MARCIA CONTINUES TO RAPE STEPHEN MERCILESSLY by Hamlet As I lay there sleeping in our king sized bed next to Marcia my Partner I continued to remember the time we first met at Walthamstow station when She had forcibly raped me wanking me mercilessly. The first time She had met me we were strangers on a train and She had told me that She was going to rape me by wanking me and then take me to Her car where She would screw me pitilessly using Her long rubber strap on . At the same time She had spoken to me in the kind and loving way She always had with me. I distinctly remember as I stood there near the station with my trousers right down by the tree as She shoved vaseline remorselessly up my arse. I groaned as Her leather gloved hand with its sharp nails penetrated into me hard. She had whispered in my ear that She wanted 6 ejaculations from my stem and that She would not let me go until I had given Her all that milk in Her hands. She had told me off too by allowing me to ejaculate all that spunk right into over Her lovely new leather gloves. She had told me that I had four ejaculations to go as She had already wanked me in the Front and in the Side Positions. She whispered in my ear as I began to cry as She held me with one powerful hand around my neck and the other right up my arse penetrating into me so hard. I was totally overwhelmed by Her vastly superior strength and power and knew well that compared to her I was a complete and total wimp. 'Come on Stephen you must learn the importance of submission and obedience and to accept and recognize your inferiority to Me! I'm a big strong Black Woman and a security guard. I am trained in all the martial arts, whereas your role in life is to be a complete wimp! You must understand that there's nothing wrong with being a wimp it's just the role you were born into and you cannot help it. Just understand that you were  born into this life to be screwed and dominated by Women .It's not something you can help it's a very good role and you should be proud of it.' 'You must  understand that from now on we have met at last after being strangers on the train and that I am your Mother and Goddess and you are my little child and baby.  There is nothing wrong with being a baby you desperately need someone like Me to control and to love you showing you tender loving care and compassion. Do you have a mother Stephen?' 'No Marcia she's dead'. I said as I carried on crying in pain as Her whole hand was now right up  my arse while Her other hand was holding Me  in a vice around my neck. 'Was she a good mother to you Stephen?' I carried on crying as I let out a long yell of pain that could be heard right across the park as I was sure that some of the people coming out of the station could hear me. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! 'Not really Marcia. I hardly saw anything of her in my life. My father worked abroad in all these foreign contraries and I hardly knew her. I was brought up by nannies all my life.' I had great difficulty talking as Her mighty hand grabbed me hard around my throat. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! 'Well Stephen I am a very intelligent person and I can see right into your heart. I looked at you every day on the train and I was so desperate to meet you as you looked such a lovely and kind person .You gave the impression that you were very lonely and had led a lonely childhood. I am very perceptive Stephen and I can see right through people because as wall as being very strong I am very intelligent can see into the hearts of people too having studied telepathy as part of My degree. I believe that God has brought us together as I am a very religious person . I have never had a baby but now you are  My baby to be cared for and looked after by Me right throughout your life. ' I will be a loving and kind Mother to you to replace the mother you never had. I will be your Goddess to nurture and care for you as My little child . I will look after and take care of your every need all through your life. Is that clear Stephen? I love you so much and because I care for you I want to screw you and wank you all the time. Is that clear to you Stephen?' 'Yes Marcia!' I groaned in agony. Suddenly She took hold of my cock in Her vice like hand. With remorseless power She moved Her leather gloved hand up and down in a series of rapid and powerful strokes not caring how much it hurt me as it was Her pleasure and Her pleasure alone that mattered. I came in another explosion all over Her glove. With another move She rubbed all the spunk all over my face and then forced me to lick Her leather clean all over with my tongue. 'Stephen these are lovely new shiny leather gloves and I want them to be clean all over. Every time you  come all over them I will wipe your come all over your face  and force you to lick them clean. Do you understand?' 'Yes Marcia!' I wailed unable to stop the tears flowing down my face. 'Stephen we are half way through now in the wanking Session. before I take you into My car to be screwed remorselessly with My strap on . This is the fourth Position and this time I want to have a really good feel! I really want to have a good feel of your body!!' With that She moved to my side. I could smell the overwhelming aroma of perfume and leather as She moved towards me. With one hand She grabbed my testicles and began to squeeze hard digging Her nails tight into me. With full force I let out a loud yell  tell which She suppressed by putting Her hand right over my mouth. I was totally powerless to resist Her as She shoved a handkerchief right into my mouth to prevent my screams being heard.  With the other hand She felt me all over my stomach feeling every square inch as if I was no more than a piece of meat to Her as She began to squeeze my nipples .She then put  Her fingers under my arms and then began to pull the hair out  of my nipples and under my arms not caring at all how much pain She was inflicting on me as tears rolled down my face in a torrent She then began the wanking again. This time She had Her hand right round my prick digging Her nails in and forcing Her hand up and down in a terrible series of relentless movements. The pain was now becoming unendurable and I really through I was going to pass out at any time as She did not care how much pain I was in suffering. It was  Her pleasure and Her pleasure only was the only thing that mattered at all .It took me some time to come as I felt an awful, searing pain that went right through my body. I soon came right over Her leather gloves once more. She shoved Her hand all over my face covering it totally in  the hot sticky substance of my spunk and making me lick Her leather  gloved hand  clean all over. 'Stephen I know perfectly well how much pain you're in but quite frankly I couldn't care less! What's  important to Me as your Mother Domme and Mistress is My pleasure and what  I enjoy. You will just  have to put up with it as my some slave and sub. What you need to do Stephen is to relax. 'You will find that the pain is not so terrible if you can take some deep breaths and learn the correct breathing  so that when I do wank you are not in quite so much pain! I will teach you yoga and meditation subjects which like so many others I am an expert in. Now there are two more Positions to go and then I will take you to My car. You are My partner and I am  yours and we will be together for ever! Is that understood Stephen?' 'YES MARCIA! 'I wailed. Any comments to