Mother Superior Extremely Senior Sister Athena Lydiasdottir by Hamlet Mother Superior Extremely Senior Sister Athena Lydiasdottir sat in Her enormous study at St Agatha's Convent in Eastry Kent England overlooking the beautiful Kent countryside .She wore wore the long black shiny latex gown that went right down to the ground. Her blonde hair was completely covered in a tight latex cap. She wore a mask on Her face on Her Divine Mission to terrify Her victim so that their mouths were the only part of their anatomy that was visible. Under Her gown She wore really tight black latex basques that showed off the power of Her body and Her muscles to terrify Her enemies. She also wore thigh length leather and rubber boots with 6" heels and pointed steel razor sharp toes. Around Her waist She carried a steel cross that was pointed like a sword and could in itself be used as a weapon. She wore an armoury of weapons a whip with steel thongs at the end knives leather chords and knuckledusters. She also wore long shiny skin-tight latex gloves. She was a veritable One Woman Army ready to be a Crusader in the Holy War Against Crime and Terror! She had sent two of the Warrior Nuns.Very Senior Sister Alison Bjorgegaard and Junior Sister Megan Vaaskersjold on a Mission to capture the leading atheist blasphemer Richard Dawkins. She knew that Richard Dawkin was an English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author. He was Emeritus Fellow of New College, Oxford, and was the University of Oxford's Professor for Public Understanding of Science from 1995 until 2008. He had come to prominence with his 1976 book 'The Selfish Gene', which had made popular the gene-centred view of evolution and introduced the term meme. He was an atheist, and a vice president of the British Humanist Association.He was well known for his criticism of creationism and intelligent design. In his 1986 book 'The Blind Watchmaker', he argued against the watchmaker analogy, an argument for the existence of a supernatural creator based upon the complexity of living organisms. Instead, he described evolutionary processes as analogous to a blind watchmaker. He had since written several popular science books, and made regular television and radio appearances, predominantly discussing these topics. In his 2006 book 'The God Delusion', Dawkins contended that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that religious faith is a delusion a 'fixed false belief"...As of January 2010, the English-language version had sold more than two million copies and had been translated into 31 languages. He was an outspoken atheist and a supporter of various atheist, secular, and humanistic organisations. Although he was confirmed into the Church of England at the age of thirteen, he started to lose his religious faith when he discovered Darwin. He revealed that his understanding of evolution led him to atheism and was puzzled by belief in God among individuals who are sophisticated in science. ' She had just watched a DVD that demonstrated Dawkins in all his pomposity .He had just lectured some woman about her belief in the virgin birth. He has said in all his arrogance 'if they want to believe a lot of supernatural nonsense that's up to them but why should they foist it on the rest of us!' God what an arrogant prick he was! She could not wait to deal with him severely! He was going to have to stand trial for blasphemy and for insulting the cherished beliefs of others! .She was determined to put an ends to his atheistic nonsense once and for all! She was an Instrument of God's Will and the Will of The Queen Goddess of Norseland.Her Word and every utterance is Law. She and only She would pass sentence according to the evidence that was presented to her .This pompous supercilious prick had be brought to justice before he spread any more poison! He would be cross examined by Professor Very Senior Sister Eva Harvested a Professor of Apogetics at the University of Kristianskobing one of the most brilliant minds in the world today. She had written one of the best books on evolution and the refutation of atheism '100 Reasons Why Evolution is Stupid' .He would be brought to the Convent as a prisoner and would She be instructed to ruthlessly cross examine him and rip all his arguments to shreds before the world as a transcript of the trial will be relayed to every country on earth. It would be a trial just like the trials of war criminals at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. The most lenient sentence She could pass on him was Suspension by which he would be given freedom to return home to New College Oxford as long as he recanted his erroneous views and promised never to repeat them on oath .He would be constantly monitored by the Nuns in the person of Sister Marissa Ibsson who could arrest him at any time, breaking into his home whenever She chose o be taken back to the Convent for incarceration.' He would have to wear a hair shirt for a six month period of Probation in walk around Oxford with a large badge saying; 'I RICHARD DAWKINS IS A WRETCHED SINNER AND DESERVE THE PUNISHMENTS OF HELL FIRE! which had to be worn at all times in public as a sign of humiliation and disgrace.' The most common punishment She would pronounce though would be Reconciliation in which he as prisoner would be sentenced to a rigorous period of punishment that would include severe whippings , canings and thrashings until most of his skin was removed ,as well as a period of hard labour at the Convent carried out under the supervision of Sister Marissa She would rigorously enforce the Punishment Until you would almost certainly be turned into physical and mental wreck and human vegetable at Her hands!' She decided that She would write a letter to him beforehand and was prepared to show him mercy. St .Agatha's Convent Eastry Kent CT13 OHX Dear Professor Dawkins I am writing to you as the Mother Superior of St Agatha's Convent .I am a Warrior Nun and I am conducting a War against Crime and Terrorism .This is also a Holy War against atheism which in many ways by teaching Relativism in particular encourages crime and immorality by teaching that there are no absolute moral values. Only belief in God can provides a sound foundation for objective moral values. Moral values have to do with what is good or evil. On the Christian view objective moral values are grounded in God. As St. Anselm saw, God is by definition the greatest conceivable being and therefore the highest Good. Indeed, He is not merely perfectly good; He is the locus and paradigm of moral values. God's own holy and loving nature provides the absolute standard against which all actions are measured. He is by nature loving, generous, faithful, kind, and perfect. Thus if God exists, objective moral values exist, wholly independent of human beings. I am demanding that you stop your atheistic teaching and stop poisoning the minds of students all over the world. If you agree to a full and complete recantation of your false views then in My mercy you given freedom to return home to New College Oxford as long as you recant your erroneous views and promise never to repeat them on oath .You would be constantly monitored by the Warrior Nuns in the person of Sister Marissa Ibsson who will be given My permission to arrest you at any time, breaking into your home whenever She chose to be taken back to the Convent for incarceration. 'You would have to wear a hair shirt for a six month period of Probation in constant pain and walk around with a large badge saying 'I RICHARD DAWKINS IS A WRETCHED SINNER AND DESERVE THE PUNISHMENTS OF HELL FIRE! which you will to be worn at all times in public as a sign if humiliation and disgrace. If you refuse to recant then you will be forcibly brought to the Convent by two of My Nuns for trial before me. If I find you gulity then I will pronounce sentence The most common punishment I would pronounce would be Reconciliation in which you as prisoner would be sentenced to a rigorous period of punishment This would include severe whippings and thrashings until most of your skin will be removed as well as a period of hard labour at the Convent carried out under the supervision of Sister Marissa She would rigorously enforce the Punishment until you would almost certainly be turned into physical and mental wreck and human vegetable at Her hands!' You have a simple choice either you recant or you face trial and severe punishment! Yours truly EXTREMELY SENIOR SISTER ATHENA LYDIASDOTTIR New College Oxford Holy well St, Oxford OX1 3BN Dear Sister I am in possession of your rude and offensive letter.I have no intention of standing trial ay your convent. You have no right to come to this country from your country in the Pacific Ocean and make me stand trial! I am British not Norselandic and will not be put on trial before your fascist courts. Go back to your Nazi state and leave us alone! I will not submit to your religious nonsense and will continue to stand up for scientific truth. As I have said religion is about turning untested belief into unshakable truth through the power of institutions and the passage of time.Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence. I have shown your threatening letter to the Police .I has also hired a security company to protect me from your harridan Nuns. You won't stop me from preaching the truth of science and evolution! The inquisition was fortunately abolished in 1834 and was an example of the evil of religion and you evil witches cannot revive it! Yours Richard Dawkins. She immediately responded to his letter at once. Dear Dawkins You are in very serious trouble. Not only do you insult My Nation Norseland the world Superpower and Police Woman you also show your ignorance of My religion You have forfeited My mercy as you have not humbly recanted from your sins. As a result I am sending two of My Warrior Nuns Very Senior Sister Alison Bjorgegaard and Junior Sister Megan Vaaskersjold to kidnap you and abduct you for trial before the world. Your only choice is to surrender yourself for arrest and capture. You are in very deadly serious trouble Dawkins! YOURS IN FURY EXTREMELY SENIOR SISTER ATHENA LYDIASDOTTIR Any comments for future episodes to