe. jeg tok henne rett tilbake til vandrerhjemmet kveld.Hvis hun gir deg noen problemer du maa ringe meg paa en gang! " 'Certainly could You arrange to have her taken home at six PM as I will be going to Varense tonightMan Hunting with my friends 'Sikkert kan du ordne aa ha henne tatt hjem seks PM som jeg vil gaa til Varense i kveld mann jakt med mine venner. Miranda left and Ioanna stood there ready to take orders from Angela 'Right Ioanna you will now prepare the breakfast .I want beans with brown toast ,fried eggs coffee and pineapple juice. You'd better cook it to perfection or else! After that I want you to clean all over the flat, then to go shopping .Everything had better be done to perfection or you'll feel my crop!' "Hoyre Ioanna du vil naa forberede frokost.Jeg vil boonner med brun toast, stekt egg kaffe og ananas juice. Du ville bedre koker det perfekt eller annet! Etter at jeg vil du skal rydde hele leiligheten, saa halda.Alt hadde bedre v�re gjort perfekt eller Kjenn hvor min avling! " It was quite clear Margarethe was in a very bossy mood now I had to wait in my room while Ioanna prepared breakfast. As she was doing thisI looked out of the window. I could see blocks of flats that asI had said, all tended to look alike .Yet they were all surrounded by beautifully kept gardens and lawns with rows of palm trees . The scenery looked so lovely as I could see the majestic Gronskull Mountains rising in the distance. I felt so thrilled to be in this Nation the land of my dreams! Eventually Ioanna came in .She walked up to me looking as gorgeous as ever in her skin tight sahiini showing her curvaceous legs to me. She wore a tropical flower in her long silky black hair 'Stephen I'm afraid I can't kiss you as its against the Law here for a Papian to have relations with an Oslander or Norselander.Don't worry I hope to come to England again with Mistress Margaterthe's permission and I can make love to you as much as possible then!' She led me to the kitchen where there was a small table. I sat and ate together with Margarethe Sophie and Annika as the tropical breezes wafted over from the mountains and Twiki the parrot kept calling out while we are the delicious breakfast that Ioanna had prepared for us. 'Ioanna get this place looking absolutely glistening .I don't want to get into trouble from Master Jens and neither do you! 'Also I want you to do the shopping with Stephen as there's very little food in the flat at all .You will go to the nearest supermarket VASKRO with him .You will both go by taxi.' "Ogsaa jeg vil du skal gjoore handla med Stephen som det er sv�rt lite mat i leiligheten i det hele tatt.Du vil gaa til n�rmeste supermarkedet VASKRO med ham.Du vil baade gaa taxi. 'Right Ioanna you can get up now.I have a list for you to go to the supermarket VASKRO. You will wear your PIC ( Papian Identity Card) and display it prominently in case you are stopped by the Judges. Also Stephen you will wear your FIC prominently You will tell the Customer Service Officer that you have been sent by your Mistress to do the shopping and they can ring me .' "Hooyre Ioanna faar du opp naa. jeg har en liste for deg aa gaa til supermarkedet VASKRO. Du vil ha bilde (Papian ID-kort) og vise den fremtredende i tilfelle du er stoppet av dommerne. Ogsaa Stephen vil du ha din FIC fremtredende du vil fortelle Kunden Service offiseren at du har blitt sendt av din elskerinne aa 'Stephen make sure you display your FIC( Foreigners Identity Card) prominently so everyone will know you are an Oslander.Come back at once and if you forget anything you will feel my crop across your arses!' The taxi was waiting outside .The taxi driver was blonde as usual and well built. He seemed to resent driving an Oslander and a Papian. The Supermarket in the centre of Tyringe was more like a hypermarket. It was on 3 floors one of the biggestI had ever seen .It was more likeFortnum and Masons in the sheer quality of food .The quantity was even greater with rows of vegetables and vast hunks of every type of meat imaginable. The upstairs floors sold clothes and household goods .There was also a top class restaurant upstairswith waiter and waitress service.'Greasy spoon cafes' as they are called in England and American chains like Mc Donalds were totally unknown in this Nation! Each floor seemed to stretch for over a mile and yet this was one of the smallest branches! Yet this was only one of the supermarkets in Tyringe which was a suburb of Varense. There were 2 others Harrisons and Godfods that were equally large. As we walked along with our trolley we were both conscious of being different. We were wearing our Identity Cards which made us look so conspicuous .Almost everyone was semi naked .The Women were generally dressed in leather bikinis and boots. The Men too almost all wore skin tight leather shorts and boots .Everyone revealed their massive bodies that made mine look so puny in comparison! Suddenly a Lady came up to us. She shook my hand and said 'Good MorningI am the Associate Manager Nicole Bjornsson.I see that you are an Oslander and you are with a Papian. How canI help you today?' She was dressed in the Customer service Officer uniform of purple .Like all Norse Women She was dressed totally in leather. She was wearing a purple leather jacket, a purple silk scarf, a tight leather skirt and high heeled shiny boots. She was wearing a large badge saying I AM ASSOCIATE MANAGER NICOLE BJORNSSON. HOW CAN I HELP YOU? 'Well Madame Bjornsson we have been told by our Mistress and my Sponsor Ms Fasgaard to do the shopping' Ioanna said in perfect Norselandic trembling slightly 'Vel Madame Bjornsson vi har blitt fortalt av vaare elskerinne og min Sponsor Ms Fasgaard aa gjoore handla' She spoke excellent English to me like most Norselanders. 'I know Ms Fasgaard very well.l I'm so glad She's returned from England You'd better get all the items on the list or She will be very angry!' "Jeg vet Ms Fasgaard veldig well.l jeg er saa glad hun returneres fra England du boor nok faa alle elementene paa listen eller hun vil bli veldig sint!" 'Yes Madame Bjornsson' I oanna said 'Mistress Angela saidShe would crop us if the shopping was not perfect' said Ioanna trembling too. 'That's quite rightIoanna . WellI will help you. If you show me your shopping list when you reach the check out, I will make sure that you have bought everything Ms Fasgaard requires ,for your own safety. Otherwise I could ask one of our staff to do the shopping for you. It will only cost you another forty NM "Det er helt Ioanna. Vel vil jeg hjelpe deg. Hvis du viser meg din handleliste naar du sjekk ut, vil jeg soorge for at du har kjoopt alt Ms Fasgaard krever, for din egen sikkerhet. Eller's kennel jag been ad vary anisette as gore shopping for deg. Dot vile bare caste deg en annex forty NM 'Thank You Madame Bjornsson but I thoughtStephen would like to see what A Norselandic Supermarket is like' 'Tack Madame Bjornson men jag trodden Stephen honker as se have Norse supermarket err som' 'That's fine Stephen 'She had read my name prominently displayed on my FIC. 'If you have any problems at all there are customer phones on every section with My number. My staff and I will be pleased to assist you!' Ihad found out that service in Supermarkets here was excellent as it was in all the shops in this Nation .The shopper was not left on his or her own as in England .There would always be a Customer Officer(CO) like Nicole who would be constantly looking after and in some ways harassing the customer, not only ensuring they were totally satisfied but that they spent as much as possible .A policy of 'Hard Sell 'was used where it was almost impossible for the customer just to enter a bookshop, for instance. and browser through the books.A CO would be there at all times and being on commission would not let the customer leave without buying something! Beneath theCOs were the staff ot menial workers orMWs. Naturally none of these would be Norselandic .They wouldalmost all bePapian or Filipinos . However lately there was now a labour shortage as there were just not enough Papians to do the menial jobs .As a result thousands of Filipinos and more recently Thais were flooding into Norseland desperate for work and to escapethe povertyat home They were subject to a harsh regime of living in hostels in segregated quarters and working 10 hours a day under the supervision of the RFJ Royal Filipino Judges. In some ways their conditions were harder than the Papians who in turn often treated them badly as they wanted someone to beat having been beaten so much themselves .Also their standard of living was much higher in Papia than the Philippines. However most of the Filipinos were so glad to escape from the slums of Manila and to receive free medical care and education for their children As we walked past we saw gangs of Filipino labourers stacking shelves under the watchful eye of the CSOs. There was also a member of the RFJ there clad in Her leather Judge uniform crop in hand Judge Daniela. As we passed I could see Her telling off a Filipino who had dared to stop for a rest. She was literally yelling in his face ready to crop him .She could be heard right across the supermarket. I looked at Her badge and could see Her name was Judge Daniela Fierssqvist .Woe betide anyFilipino MW who got the wrong side of Judge Daniela.! .She was gorgeous to look at with lovely long blond hair but totally merciless as any Judge should be! We walked on to buy the breakfast items for Angelathat mainly consisted of muesli and beans. There was a whole aisle with tins of beans going to the ceiling with a choice of over 60 varieties .It was the same with the cereal where there was almost every brand of cereal and muesli ever thought of. The choice was so amazing we did not know where to begin . It was the same with the meat counter ,where there were vast hunks of meat of every type of animal going almost up to the ceiling,including whale ,horsemeat ,wild boar and venison. . We then went to the fruit and vegetable section.It consisted of rows upon rows of tropical fruits like mangoes pawpaws and guavwas that just went on as far as the eye could see ,full of the most wonderful tropical fruit and vegetables most of whichI had never seen in my life! It was the most incredible SupermarketI had ever been to! It was as shopper's paradise and as I said there were far larger Supermarkets in the Nation than this one.It surely proved that this was the most affluent Nation in the world! Everywhere there was clockwork efficiency with gangs of Filipino and Papian MWs stacking shelves and cleaning the floor until it was shining under the strict supervision of the COs, who were so helpful to customers and so ruthless with them! Eventually it was time for us to go to the check out. As Ioanna was Papian she had to go to the segregated check out as it was illegal for Norselanders to serve Papians.Nicole had found out we had finished our shopping by calling Ioanna on Her mobile.She stood there behind the checkout assistant a Papian girl called Susi Vakahoa dressed in a purple cottonVASKRO uniform. Susi put the goods through the check out under the watchful eye of Nicole. Susi knew Ioanna and started to talk to her but was warned by Nicole that she was there to work .She stopped talking at once. When Ioanna had paid with Angela's debit card, Nicole rang Angela to say we were coming back and had bought all the shopping as She had checked it with the list.She ordered a MW ,a Filipino called Carlos, to pack the shopping and take it to the taxi. Before we left Nicole kissed me goodbye 'Enjoy your stay in our Nation Stephen .You have already seen how much better our Supermarkets are than in England thoughI have never been there!' Any comments to