Mary Lou the discilipinarian by Hamlet Mary Lou Barnstad felt so proud of Herself on Her first day as the School Discipinarian of Arhingworth Secondary School in Stratford East London. She was already an SDO (Senior Discipline Officer) back in Her Nation Norseland at the Athena Academy in Hjellskilde. She had a sign framed outside the front door written in English and Norselandic MARY LOU BARNSTAD SCHOOL DISCIPLINARIAN DISCIPLINE IS LOVE BLEESED ARE THE MEEK FOR THEY SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH MARY LOU BARNSTAD SKOLEN DISCIPLIN OFFICER DISCIPlIN ER KJ��RLIGHET VAALSIGNAT ER DE SAKTMODIGE FOR DE SKAL AARVE JORDEN She was determined to transform Her room just as She was determined to transform Arthingworth Secondary School until it became Arthingworth Academy baded on the stricted standards of Norselandic school discipline until it achieved the best exam results in the UK and until flogging and beatings were accepted as normal parts of the school life and a policy of AZT (Absolute Zero Tolerance) would be enforced rigorously. She was dresses today as usual in a leather jacket leather skirt and high heeled boots ready for action and to beat mercilessly any pupil who misbehaved even slightly showing no mercy for the slightest deviation from the rules that She would lay down. She wore Her SF arm badge being a member of the elite SF Samfunnet av floggers an elite professional organization that She had joined as a result of receiving Her BSC from the University of Hjellskilde in Discipline and Corporal Punishment and a PHD from the University of Kristianskobing in Flogging and Thrashing. She was well and truly an expert in flogging and CP and thoroughly enjoyed Her work. She was absolutely passionate about flogging and every time She flogged pupil She would become ecstatic. The problem was that back in Norseland at the Athena Academy in Hjellskilde the pupils were so well behaved and disciplined that She could not find any reason to flog them however had She tried. Her typical day would begin with Her patrolling from one classroom to another cane in hand desperate to give a recalcitrant pupil a flogging's She would enter a class as She would open the door quietly All the pupils would look down in terror as there was a loud crash of Her cane on the desk. She would particularly like entering the classroom of Mr. Sondergaard as She believed he was too soft with pupils. Do any pupils need flogging Here Herr Sondergaard.Are there any lazy idle loafers need a damned good caning? Noen elever trenger piskining Her Herr Sondergaard.?Er det noen late tomgang dagdivaren trenger en fordoomt god kan igjen glede deg? She would walk up to a boy that was not sitting absolutely to attention. Why are you not sitting to attention boy? Hvorfor er du ikke sitte aa oppmerksomhet pojke? The boy would start to cry as he knew a caning was coming I thought I was sitting to attention Ms Barnstad he began to whimper. Jeg trodde jeg ble sittende aa oppmerksomhet Ms Barnstad An obvious idler I can see it I your eye! En aapenbar strammeren jeg kan se det i ooynene! Hold out your hand!! Hold din haand ut!! The boy would obediently hold his hand out as the cane came crashing down ONE TWO THREE FOUR!!! EN TO TRE FIRE!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The noise of the cane was terrible and could be hard right down the corridor as a warning to all the otHer pupils. He would be made to count every stroke in Sheer agony. ONE TWO THREE FOUR!! EN TO TRE FIRE!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Kneel down boy!! And all of you back to work!" I don't want to see any more lazy idle loafers!! Any lazy schemers! Back to work all of you!! Kne gutt!! Og alle du tilbake til arbeidet! Jeg vil ikke se noen mer lazy tomgang loafers!! Noen late schemen !Til bake til arbeidet alle av deg!! Ms Barnstad will be coming every single day! Ms barnstad kommer hver eneste dag! She poked one of the boys in the side with Her cane. When will Ms Barnstad return? He began to shake in fear dreading a beating Naar vil Ms Barnstad tilbake? Tomorrow Ms Barnstad YES TOMORROW AND TOMORROW AND TOMORROW!!! JA I MORGEN OG I MORGEN OG I MORGEN !!! Any comments to