THE BLACK DOMINATRIX 101 A HOLIDAY TO GREECE 15 By Hamlet LISA IN DANGER We left Stefanos restaurant with him still lying unconscious on the bed ready to wake up in terrible blistering agony and torment.It might take over a week for him top recover.Meanwhile I put Andrea in charge of the restaurant and told her to spend the next 3 days cleaning the kitchens.I told her I wanted the kitchens totally spotless by Friday or she would be thrashed too.If the problem persisted I would seriously consider closing the restaurant down altogether! We drove off in the direction of the airport to pick up Ann Marie's car.We had a look inside.It was nearly 3 am and the place was very quiet.I looked in the direction of the Customs and the Easy Jet desk.There really would be very serious trouble indeed if any more hooligans were admitted into the country! We drove back to Ann Marie's flat above the hospital.All 3 of us would spend the night together in her king size bed.It would be wonderful to spend the night in the arms of Ann Marie and Stavros and making love in our heaven and then falling into a deep slumber! We arrived back at the hospital.Ann Marie took us to her room.It was larger that Stavros' flat and really modern and smart.right in the middle was her huge reinforced steel king-size bed ready for us to spend the night! Suddenly I could hear my mobile ringing.I picked it up. A man with a heavy Greek accent was at the end of the line. 'Is that you Lisa you f------g Black bitch.We've been following you and we know where you are You're with that other Black cow at the hospital you lesbian bitch!We can see you from the car you filthy whores! 'We know all about you you evil Black bitch.You're a bloody murderess!You've murdered 13 of our friends.You think you can come into this country and kill our people you bloody cow!Well I can tell you one thing you and your Black nurse friend don't have long to live. We're going to blast both of you off the face of the earth!You might think you're tough but you can't dodge bullets for ever.We'll do anything to kill you even if we have to put a bomb in your car! 'As for that Greek boyfriend of yours we intend to blast him off the earth for having sex with a Black whore like you!We intend to kill you Lisa and that Black lesbian friend of yours.You could of course escape from the country and go back to the jungle in Africa where you Black whores belong.Perhaps you could take your friend with you and he can see if if he like living in the jungle too!' Before I could answer he had slammed the phone down.I looked in the distance.I tried ringing the number but he was obviously in a call box. I was absolutely furious.How dare anyone speak to me like that.I would get that bastard and all criminals like him no matter how long it took! Ann Marie held me in her arms passionately. 'Don't worry Lisa we will win!We are both invincible BBWs and no one can win against us!The person who spoke to you on that phone is a complete coward who can only shout abuse at you down a phone!He does not dare to confront you!' 'You're right Ann Marie let's go to sleep with Stavros together.If you don't mind we'll just sleep and not make love tonight.I'm feeling too angry to make love and I feel that I will do Stavros an injury if we do!' We then stripped off naked ready for our shower.Just as I was undressing I heard a terrible crash.A lump of concrete came smashing through the window.The whole floor was covered in splinters.I looked in horror.The lump of concrete had a message written on it 'THE NEXT ONE'S A BULLET YOU BLACK COW' I was bloody livid and could not contain myself.I ran full speed down the stairs naked not caring who saw me.As I reached the street I could see a car drive way.I recognised the make it was a blue Renault.The number plate was blocked off. I yelled down the road .Lights went on in several houses as they gazed in amazement at the sight of a muscular naked BBW! 'Don't think you can get away you bastards!No one can escape from me the Black Dominatrix!' I shouted so the whole street could hear. I meant exactly what I said! I ran upstairs and found Stavros and Ann Marie clearing up all the broken glass from the floor.They were on their hands and knees naked as they worked away. Ann Marie smiled as she came towards me. 'Don't worry Lisa at least there plenty of breeze! I will get a glazier to repair it in the morning .The hospital will pay for it.Come on let's get some sleep.I will give you an injection to make you sleep as I can see you're seething with anger!' 'Thanks Ann Marie well all sleep together tonight but we will make love tomorrow after we have dealt with those bastaards.Business before pleasure!' Before she could give me the injection Stavros ran towards me.He was crying like a little baby! 'Oh Lisa I'm so frightened.I don't want you to be killed.I'm also frightened of them killing me too.These people are ruthless!' 'Don't worry Stavros they may be ruthless but they are cowards and weaklings .I have beaten them once .I have totally destroyed the Hoxha gang.I will do the same again.These bastards are up against 2 invincible BBWs.They will lose and lose miserably!' Ann Mare then gave me an injection.She also gave one to Stavros.She then gave herself an injection too.Soon all 3 of us were together in her king size bed with Stavros in the middle being held by 2 huge Black Amazons. Soon I lay in a deep slumber.As I slept the room became covered in a blazing light.I was having another vision 'Lisa you are in the greatest danger in your life.Do not worry you will win again and be victorious.You are up against terrible enemies criminals and the police together.You will defeat them both Lisa with your companion Ann Marie.Remember it is written' If God is for us who can be against us!'(Romans 8:31) I woke up feeling so happy and refreshed.Sun was streaming through the windows or what was left of them!Ann Marie and Stavros were fast asleep in each others arms.I woke up Ann Marie by kissing her hard on the lips. 'Ann Marie we have a lot to do today.I want to spend the day defeating and killing the Mafia.We also might have to kill some police too.We are in a state of war and the best form of defence is attack! She got out of bed at once.She then picked up Stavros in her arms and carried him to the shower where she cleaned him thoroughly.While I was in the shower she made breakfast.We sat out on the balcony and ate a lovely breakfast of fried eggs and bacon, coffee, toast and orange juice. 'Right Ann Marie I said we've got to get those bastards before they get us It's kill or be killed.Now which part of Athens do most of the pimps and mafia hang out?' 'Well Lisa I do know this city well .The worst area of all is Omonia Sq.The area is full of crime and prostitution and drug dealers I would love to clean it out.There is a street nearby called Likourgou where there is a bar where there's lots of trouble called the Metropolis.There is a strong possibility Papadopoulos the chief pimp you told me about goes there!' 'That's great I suggest we go by bike especially as its likely that our cars have bombs in them!' 'That's fine there's a bike hire round the corner called Gavros on Genadou str.We can pick up 2 Harley Davisons there.Meanwhile I know a mechanic who can check our cars for bombs.Also I know a glazier who can fix the window.' 'You can do anything Ann Marie! You will become an excellent Judgess!Come on let's get dressed !' We put on the same leather outfits we had on yesterday making ourselves look as terrifying as possible ready for a fight to the death.We plastered our faces with make up and shiny lipstick.We carried the full fighting kit of knuckledusters ,leather chords and cats.We would also take guns and machine guns with us.We were determined to wipe those bastards off the face of the earth! We left Stavros at the hospital reception while we went to collect the Harley Davisons.We went round to Gavros who looked filthy like so many of these dealers.I ordered him to clean himself up before we would pay him anything! It was wonderful having a bike under my thighs and I was dripping wet with excitement.We revved our engines up as we went back to take Stavros home.I looked at Ann Marie and thought what a wonderful biker she was so tall and strong! I took Stavros on the back of my bike.We were soon back in his flat.I looked at his post and saw a letter from the Ministry of Public Order addressed to Ms Lisa Jones.I opened it at once. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC ORDER KANELOPOULOU 4 ATHENS 10177 Dear Ms Jones I am writing to you to inform you that you have been declared a Prohibited Alien.You must leave this country by 4 PM WEDNESDAY 30 TH JULY 2003 .You must report to the customs office at Athens airport where they will stamp your passport. You have committed several crimes in this country including Murder Grievous bodily harm Affray and Illegally deporting citizens. If you prolong your stay for one minute longer you will be declared a fugitive from Justice.You will be liable to instant arrest.You may be shot and killed if you resist arrest. Your colleague Ms Ann Marie Patterson must also leave the country by this time and date as she has inflicted Grievous bodily harm and illegally deported citizens too.She will be deported back to Jamaica. Also your friend Mr. Stavros Kolikotronis is liable to be disbarred as a lawyer for colluding with criminals. You are advised to abide by these rules or face the consequences. Yours sincerely ANDREAS COLLIDES HEAD OF ALIENS DEPARTMENT ON BEHALF OF THE MINISTER GEORGIOS FLORIDES So the Police and the Mafia were in an unholy alliance to get me out of the country or kill me! Suddenly ny mobile rang. 'You Black cow its time you left the country.You don't have long do you?If you don't leave your dead meat you Jungle bunny!' 'I believe it's you Papadopoulos.Don't worry there's no way I'm leaving this country.I'm staying for my holiday you bastard .What's more this country will be my second home and part of my Queen Dom.What's more you bastard I'm going to kill you today in the most horrible way possible.I will wipe you and your fellow pimps off the face of the earth.If the police try to arrest me I will kill them too.You can't beat me and my colleague Ann Marie we're here to stay!We're coming to get you you piece of shit! 'You cant kill all of us Lisa!' I could feel the fear now in his voice 'Yes I can and I will!' Papadopoulos! 'YOUR END IS NIGH!' Any comments or suggestions to