Junior Sister Megan by Hamlet Meanwhile Junior Sister Megan did not require any strength to hold Her gorilla opponent down. She had just kicked him hard in the testicles with one blow and he was lying on the floor of the lecture room at New College Oxford in abject agony. The match which once seemed his to command was to end in disaster. For Her opponent She hovered above him with Her body in a push-up position. Megan exclaimed, "My goodness, you really look tired. See these breasts, watch as his slowly come down to finish you". He was completely horrified and totally ashamed to see Her above him in all Her latex magnificence with no ability to resIst. Now She slowly lowered Herself, savouring every moment, as Her golden globes headed for the final victory. Beads of sweat from Her glistening breasts dripped on to Her opponent. Her eyes looked into his and his fear made Her body tingle, aroused with excitement. The gorilla did not speak, but it sounded like he was silently sobbing in his humiliation. The supple flesh and erect nipples made contact. The moment of sweet victory had arrived. Staring into his disbelieving eyes made this victory, Her most enjoyable accomplishment. She found it much more satisfying than a face-sitting pin would have been. She saw his total defeat in the eye to eye contact. She had fought a male champion, but had conquered much more. How long did She hold him there, who knows? It was as long as She wanted to. Did the gorilla enjoy it? Certainly not! The dominant Warrior Nun continued to dictate to him that, not only was She wrestling champion supreme, but, also, now he was Her personal victim. Obviously, he was in no position to debate the point. She had proven absolute, physical superiority to this doubting fool. Megan asked him if he needed further proof of Her superiority or if there were any doubts as to the winner of this match. The gorilla could only nod his head, no, although his eyes were fully terrified. The dominate Nun one would now commanded him and he must obey. Any resistance would be met with another encounter in which She prepared to make him suffer much more, if that's possible and still live. This new champion was an effective wrestler who had immensely enjoyed Her championship wrestling experience.She would definitely pass Her Novitiate now anfd become a fully fledged Warrior Nun. The students in the lecture room gazed at Her and Her Colleaugue Sister Alison in wonder and admiration. What a turn-on to bring a goon and gorilla his knees in this fashion in front of Dawkins and his former doting students She thought. Who was the champion now? She bellowed. He could not speak. Who was the strongest, Now?, She screamed! I am instrument of the Queen Goddess and Conqueror. Do you know believe and accept female Domination now? Do You, Do You? ' She grabbed him by his hair and slapped his face. He did not respond. Again She slapped him, again, again, again...until She got the answer she desired. There, that wasn't so hard, now was it,' asked Megan. In his semi-conscious mind he could now easily accept Her as a Dominant, Nun as She had both physically and mentally beaten him. She knew, he was glad in his own pathetic way . . She would continue to fight doubting arrogant males , especially those like Dawkins wherever they were It was now Dawkins turn to surrender. He stood in the corner crouching in terror .As the two Nuns Alison and Magan approached him he cried out in abject fear OH GOD HAVE MERCY ON ME!! 'Oh like atheists you call on God when you are facing danger you worm! 'called out Sister Alison in victory. 'Right Megan hog tie him and let's take him to the Convent for trial! You must prove your abilities to qualify as a Warrior Nun!' 'Certainly Alison I can't wait to hog tie this bastard to pass My Novitiate!' Megan began to tie Dawkins' hands and feet so he could not try to escape. To tie HIS hands, she pulled them behind her captive's back and wrapped the rope around them in a figure eight pattern. She tied the rope between his wrists to ensure that He could not wriggle his hands free. She made sure that the rope sat right below his thumb joint; with the knot well out of reach of his fingers She tied his feet above the ankles. Megan knew that one of the best ways to keep Her victim immobile was to roll them on to his stomach and bring his bound ankles up towards his bound wrists. She joined these two bound areas together with another piece of rope, effectively placing them in a hogtie. His would not be able to squirm much or move anywhere in this position. Finally She placed a dampened cloth into his mouth but ensured that it did not completely choke them in the process. Once the cloth was inserted into the mouth, She placed two to three pieces of tape over his mouth to keep the bastard quiet With one move She threw his trussed body over Her shoulder. Alison looked onto Her in admiration knowing She would soon pass Her novitiate with flying colours! COME ON MEGAN LET'S TAKE THIS GOD HATER TO THE CONVENT!! Any comments please to norselandic@hotmail.com