THE BLACK DOMINATRIX 86 By Hamlet A HYGIENE AND MEDICAL INSPECTION 2 LISA AND GLORIA COMPLETE THEIR INSPECTIONS! Gloria and I stood right over the wretched and puny little body of Trevor ready to operate and to give him a full Inspection.As I compared his horrible puny body to Gloria's and mine I was full of disgust and revulsion..We were getting bigger and more powerful every single day.Yet he was nothing but a puny little wreck.What was worse was that he was smelly and dirty too.What right did the stinking bastard have to live on this earth at all?.I just wanted to dig my razor sharp nails deep into his throat and wipe him off the face of the earth there and then! 'Gloria this wretch really disgusts me.Not only is he really weedy looking .He's obviously never washes properly and is so dirty.We're going to clean him out properly and I don't care what it takes.Being filthy is going to be a serious Criminal offence from now on.I expect Subjects to spend at least an hour every morning giving themselves a damned good clean out.You have my full permission to do on the spot HMIs at any time.You can go on a bus and if you see anyone there with dirty teeth you have must clean out their mouths and teeth by giving them a good Kissing there and then.I will not tolerate dirt or messiness at all in my Queen Dom!' 'He disgusts me too Lisa.How can anyone look so filthy?.I can't wait to do on the spot HMIs.I will get on to buses and inspect everyone's teeth noses anuses and private parts.I will carry carry out HMIs by stripping Subjects naked and cleaning them out right in front of every passenger.Like you I loathe dirt of any kind!' 'You have my full permission to do regular inspections.I want you to go to a bus or a supermarket and order every single person to strip naked.You will do an HMI on everyone.If you see a dirty anus or dirty teeth .You have my full permission to do a thorough thrashing a dirty person in front of everyone.They must learn that they cannot leave the hose unless they are spotless!' 'Now let's get down to cleaning up this bastard before I throw up!' With that I went into my Medical Kit.I took out a mixture of mouthwash and toothpaste.I swirled it right round my mouth.I then ordered Gloria to open up his mouth as wide as possible.With one powerful move I clamped my mighty jaws right over his.He was completely unable to move at all as my tongue penetrated to the end of his mouth.It went in and out of every corner and crevice of his stinking orifice cleaning thoroughly every part rooting out all the rotten food that had been stored up there for days.God his mouth stank and felt so repulsive.It was as if someone had shitted inside his mouth! After about 10 minutes of penetration I withdrew my tongue.He was gasping for aIr. 'God Gloria that was disgusting! Do you want to do some Kissing? 'I would really enjoy it Lisa even though his mouth does stink!' With that she clamped her jaws firmly over his.I could hear the groans of pain as her tongue moved right down the throat penetrating as far down as possible.She was inside him for over 10 minute.Sweat came pouring down him in buckets as his face turned bright purple.As she withdrew her tongue blood came pouring out of his mouth as it was clear her tongue and teeth had penetrated hard into his tongue and gums. 'God Lisa that was fun.Please could I get to work on his next orifice the nose?' 'Certainly Gloria I want all that filthy snot removed!' With one move she took a tissue and forced him to blow hard.Disgusting snot came pouring out.This bastArd was filthier than I thought Did he ever wash at all? With one swift move she dug her razor sharp nails up his nose.I could hear his groans as she penetrated right to the end making his breathing almost impossible.She held her latex gloved fingers up there for about 5 minutes moving them in and out.More blood came streaming out as his face was now awash with blood.I did not care how much blood he lost as long as he was clean! 'Right Gloria let's get to work on the ears I bet they're disgusting too!' With one move I shoved my latex gloVed fingers down his left ear.I could feel all the disgusting wax and dirt come out.It was as if he never cleaned himself at all!Blood came pouring out again in a torrent.I had to be very careful that I did not permanently injure him as my fingers dug in even further.I could see him wincing with pain as Gloria too dug her finger into his right ear in bringing out all the wax and bile.She then pushed her finger into his mouth and made him eat all the bile she had dug out of his ears. 'Lisa does this bastard ever wash?' 'He's repulsive isn't he?I think he should be given one more chance and after that we put him to death!' '.Let's have a look at his cock and balls to see if they're any better!' I pulled his cock right back.What a wretched specimen it was! I examined his ball sac closely.As I anticipated it was dirty too.I was furious seeing so much dirt.I decided to take all the hairs out of the ball sac.Gloria held her hand over his mouth to suppress the screams while I methodically tore every hair out with my powerful latex gloved hands.At the end I could see the tears rolling down his cheeks after I has systematically taken out every single hair. I then took out a wire nail brush from my medical kit.I held the ball sac tightly with one hand.With the other I scraped the ball sac clean with the wire brush until there was not one scrap of dirt to be seen.By the end he had almost fainted with the pain. 'Right let's turn this bastard over and examine his anus.That must be the filthiest part of his body!' I took off the rubber straps from his arms.with one hand I turned him right over .Gloria held him by the hair as I pushed his backside high in the air. I ordered Mavis to bring in a bucket of boiling hot water.I then took a long rubber tube out of my Medical Kit.With one forceful move I shoved it hard up his anus until it penetrated right to the end.It was clear that his anus was really full of shit and bile and had to be thoroughly cleaned out.I took a rubber bag and filled it with soap and the boiling water.I pushed the tube even harder up his anus until it could go no further.With one move I pushed down on the bag.Jets of boiling soapy water came pouring down his anus in a flood.He was getting a full enema his anus now full of boiling soapy water. After his anus could take no more shoved a but pug hard up the anus.I made him hold the enema for as long as possible.I could see him retching with pain as his stomach and anus were aching.It was clear he was absolutely desperate for a shit as he was about to explode. I decided he had enough.I grabbed him by the hair and took him to the toilet.I shoved him down on the seat after pulling the but pug out of him.There was one huge explosion as he shitted and shitted in a flood down the bowl.All the shit and bile came out as he had been totally and completely cleaned out. 'You dirty stinking bastard! 'I yelled at him as he sat naked on that toilet bowl '.I swear if I ever see such a dirty anus again I will put you to death at once!' 'Please Madame Lisa have mercy .I didn't mean to be so filthy' he blubbered. 'Shut up! I don't want to hear your stupid voice.It's bad enough having to clean you out you stinking pig!' 'I really feel like killing him now Lisa No one should be allowed to be so filthy!' 'We'll show him mercy this once but you will do an HMI on him in 3 days time.If he's not pristine clean he faces death! 'Right let's give this bastard a damned good shower!' I pulled him off the toilet seat and took him straight to the shower.Gloria tuned on the water until it was almost boiling hot.He began to scream as I held him under the water that was almost scalding.I then took put a large wire brush from my Medical Kit.I then scraped him down hard while Gloria held him down hard.She then took a large bottle of shower gel and covered his body with soap suds.I then scraped and scraped until his skin was purple and bleeding all over.I scraped him down until I covered every inch of his body.Gloria then turned up the temperature until it was nearly scalding.He began to scream even louder as I rinsed all the soap off his body.I then grabbed him by the hair and threw him on the shower floor where he began to scream in agony his body raw and bleeding all over. I pulled him off the floor. 'Right get dressed now.I promise you you're getting another HMI by Judgess Gloria in 3 days time and if your body is as filthy she will put you death at once.Is that clear? YES MADAME LISA!' he screamed. 'Now get dressed.I can't bear to look at your miserable puny White body any longer!' As I had burnt all his clothes he had to dress in special striped pyjamas that were provided for prisoners.They made him look even more wretched and pathetic than normal. When he had finished dressing I dragged him outside by the hair and threw him over my Harley Davison.Gloria came behind me.We revved up our engines and drove forwards at full speed through the deserted dark streets of Abingdon. They had once seen people on them but there was now not a soul in sight even though it was only 9 PM 1 hour before curfew. We drove on to his house in Beaumont Road.I kicked in the door I unstrapped him and dragged him inside by the hair. Inside it was a complete pigsty as I expected.There was dust and dirt everywhere.There were papers and dirty clothes everywhere all over the floor. I grabbed him by the hair so hard I actually removed a clump of it in my hand. 'You f-------g filthy pig! You have 3 days to clean up this shithole or Judgess Gloiris will burn it down!It is the dirtiest place I've ever seen and that's saying something!What's more you will be getting another HMI in 3 days time and if you're not pristine clean you will no longer be on this earth.Now get working now!' With that I flung him across the room with one hand.He went crashing across the floor. 'Come on Gloria let's get out of this pigsty.It had better be clean in 3 days time.Just burn it to the ground if you see one speck of dirt!' We left the bastard lying in agony on the was almost certain that in 3 days time his house would be burnt to the ground and he would be dead.He could never be clean and tidy enough for me and Gloria! There was just one more task remaining.We had to to go to Didcot to make sure that the work on removing all traces of the Goose pub had been completed without a speck of dust remaining.I had also ordered that the area be completely paved over.I had also ordered the Fire Brigade to make sure no one of the other building had been touched by the fire that had burnt down the Goose.(ss Episode 73 read it now!).There would be some severe Thrashings if my orders were not carried out to the letter! We rode through the empty silent and deserted streets of Abingdon.The only sound was the racket made by our Harley Davisons that was enough to waken the dead. We rode off into the night through the deserted countryside.We were soon in Diccot itself.It was amazing.It was just like a cemetery!There was not a single person on the streets all even though it was before Curfew.What was more there was not a light in any house at all even though it was well before Bedtime!My Queen Dom had well and truly taken effect! We rode towards the sight where the Goose had once beam.The builders had done a wonderful job.The whole area had been completely paved over.It was as if the Goose had never existed at all.What was more the fire had not touched any of the buildings.My orders had been obeyed to the letter. We rode to my Headquarters turning up the volume on the sirens on our bikes.We wanted everyone in Didcot to know that we had arrived! We strutted into my Headquarters hitting the sides of out boots hard with our crops.CSO Whitear was there standing to attention. 'Well I see that my orders have been carried out .Remember the very mention of the Goose or the Reynolds gang is banned completely from now on!' 'Yes Madame Lisa.I made sure that your orders were carried out exactly.You warned when you were last here that Thrashings would be carried out if your orders were not obeyed and you meant it'! 'That's certainly true Whitear.Also I'm glad to see the streets are deserted! 'That's right Madame Lisa.Everyone knows that your Queen Dom has well and truly begun.No one dares disobey you after you killed all the Reynolds gang and burnt down the Goose.No one dares go on the streets after dark or walk the streets they are so afraid!Also no one dares even go to the pub as you are against drinking!' 'That's good Whitear .The New Order has begun in which everyone's' lives will change.They will stop wasting time watching TV and drinking.They will instead begin to lead Righteous lives .They will do something constructive with their lives.From now on I will regulate every minute of their lives!' 'I will be going on holiday tomorrow and Judgess Gloria will be in complete charge.Like me she will rule with Fear and Love.! Is that understood?' 'YES CERTAINLY MADAME LiSA!' I turned to Gloria. I'm going home now Gloria to pack for my holiday.You will now take charge.I want you to spend the next 2 hours patrolling the streets of Didcot striking fear everywhere.Now make sure you enforce my Rules ruthlessly.You will call me in Greece tomorrow.I will give you the number .You will give me daily reports.' Remember you are Judge Jury and Executioner!' We kissed passionately on the lips with Whitear standing to attention next to usin the Pose of Submission. 'I will miss you Gloria!' 'I will miss you too Lisa.I will be an excellent Judgess! I LOVE YOU PASSIONATELY LISA! Any comments or suggestions to Hamlet56@