Lisa's letter of admission By Hamlet THE ROYAL EMBASSY OF THE QUEEN DOM OF NORSELAND 4 PALACE GREEN LONDON W8 4QA TEL; 020 7857 8606 E MAIL; IMMIGRATION AND VISA SECTION To Ms Lisa Mahlungu WALTHAMSTOW LONDON E17 Dear Ms Mahlangu, I am writing to you to inform you that your application for an Entry Visa has been accepted .I enclose a Provisional Visa stamped to your passport . You must consider yourself very fortunate to be admitted to My Nation. I receive over 5000 applications a year for Visas and reject over 70% of them. You were accepted for a Visa because; You have no criminal record or record of any anti -Norselandic activities. I consider you a very law-abiding person. Your credit score is very high which demonstrates that you will not have any financial problems You have a Sponsor Madame Vicious who not only is a Judge Support Officer. You also have your sister Ms Joanna Mahlungu who will also sponsor you while you are in My Nation. You were dressed very smartly at the Interview which is very important, as you must be properly dressed all the time while you are in My Nation. You showed an attitude of admiration for My Nation and The Queen Goddess which is essential for any oslander visiting My Nation. You have a large voluptuous and potentially strong body as a Black Woman which is essential if you are to become an Honorary Norselandic Citizen. This will assist you as you are considering training as a Health Worker with your sister Ms Joanna Mahlungu in order to acquirer Honorary Norselandic Citizenship. You are a dedicated member of the Norselandic Admiration Society which demonstrates your love and admiration for My Nation. Your main problem is that you have a serious problem with your hip that is causing you acute physical pain. We expect those entering Our Nation to be physical fit and healthy and not to be a drain on our excellent Health Services the best ibn the world. You will of course have to pay for any medical treatment. Your sister Ms Joanna Mashlungu has paid the full cost of £6000 your hip operation and intense physiotherapy treatment from at the world-famous Royal Hip Hospital in Varense. At the end of the Treatment you will be perfectly healthy, strong and become a new person. To quote from Isaiah 35-5-6 5Then the eyes of the blind will be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. 6Then� the lame� will leap� like a deer� and the mute� tongue� will shout for joy.� I enclose your Entry Visa that is attached to your passport. It lasts for 6 months from the date of your arrival on As an oslander you are required to undertake two treatments and courses on; 1.Neuro Linguistic Corrective Therapy which will enable you to become even more assertive and psychologically adjusted. You will attend a compulsory daily two-week intensive Assertiveness Training Treatment with Madame Vega Syndergaard at her office in Stratford from NLCT is based on the premise that the Therapist should control and direct the patient by any means necessary, mainly by the use of physical force if necessary. The Therapist is entitled to be as forceful as necessary to the client. NLCT, unlike other therapies is then based on the simple premise that the Therapist is always right and superior to the client. If the client was right, he/she would not need to go to the Therapist in the first place. It is far more responsible than any other therapy as the Therapist assumes complete control over the client's life by forcing him/her to sign a Contract that effectively makes the client the property of the Therapist. The Therapist does not believe 'it's up to the Patient' as most modern irresponsible therapy believes. At the end of the Treatment you will become a stronger and more assertive Woman who will know how to respond forcefully to others but at the same time accept those in control over you. You will learn the noble art of Domination how to control and AT the same time be dominated and controlled yourself as you will be in My Nation. 2.You will also be required to attend a course of Bible Study given by Mother Adamah Ezenwa who is of Nigerian birth ,,a an Honorary Norselandic Citizen, a Sister of Compassion, a Warrior Priestess and Black Scorpion. This will be held at the Christianaist Church in Canning Town.In addition to intense study Mother Adama will teach you respect love and worship for Her Glorious Majesty The Queen Goddess, She will also teach you the law on compulsory Church Attendance while you are in My Natiom as well as how to demonstrate correct worship fand love or The Queen Goddess. At the end of the Treatments and upon satisfactory completion you will obtain Certificates of Competence from Madame Sondegaard and Mother Adama that will enable me to stamp your passport with a Full Entry Visa that will then enable you to reside in My Nation for a period of exactly six months.. You must undersand the following; It is a strictly Tourist Visa. You are forbidden to take any work paid or unpaid while you are in My Nation You must obey the Law at all times. The slightest infringement will lead to very severe punishment and immediate deportation on the next plane out of My Nation with your passport stamped to prevent you returning again. You must dress smartly at all times sass you did sit the interview. There is a very strict Dress Code in My Nation that means you do not wear scruffy jeans, trainers or shorts at any time or anywhere in public. You must report regularly to your Supervisor Madame Helga Vicious and to Judge Madame Moira Valastrom who is a Judge in Hjellskilde where you will be staying . Their word is Law and you must obey them both without question. They will be very strict but fair with you. You must address them both as as Madame Supervisor and Madame Judge and do exactly as they tell you . This applies to all Judges who have supreme authority in My Nation * When you are in My Nation you must behave like a Norselander.That means you must worship The Queen Goddess, respect the Flag and stand to attention to the National Anthem when it is played.You must believe that My Nation is the most wonderful place on earth, an early Paradise and the Garden of Eden . In addition I enclose your Foreigners Identity Card.and a Foreigners Alcohol Card. (Oslanders Identitetskort) (Oslanders Alkoholkort) They must be worn at all times .It must be produced to a Judge on demand .The Cards contain your Identity Number which is S035589 It contains your; Name .Lisa Mahlungu Nationality. British Passport Number. Status. Tourist only Photograph. Fingerprints. Identity Number. SO35589 Your address in Norseland Motel Heavena Baastervej Hjellskilde 200100 Kristianskobing Province Your Supervisor Madame Helga Vicious Your Judge Madame Moira Vaakstrom Your Spiritual Supervisor Sister Madame Beatrice Dommesqvist. Visa Validity Dates Date of Return At the end of your stay in My Nation you I will receive a Report on your behaviour from your Sponsor. If I am satisfied with the Report you will be issued with Visas for future years.Upon your return to England I will have an interview you at the Embassy to inform you of the results of the Report. on; I hope your stay in My Nation will be the most wonderful experience of your life. You are going to the greatest and most beautiful Nation in the world. You will have the privilege of entering the world's superpower and Police Woman, Matriarchy and Gynarchy. At the same it is a nation where the Norse Men are the most sexually arrestive and powerful in the world which is why millions of women the world over are joining and have joined the NAS like you. HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME IN A TROPICAL PARADISE! YOURS IN LOVE AND COMPASSION MADAME JOANNE DAHL SENIOR IMMIGRATION OFFICER