MARY LOU the SCHOOL DISCPLINARIAN by Hamlet Mary Lou Barnstad was pleased with herself. She had transformed Arthingworth Academy in Stratford East London to become one of the best schools in many ways in England, in some ways better than Eton. She was now the headmistress of the Academy after She had been the School Disciplinarian. Yet one year ago when She applied for a job there when it was Arthingworth Secondary School a dingy back street school that had the worst discipline and academic record in Britain. She remembered when She had first arrived at the school. She was dressed totally in the Norselandic national dress of a leather jacket, leather gloves and 6" high-heel boots. At nearly 7 feet tall She was an amazing imposing sight. The school had adveritised for someone to handle the serous discipline problems of the school to become the School Disciplinarian. Back home in Norseland, She was a Senior Discipline Officer at Athena Academy in Hjellskilde in a Nation that had the strictest and best education system in the world. She had only been in England now for a month and had come to improve Her English at Newham College. During the day She worked in a pub in Stratford and believed the time had come to do a job that was more suited to Her excellent academic abilities. She realised that Norselandic education had a reputation for extreme discipline. She was addicted to the Spartan regime of education that was practised all over Her Nation and was the main reason the Nation had by far the best education system in the world. She believed that tolerance and leniency simply encouraged unruliness and insolence. Austerity instilled good behaviour and was the answer to Arthingworth's problems. She was a passionate believer in strong firm discipline and was completely intolerant of poor behaviour. Every single misdemeanour had to be punished which is why She never tolerated insubordination or indiscipline at all. She was a staunch believer in AZT (Absolute Zero Tolerance). There was only one other applicant for the job and he soon left when he realised what he was up against. The Headmaster, Mr Marley, a short balding man, greeted Her as soon as She walked in. He was so impressed by Her height and power. She exuded such total control and confidence "Very good to meet you Ms Barnstad. I'm afraid to tell you that the system of order and discipline in this school has collapsed completely and there is complete anarchy. We need your Norselandic standards of order in our schools. I have two of the worst pupils in the school here, Bing Jones and Ron Holis. If you can handle them you can certainly have the job!" The Headmaster walked over to the two of them. They both looked completely unsavoury dressed in dirty old jeans and with their feet up on the table. It was quite clear that they treated the Headmaster as a complete joke. Mary Lou was absolutely disgusted. She had never seen a sight of two pupils sitting ignoring the Headmaster and Her, dressed in jeans that would be banned in Her Nation. She walked right up to them furious "'Will you get up now!!" Insolently, Bing stuck his finger up in the air. "I'll get this up for you Blondie, and something else!" he laughed in derision. With Her leather-gloved hand, She pulled him out of the chair by the neck, lifting his whole body demonstrating Her superior strength. She then put Her knee right up his back and pulled his hair back. He let out a cry of anguish. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! She then pulled his arm right back and slammed his face down hard on the table as blood came pouring out of his nose. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! He was crying like a little baby as She held his face in Her powerful hand and gripped him by the hair as if he was just a piece of garbage. He was crying just like a little child of four. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! "That's the way we treat unruly children in My Nation. I have a crop on Me now and I would love to give two of these little bastards 50 strokes each!" Mr Marley looked at Her in amazement as did Ron Harris, dreading the cropping he was certainly about to receive. "YOU ARE HIRED MS BARNSTAD. YOU CAN START TOMORROW!" Mary Lou Barnstad felt so proud of Herself on Her first day as the School Disciplinarian of Arthingworth Secondary School in Stratford East London. She was already an SDO (Senior Discipline Officer) back in Her Nation Norseland at the Athena Academy in Hjellskilde. She had a sign framed outside the front door written in English and Norselandic: MARY LOU BARNSTAD SCHOOL DISCIPLINARIAN DISCIPLINE IS LOVE BLESSED ARE THE MEEK FOR THEY SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH MARY LOU BARNSTAD SKOLEN DISCIPLIN OFFICER DISCIPLIN ER KJOORLIGHET VAALSIGNAT ER DE SAKTMODIGE FOR DE SKAL AARVE JORDEN She would lie down. She wore Her SF arm badge being a member of the elite SF Samfunnet Av Floggers an elite professional organization that She had joined as a result of receiving Her BSC from the University of Hjellskilde in Discipline and Corporal Punishment and a PHD from the University of Kristianskobing in Flogging and Thrashing. She was well and truly an expert in flogging and CP and thoroughly enjoyed Her work. She was absolutely passionate about flogging and every time She flogged pupil She would become ecstatic. The problem was that back in Norseland at the Athena Academy in Hjellskilde the pupils were so well behaved and disciplined that She could not find any reason to flog them however had She tried. Her typical day would begin with Her patrolling from one classroom to another cane in hand desperate to give a recalcitrant pupil a flogging. She would enter a class as She would open the door quietly. All the pupils would look down in terror as there was a loud crash of Her cane on the desk. She would particularly like entering the classroom of Mr. Sondergaard as She believed he was too soft with pupils. "Do any pupils need flogging Here, Herr Sondergaard? Are there any lazy idle loafers who need a damned good caning?" She would walk up to a boy that was not sitting absolutely to attention. "Why are you not sitting to attention boy?" The boy would start to cry, as he knew a caning was coming. "I thought I was sitting to attention, Ms Barnstad." He began to whimper. "An obvious idler I can see it I your eye! Hold out your hand!!" The boy would obediently hold his hand out as the cane came crashing down. "ONE... TWO... THREE... FOUR!!!" YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The noise of the cane was terrible and could be heard right down the corridor as a warning to all the other pupils. He would be made to count every stroke in Sheer agony. "ONE... TWO... THREE... FOUR!!!" YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! "Kneel down boy!! And all of you back to work! I don't want to see any more lazy idle loafers!! Any lazy schemers! Back to work all of you!!" "Ms Barnstad will be coming every single day!" She poked one of the boys in the side with Her cane. "When will Ms Barnstad return?" He began to shake in fear dreading a beating "Tomorrow, Ms Barnstad" "YES TOMORROW, AND TOMORROW, AND TOMORROW!!!" Any comments to