MARCIA BEGINS TO TAKE REVENGE ON A RAPIST AND A THUG by Hamlet 'Yes I will have a double Bacardi and coke' Marcia told Bill in a voice that did not tolerate any disobedience at all .God this Black Woman was so assertive! What the hell was he doing with this huge Ebony Amazon when he could be with some sweet blonde bimbo whom he could take home and do with what he wanted. He was overwhelmed by Her sheer size. She was actually not only the biggest Woman but the largest person he had ever come across in his life She was at least 6 inches taller than him Her huge mammaries thrust into his face and they looked as if they could suffocate him. He had never seen such a massive cleavage before. Her muscles looked as if they would burst right out of Her tight red leather cat suit .He was totally overpowered by the strong aroma of leather and perfume that exuded from Her huge body. He decided that he really wanted to get away now that he had made a serious mistake in asking Her if She wanted a drink. He was used to chatting up blonde bimbos much smaller than him and after beating up their boyfriend in front of them would take them back to his flat for some rough sex. Yet in the case of this amazing Amazon he would definitely be at the receiving end of any violence at all! He wanted to leave then and there. The only trouble was that She now actually had him pinned tightly to the chair with Her legs the other sides of his .She was wearing knee length boots with razor sharp heels .What was worse was that the heels were digging into his skin She realized that like all thugs he was really just a wimp and coward totally incapable of resisting the slightest pain. God She could not wait to get him back to Her offices and beat the shit out of him! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! He groaned .'What are you doing?' 'What's the matter Billy boy? You can't take a little bit of pain? I though you were a tough guy. I've seen you beat up guys in here and walk away with their girlfriends. Thought you liked it rough!' NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! he winced 'I don't like it too rough! He groaned as the pain was getting even worse. 'I thought you might like some rough stuff with Me and we could have some fun in My place.I'lll tell this guy to go and then we can have some fun back at My place doing some really rough sex games which I know you will enjoy!' She turned to Dave who worked in the bar. I was actually Her boyfriend and partner and She was pretending to be his girlfriend. 'Do you mind leaving us dear .I want to take this hunk back home with Me!' He dutifully obeyed Her, With that She grabbed Bill's hand and led him out of the pub She was wearing fingerless red leather gloves that showed off Her massive long fingers and razor like nails that seemed nearly six inches long and were like small knives. He had no choice but to follow Her as She led him like a little child out of the pub. ' We can go go to My place and continue our discussion there. By the way My name is Marcia ". He had already forgotten the blonde he had been so infatuated with only moments before. Marcia said "I don't want to leave My car here. Why don't we drive home to My place?' They arrived in the parking lot outside the offices of I Love Vengeance. She had lied to him that this was just a mail order business. Marcia continued to hold his hand as She led him into the interview room of Her office. Inside there was a desk and a small couch. ' Help yourself to scotch while I get changed' She said to him smiling. He was now beginning to panic as he had decided he really did not want any rough sex with this big tough Woman. He decided he wanted to escape. He tried the door and saw that it was locked and there was no escape. Sweat was pouring down his face. 'Please let me out! he shouted now in a state of real fear. Suddenly She opened the door. She had changed clothes. Now She was wearing a skin tight leather leotard and knee length boots. She had a large bag hanging over Her shoulder. "A Woman has to be prepared." She said and put the bag down. Through the leotard Her breasts were highly visible. ' What did you have in mind?" he asked Marcia his voice shaking "Why don't you try to take Me and I'll resist" She said. "We'll see what happens from there.". "You mean you want me to force you to submit to me" he said nervously knowing with Her sheer size it was impossible. "How should we start?" Marcia looked at him and said "Like this!" and slapped his face hard with her right hand. Before he could react She slapped the other side of his face with her left hand. It was like being hit by two cricket bats one after another. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Now he had handprints outlined in red on both sides of his face. Marcia leaned in close and whispered sexily in his ear. "Just for your information, I'm not wearing anything under these clothes. Why don't you strip down so I can see that body you are so proud of? ". He was wearing only a pair of bikini briefs. He really did like such a wimp compared to Her. He was already sporting an erection. "Not too bad, I suppose "She told him. "Now where were we? Oh yes, I remember." While She was finishing Her comment She had moved closer to him. She slapped him again, hard with Her right hand. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! "That is about enough of that shit" he snapped as tears cane down his sore face.. He dived for Her thinking he would knock Her to the floor. When he hit the floor She walked back up a couple of steps, but he felt like he had run into a brick wall. He lunged again and this time She allowed him to tackle Her to the floor. "Now, I've got you." He exulted. However his evaluation was premature. As they rolled around on the floor, Marcia came out on top, sitting on his chest. "I thought you were the tough guy" She giggled as She got off he and rose to Her feet ." It looks like if these pants are coming off I have to do it Myself. You can't get it done.". While he was rising from the carpet, She removed the black leather leotard She was wearing. True to Her word She wore nothing underneath. She could hear his sharp intake of breath as he saw Her full size. Her legs were not slender like he had imagined. They were instead, the most muscular legs he had ever seen, man or woman. Huge slabs of muscle extended from Her thighs. As She faced him the vast shape of Her quads extended far out over Her knees. Her calves were large diamonds of muscle with clear splits and veins. He could see every separation and striation in Her thighs. Between Her legs was a wild tangle of thick wiry black hair that he could see was already glistening wet with anticipation of what was to come. "A little surprise for you, Billy boy. I know you've never seen legs like these before. How would you like to be between them. Wouldn't that be fun?" He leaped at Her again. This time as they wrestled on the carpet, but it was hopeless She wound up behind him. Her heavily muscled legs snaked out and lock around his middle in a crushing scissors hold. Bill thought he was being cut in two. She sent jolts of power through those amazing thighs. He couldn't breathe. Suddenly he felt the pressure lift. As he struggled to get his breath, those powerful appendages now wrapped around his head. He could feel the wetness between Her legs pressing against the back of his neck. Marcia poured on the power. Her flexing thighs grew to a huge size as She bore down. He thought his head would split open from the pressure. The pain was unbelievable. Just when he thought he couldn't possibly take it anymore, the pressure lifted again. He felt Her hands turn his body so that he faced Her. Now those magnificent legs locked around his head once more time. In a deadly grip This time however, his face was thrust directly into Her dripping snatch. "You know what you have to do" Marcia said to him. "Use your tongue, YOU BETTER DO IT GOOD OR I MIGHT BREAK YOUR F-----G NECK!!!."