History of Norseland, part 1 by Hamlet As for the history of Norseland. I will give a brief background. I have already said it is situated in the Pacific Ocean.The original inhabitants are the Papians .These are dark skinned Polynesian people.They led a peaceful life in their island paradise of fishing and farming rather like the Caribs in the Caribbean before the White Settlers arrived. The first White People to arrive were Settlers. The founder of the country was Jan Stefan from whom Stefansholm the capital is named who arrived with 20 Settlers on May 13 1650.These White Settlers came from Scandinavia mainly from Norway. They came to escape the poverty and cold of Norway at that time. Like their descendants the Vikings that were anxious to explore the world, as well as to conquer, rape and pillage just like the Vikings before them.. The Papians were a peace loving dark skinned people related to the present day Hawaiians .They were similar in many ways to the Caribs in the Caribbean.They lived mainly by fishing and farming and mostly lived along the coast so that the interior of the islands and the mountains were almost uninhabited. The original inhabitants of Norseland or Pacifica as the whole island including Papia is called, were a Polynesian people who were the descendants of the present day Papians They were a peace loving dark skinned people related to the present day Hawaiians .They were similar in many ways to the Caribs in the Caribbean.They lived mainly by fishing and farming and mostly lived along the coast so that the interior of the islands and the mountains were almost uninhabited. The Papians offered almost no resistance to their White Conquerors.Not only were they naturally non violent and quite weak, they saw these big blonde White people,especially the women. as being so much bigger and stronger and more advanced than them. Some resistance was offered by the Papians but it was brutally and ruthlessly crushed.What chance did these small, simple peaceful Polynesian people stand against the mighty descendants of Vikings? .They were amazed by the sheer size of these Norse Settlers especially the Women who called themselves Valkyrie and were as hard and tough as the Men and in some cases much tougher. What amazed these Papians was that the Women were as big if not bigger than the Men. The part of Norway they originated from in the extreme north in the provinces of Nordland ,Troms and Finnmark where the Women had learnt fighting skills to equal the Men partly because so many of the Men had been lost at sea or in wars .Also the harsh climate and living conditions had actually made the Women stronger than the Men as a Woman's endurance to hardship is generally greater than a man's. Needless to say when these Settlers arrived the native inhabitants ran away in terror. They knew that each one was as strong at least as 6 of them. The Settlers drove the native population into the remote mostly uninhabited north eastern corner of the island . It has to be said that massacres took place in which thousands of Papians died. Thousands of Papian women were raped by the huge Norse Men, while even more Papian men were debauched by these mighty Norse Women or Valkyries as They were called. The few feeble attempts made by the Papians to resist were crushed ruthlessly by their Conquerors, that usually led to the whole village that resisted being razed to the ground and all its inhabitants slaughtered.These Settlers raped and pillaged just like Their Viking ancestors, determined to conquer the whole of the island. The Papians were drive into the freezing north eastern mountains the Gronskull or Mauna Papia, where thousands died of the cold and starvation. They were driven into the most inhospitable parts of the island , just like the Anglo Saxons drove the Celts into Wales when they arrived in England in the 4th and 5th centuries. It did not take long for the Settlers to conquer the island .The Settlers generally came from the poorer parts of Scandinavia, mainly northern Norway and Sweden such as Vasterbotten and Norbotten provinces and the poorer parts of Denmark like Jutland They had face the freezing cold and lived a hard life of farming and fishing and whale hunting, as Scandinavia then was quite poor unlike today.They were so pleased to escape to this fertile tropical paradise where there were thousands of square kilometres of lush farm land. They farmed the land being very industrious people turning the whole island into one of the wealthiest agricultural areas in the world. Soon meat and wheat production exceeded most of the rest of the world put together! The Papians were effectively turned into slaves, working on the huge plantations and farms and then in the iron ore mines. However unlike the Indians in America they did not perish through disease and being worked to the bone as the Spanish did to the Indians Although these Norse People as they called Them selves were extremely fierce and brutal ,They could be very kind and benevolent. They came from societies where there was a tradition of helping and caring for one's neighbour. After all They could have massacred all the Papians if they had wanted to in a few years and the Papians have to thank Them for Their benevolence in allowing them to survive!This was partly because the Norse Folk were a Female dominated society and Gynarchy in which control lay with the Women or the Valkyries.The longer they settled the more Female dominated the society became largely because they were so isolated from the rest of the world. The Valkyrie was by nature very strong but gentle and loving as well as being very violent and brutal if She had to(see Dianas Stories What is this website about?).They would not hurt Their Men to whom they were very protective and caring,. They would not either hurt Their Papian slaves unless there was a good reason to. At the same time if a slave was disobedient to his Mastress he could expect no mercy at all and could be put to death in the most painful way usually by strangulation by a leather chord. The Valkyries were very strong believers in the 'carrot and the stick'. In return for total submission and obedience the Papians would be given clean hostel accommodation on the plantation ,3 large meals a day ,free medical care and free education.There were also strict Laws enforced by the Police Force the Black Wolves or Svart Ulva(BWs) ( so called because They wore black leather and were very fierce) the forerunners of the Judges who were almost all Valkyries and who acted under the control of the local Ruler or Regent . The Regent was almost always a Woman or Valkyrie and the island of Pacifica was split into 25 Regencies that more or less corresponded to the 21 Provinces of present day Norseland. The Regent would have almost total power over Her subjects. In many ways it resembled the organisation of the Vikings 600 years before based as it was on total control and military discipline.The Regents resembled the Viking Gothars or Chieftains who ruled over a hierarchical society at the bottom of which were the slaves. Three social classes existed in Norse Folk society. The classes were nowhere near as rigid as they were in other parts of Europe at the time. Mechanisms existed such that a person could move himself from one class to another. The vast majority of Norsemen belonged to the middle class, the karls. These people were freemen and land owners. They were the farmers, the smiths, and the just plain folks. Families of karls usually lived in clusters of two or more buildings, typically longhouses supplemented by barns and workshops. The karls were organized into herds or horden commanded by a Supervisor or Veleida again almost always a Valkyrie Above them were the Jarls, the noble class, again composed almost entirely of Valkyries. The Jarls lived in luxury fine halls and led refined lives filled with a myriad of activities. Jarls were distinguished by their wealth, measured in terms of followers, treasure, ships, and estates. The eldest Daughter of the Jarl was on the fast track to becoming the next Jarl. But, by gaining enough fame and wealth, a Karl could become a Jarl. The power of a Jarl depended upon the goodwill of Her supporters. The jarl's essential task was to uphold the security, prosperity, and honour of Her followers. Below both of these classes were the slaver These included the Papian slaves and booty from a raid) and bondsmen. If a NorsePerson of any class could not pay his/her debts, he/she was obliged to become a bondsman and to work for another Woman until the debt was paid. The slaver must have led very hard lives. The actual social structure, not surprisingly, was more complex than this simple explanation would indicate. On one hand, the three class system in Norse Folk society dates from ancient times and is described in an old mythological poem, R#gs##ula. In the poem, a Goddess called R#gra is shown to be the progenitor of each of the three classes. The poem is thought to express the Norse Folk view of the "right" ordering of society. Because of 's rich literary tradition, we probably know more about social structure in Norseland than in any of the other lands. The surviving law books describe in detail the rights and responsibilities of the various classes. . Poets were held in similar stature to royalty. Norse culture was oral, rather than written. Poets were the means by which the culture was passed from one generation to the next. Accordingly, they were held in high esteem. In terma of the Karls .the highest of these was the hoovdninga , who was the local Chieftainess who carried the legal and administrative responsibilities in Pacifica. In addition, She may have been the priest for the Norse pagan religion, and thus was held to have a special relationship with the Gods. . Next in prominence to the hoovdninga were the land-owning farmers in a region. They supported the hoovdninga and counted on Her for support when needed. Not unexpectedly, some farmers were more prominent than others, because of the family ties with other powerful farmers, or because the size of their farms and their wealth, or because of the number of their supporters. These freepersons enjoyed freedom of speech and liberty that was unknown outside the world at this time. They had the right to bear arms, to have a voice in public affairs, and to enjoy the full benefit of the law. T Merchants, although they might not own land, were also held in similar regard as the land owners. One aspect of being "legal" in Norselandic society was having a residence. Domicile was essential because in order to bring a charge against a person, one needed to summon him to appear at the Montering (assembly) for his region. Icelandic law permitted one to change his legal residence only during a single four day period each year, called fardagar (Moving Days). Yet, there were far more people than there was arable land for them to own. Many freepersons were not land owners. In this class were farmhands, who worked for the farm owner in exchange for room and board. Similarly, servant-men performed the farm chores required of men. . In Norseland some families were tenants, who ran the farm for an absentee owner and who paid an annual rent. The rent was typically set at 10% of the value of the land per year. Slaves alost all of whom were Papian were the bottom of Norse Folk society. They had no rights at all. They were chattels. They could inherit nothing, leave nothing. They could take no part in any business transaction. A slave's only relation with the rest of society was through his Mastress whom owned him/her . Slaves were ofeten put to death when they were no longer capable of working, due to old age, disease, or injury. However, slaves had a few rights. In general, Papian slaves were considered cowards who were easily panicked,weak unreliable, stupid and foul. Slaves were necessary for running a farm. The practice was probably widespread, on both large and small farms. Three slaves were considered the minimum for running a farm with twelve cows and two horses. Yet slaves could not be permitted any advantage in number, especially on isolated settlements. Papian slaves never rebelled as they knew what fatal results. Norse Folk bought slaves as concubines. The normal price for a female slave was 12 ounces of silver, and for a fmale slave, 8 ounces. There was an elaborate set of rules called Gothar which resembled in many ways the tightly controlled Socialist state of present day Norseland.the Citizens would elect representatives to things in each Regency to make Laws .There was a Federal Montering in the largest city that was to become the capital Stefansholm. The strict Laws made by the Monterings were enforced by the Black Wolves on pain of death.They regulated exactly many hours a Papian could work and how many strokes of the whip could be used if a Papian was disobedient.They also regulated the state of the hostels stipulating that each Papian had to live in clean and decent conditions.What a contrast between that and the conditions on the slave plantations in the West Indies and the USA.! Soon the health of the Papians improved beyond anything they had experienced before and within 50 years the population of Papians was greater than it was before the Norse Folk arrived.In return the Papians began to love to their Norse Mastresses .Papian men were desperate to be debauched by a Norse Master and began to fall in love with their Norse Masters,This explains why there was almost no resistance,The Papians knew they would be beaten to death if they resisted but also desperately wanted to serve and obey their Overladies/Overlords! TO BE CONTINUED! Any comments please to norselandic@hotmail.com