MAJA AND RORS PREPARE TO DEBAUCH A FILIPINA by Hamlet Maja of the Royal Aid Corps walked over to Her Colleague Rors and gave him a long erotic kiss on the lips. He looked so gorgeous with His skintight leather suit with His shiny leather jacket skintight leather trousers shiny boots and fingerless leather gloves that demonstrated every muscle in His powerful body. It also fully demonstrated His throbbing member that protruded ready for action. As Bianca the Filipina sat in submission ready for coition with Him .She demonstrated the excitement she felt,yet at the same time knew that it would really hurt given the size of it and the power he would use thrusting deep inside her showing you no mercy at all as Maja would hold her by the neck hard as if she was just a piece of meat! Maja stood next to Rors who was all primed up ready for deep hard penetration His member almost bursting through His leather trousers. 'Remember Rors during this Cocks and Leather session(Kocka go skinn-ookt) I am your Supervisor as a Commander in the Aid Corps and you will do exactly as I say! Is that understood? 'Husk Rors under denne Kocka og skinn-ookt Husk Rors under denne din overordnede som sjef i bistand Corps og du vil gjoore akkurat som jeg sier!Er det forstaatt?' 'Yes certainly I will obey you Commander Maja!' Ja vil sikkert jeg foolge deg Kommander Maja! 'Understand Rors if you would have pleasant coition, which ought to give a greater share of happiness to the you as the Norse Man and main combatant and be satisfactory to you as well as to you as the Filipina, you must first of all toy with her, excite her with kisses, by nibbling and sucking her lips, by caressing her neck and cheeks. Turn her over on the desk, now on her back, now on her stomach, till you see by your eyes that the time for pleasure is near. Remember that as a Norse Man you have a gigantic forty five centimetre Cock, three times the size of a Filipino's which will take time to full penetrate her vagina so you must be patient and gentle with her .You are used to penetrating Norse Women like Me ,who are bigger and stronger than you, whereas as a Filipina she is much smaller and weaker than you are. I know she is desperate for a Norse Chock but fears your power and strength too.' 'Vet Rors hvis du ville ha hyggelig samleie, som burde gi en stoorre andel av lykke til deg som norroon mann og maa, ain stridende og v��re tilfredsstillende til deg ogsaa om henne som en Filipinsk, maa du Foorst av alle leketooy henne, oppHisse henne med kyss av nibbling og suge leppene, av smekning hennes nakke og kinnene. Snu henne i sengen, naa pa ryggen, naa paamagen, til du ser av ooynene som tid for glede er i nuurten.' 'Remembeer the words of the Royal Manual of Sex Positions'On Debauching Foreign Women 'If you desire coition, place her on the ground, cling closely to her bosom, with your lips close to hers; then clasp her to you, suck her breath, bite her; kiss her breasts, her stomach, flanks, press her close in your arms, so as to make her faint with pleasure; when you seeher so far gone, then push your Cock into her. If you have done as I said, the enjoyment will come to both of you simultaneously. This it is which makes the pleasure of you so sweet' Husk ordene fra Dronninga Handbok Sex Stillinger (DHSS) Hvis du aaske ke samleie, plassere kvinnen paa bakken, klamre seg tett til hennes skjoold ed leppene noor lsen; deretter hekte henne til deg, suge pusten hennes, bite henne; kysse brystene, magen, hennes flanks, trykk henne tett i armene, slik som aa gjoore henne svak med glede; Naar du ser henne saa langt borte, saa presse din medlem i henne. Hvis du har gjort som jeg sa, vil glede komme til dere begge samtidig. Dette er det som gjoor gleden av kvinnen saa soot She walked over to Bianca who was beginning to shake in fear . 'Right Bianca i you will undress for me now and stand naked before me. Master Rors is going to screw you first of all in three Positions. 'Firstly the Stopper or Den Stopper Master Rors will place you on your back, with a cushion under your buttocks, then will get between your legs, resting the points of your feet against the ground; bending your two thighs against your chest as far as he can; he will place your hands under you arms so as to enfold you or cramp your shoulders. Then he will introduce His Cock and at the moment of ejaculation draw you towards him. This position is painful for you, for as your thighs will be bent upwards and your buttocks raised by the cushion, the walls of your vagina tighten, and the uterus tending forward so there is not much room for movement, and scarcely space enough for the intruder; consequently he will enter with power and strikes against your uterus. ' She ordered her in Tagalog Get on your back over the desk now!! Kumuha ng sa iyong pabalik sa ibabaw ng desk ngayon!!