THE BLACK DOMINATRIX 79 By Hamlet THE QUEEN DOM EXTENDED 1 LISA DEALS WITH DEFIANCE! Alison carried on standing to attention her bloody hands held in front of her.CSO Rogers continued tp take photographs of her bleeding body that would be displayed all over tomorrow's Abingdon Gazette as a suitable warning to all those who showed defiance to my supreme authority. I was becoming really sick of the sight of her revolting anorexic body.I ordered her to get dressed at once and leave before I decided to start slapping her again.She got dressed at once still crying in a hysterical state.As soon as she finished dressing I held her hard by her blonde hair again almost pulling it out by the roots.She began to scream again.Gloria stood menacingly on the other side. 'Right you f----g bimbo .You really received exactly what you deserved.To complete the humiliation pictures of your anorexic body will be displayed in colour all over tomorrow' s Abingdon Gazette.You'd better behave from now on and obey the Law as there is nothing Judgess Gloria and I hate more than disobedience.Remember I will be away for 2 weeks on holiday and Judgess Gloria will be in charge.She will be watching your progress very carefully and God help you if you break the Law again.Your life won't be worth living!' I passed her over to Gloria who held her by the hair in an agonising grip. 'Remember what your Queen and Ruler Lisa has just said to you! I will be watching every move you make from now.I'm coming to do a full Inspection of your house in 3 days' time . 'GOD HELP YOU IF I FIND ANY MESS OR DIRT!' It was clear she wanted to thrash her again.She shouted right in her face 'GET THE F----K OUT OF HERE BEFORE YOU FEEL MY CROP AGAIN!' She ran out of the door at full speed screaming hysterically while Gloria and I roared with laughter having had the time of our lives! I turned to Gloria. 'Well that's got rid of that bitch! Remember to keep a close watch on her and that other lawbreaker Chris while I'm gone showing no mercy at all! 'We've still got a lot to do before I go on holiday.We have to see about Trevor He's been in the cells now for 2 days .We will release him today after doing a full Hygiene and Medical Inspection on him.You will visit his home in 3 days and will do a full Cleanliness Inspection.His body and home had better be spotless from now on or else!' 'Yes certainly Madame Lisa.I will obey your orders at all times without fail!' 'I know you will Gloria.The next thing we need to do is to fix that Zoo Manager Steer and make sure he has fed those 2 bodies to the lions!' I summoned the 2 CSO's Kennedy and Brown into my office.They stood to attention sweating in the presence of 2 mighty leather and PVC clad Black Women. 'Well Kennedy What happened when you saw that Zoo Manager Steer?' 'I can definitely confirm that he has fed the bodies of Wilson Seenan and Reynolds to the lions Madame Lisa.You can be assured that they do not exist any more!' 'That's very good CSO Kennedy.It must also be understood that the very mention of their names is banned in my Queen Dom.' 'What else happened?' 'I have to report Madame Lisa that he displayed very Bad Attitude and I had to warn him that you would punish him!' 'Tell me all about it Kennedy.I know he's got Bad Attitude after speaking to him !' 'Well Madame Lisa we made a recording of the conversation.Perhaps you would like to listen to it.!' Kennedy played the recording back to me. Steer .'I will feed the meat to the lions this time but I do not normally feed human meat to animals!I will feed it to them only this time but you can tell your Boss Lady Lisa that I for one will not do as she says in future It's time someone stood up to that murdering Black Cow!She nothing but a Satanist who thinks might is right.Why do you put up with her?' Kennedy 'Because she's my Queen and Ruler and I love and admire her passionately!I'm going to tell her everything you said and she's coming after you!' Steer ' I couldn't care less.Why do you obey an evil Black bitch like her.?I'm going to stand up to her.I've got 4 security guards plus my 2 zoo keepers .They are used to taming wild animals so they will be able to deal with her!' Kennedy 'I warn you .She is Queen Lisa the Invincible.She will be coming with her associate another Black Amazon called Gloria the Judgess.She will make mincemeat out of you and all your friends I warn you.I will report to her everything you said I have made a tape of the conversation which will be played back to her word for word!' Steer ' 'What are you a man or a mouse ? Get back to you Black Boss Lady you f----g wimp!' After the tape had been played back Gloria and I were bloody mad! 'You spoke well Kennedy especially when you said how much you loved your Queen and Ruler.Don't worry that Steer will be lion meat by the end of the day!' I rang Steer up straightaway in my fury. 'Steer it's your Queen and Ruler Madame Lisa.So I've listened to the tape.You really are in big trouble you bastard!No one but no one speaks about me the Black Dominatrix like that! 'How dare you call me a Satanist !I am enforcing God's righteous decrees .Every person I have put to death has deserved exactly what was due to them!What's more when I put you to death you will deserve it too!You will pay for calling me an evil Black bitch!As for your security guards don't worry they will end up as dead meat too!I am an invincible fighter.I have fought and killed nearly 30 Police Officers so what chance do you and your security guards stand against me Madame Lisa the Invincible?' 'I'm coming after you today Steer with my associate Judgess Gloria.You'd better stay in that zoo as wherever you go we will find and capture you!' 'Look here Madame Lisa can't you be reasonable for God's sake!You don't have to kill me!' I could hear the trembling in his voice as he knew I meant business. 'You don't sound so tough now do you you bastard?.I'm intimidating you mentally now.I will soon overpower you physically when I beat the living daylights put of you and feed you to the lions!' 'Can't you just be reasonable Madame Lisa?' 'No I f-------g can't you bastard.The fact is that Judgess Gloria and I are coming for you and your friends!this is the end for you!' It was quite clear iIhad put the complete fear of God into him and that I meant exactly what I said. I turned to Gloria 'Oh Lisa you were wonderful on the phone.You really scared him!' 'Well Gloria I believe as a Corrective Therapist in using mental terror before I use physical terror!' 'We have a lot to do before I go on holiday tomorrow.For a start I want to buy you a brand new Harley Davison which you will ride at all times to spread terror in my Queen Dom.Then I will buy you a rubber and a leather Judgess uniform complete with thigh length boots gloves mask and black helmet with the coat of arms of the Queen Dom.You will look so wonderful and impressive striking total fear in the hearts of your victims!' 'After that we will attack the zoo together .It is called Well Hall Zoo and is situated near Wallingford about 10 miles away.We will fight and easily beat the security guards.It will be a fight to the death just like the fight against the drug dealers ,only I want you to be even more vicious!' 'I will then personally torture Steer to death.I will teach you some of the most appallingly painful torture techniques known such as the Kiss of Death and the Cock and Ball Torture.You will learn how to really make your victims suffer the most horrible agony and really enjoy yourself knowing you arte carrying out an act of righteousness .After that we will feed Steer and his friends to the lions making sure like all those who defy me that they are well and truly wiped off the face of the earth!' 'After that i intend to extend my Queen Dom to Wallingford itself.we will walk into the Police Station there and remove the Inspector .I know his name is Inspector Greeson.It's time he was out of a job so we will just evict him from his office.!We will take control of the Police in Wallingford turning them all into CSOs.Anyone who resists will be killed it will be as simple as that.' 'From tonight the Queen Dom will be extended .It is not enough to remain in Abingdon and Didcot only.When I return from holiday we will attack Oxford with another Judgess whom I will appoint later.It is my intention to become the Queen of Thames Valley and from there to extend my Queen Dom further and further.If it is a Queen Dom of Righteousness it must be extended throughout the earth!' 'After that we will visit Didcot to make sure the work of wiping out the Goose has been done completely.We will then return to Abingdon to perform a thorough HMI on Trevor!' 'It is a lot of work to do in just one day.Yet as a Judgess you are a Superior being with the stamina of a horse!After that I will earn a well deserved holiday!' 'Come on Gloria!' 'LET'S GET TO WORK!' Any comments or suggestions to