A TYPICAL HEALTHY CONFIDENT POWERFUL STRONG DOMINANT AND HAPPY NORSE WOMAN by Hamlet NORSELANDERS ALL SINGLE THE HEALTHIEST AND HAPPIEST PEOPLE ON EARTH PART ONE The overwhelming evidence in studies of Norselanders is that being single is one of the main reasons that contributes more to their health and happiness and success in life compared to the rest of the world, especially to married people in other countries. That is why marriage has been abolished in Norseland since 1919 , as an institution that is incompatible with a Matriarchy and Gynarchy and which degrades and humiliates Women. Norselanders are then not only the healthiest and strongest people on earth they are also by far the happiest and most successful. All flats and houses in Norseland are State owned and are constructed for single occupancy only unless there are extra rooms for the children. Partners never live together by Law .Partners always live separate from each other seeing each other usually at weekends only.as part of their relationship of Loving Domination and Tender Loving Care (LDTLC) ( Kj�rlig Dominans og Oom Kj�rlig Omsorg) in which the Norse Woman is always the Dominant Partner (DP)( Dominans Feelaga) a relationship of Female Domination enshrined in Law and the Constiturtion.Failure to obey the Female DP is a serious criminal offence to which the Man can be reported to the Police (Judges) who are almost all Female and totally ruthless! All Norse Women and Man are subjects and equal citizens of the Her Majesty The Queen Goddess and all equal brothers and sisters .Every Norselander is a member of a Herd or Horda of an average of 50 persons presided over by a Social Officer (Sosial Offiser) that controls every single aspect of their life, in many ways resembling elephant sociery in which the herd is ruled by the She Elephant and the calves are the property of the herd. .That is why loneliness is non-existent in Norseland and why Men never have to search for a female Partner since wherever he goes a Norse Man will be approached and if necessary harassed by a Norse Woman who will ask him to have intimate sexual relations with her almost as soon as she meets him! Children are the sole property of the State and The Queen Goddess only. The State in the person of the Social Officer decides which of the parents is the most suitable depending on their qualifications work etc. The child is able to visit the other parent only if and when the Social Officer decides it.If the SO decides neither parent is suitable then the child is brought up in a Royal Children's Home (Regina's Boorn Hjem ) similar in some ways to a boarding school onlky the children are treated humanely with their own rooms with sporting and recreational facilities provided in an atmosphere of TLC .With the permission of the RBH Principal they may be allowed visiting hours when the parents will be allowed to visit the RBH at certain tiomes under the supervision of the child's Guardian ( Verndari) 1 -Norselanders have more time for themselves One of the reasons why Norse Women and Men are better off single compared to the rest of the world is the fact that they have more time to enjoy being alone, pamper themselves by spending only on themselves , and taking themselves on relaxing self-dates, and enjoy their individuality and independence. Just how satisfying is their feeling of being free to wake up whenever they want on a day off, recharge thir energy without having to sacrifice their alone-time for the sake of pleasing somebody else, and travel on a whim without having to check if their schedule matches with their Partner's! Meanwhile, people who are in a relationship as in the UK and USA tend to spend less time on their own. Alone time, is very necessary; it helps with their stress management and boosts their self-confidence which then boosts their health and happiness! And being single promotes their self-reliance and self-love. 2.Norselanders are more in touch with friends and Norse Women with Norse Men Single Norselandic men and women spend over 12 minutes a day texting or talking with their friends and family, whereas married in other countries people spend 7 minutes keeping in touch with people other than their partners. This just shows how Norselanders are more social than others and relate more in a loving way to the opposite sex , contrary to the common misconception that holds that single people are isolated, unsociable, and lonely. Norselandwrs who are single and live alone tend to be socially active and spend more time with others as Norse Women love to care for and nurture Norse Men in a relationship of Loving Domination, whom they see as their Brothers and Sons which will not allow feelings of loneliness to seep into their lives. 3.No one else controls their moods When you're in a relationship when you are living in the same house, fights are inevitable so it's only natural to feel down and unable to function properly after a heated argument with a significant other.It's also extremely frustrating how that affects their day to day tasks and productivity, rendering you more emotionally drained than you have ever been in their most stressful jobs! Likewise, sudden or small changes in a partner's mood may affect you and make you wonder what went wrong, especially if they choose not to open up. Hence, you end up carrying their and their partner's emotional baggage wherever you go, and kissing goodbye to their peace of mind! That is why the single life is seen as so superior to the married life Before entering a relationship, Norse Women in particular all learn about themselves first, work on their self-esteem, and improve their self-confidence to make themselves happy before caring for anyone else. As Christ taught Mark 12:30-31 30� Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with your entire mind and with all your strength.'[ The second is this: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.There is no commandment greater than these.' This teaching is followed by Law in Norseland with its Christianaist Church is the most religious Nation on earth. Any comments please to norselandic@hotmail.com