THE BLACK DOMINATRIX 63 by Hamlet THE RULES OF THE QUEEN DOM 4 LISA THE RULESS! Mavis stood before me after I had dictated the letter to her.She had made sure that she had written it down word for word or she would surely have felt my terrible wrath. I grabbed her by her hair in my rubber gloved hands.She cowered in terror really feeling her utter inferiority before me .The sight and smell of the black rubber before her was still driving her crazy with terror.She began to blubber in fear. 'Well you f----g bimbo' I yelled in her face.'I hope you've got that down exactly word for word or you will get a crop across your face for every word missed out!' 'Yyesss Madame Lisa' she whimpered. 'Right you will now send a further letter that is to go to every single business in the Abingdon and Didcot areas.It better be perfect like the last one and if one business is missed out, you will receive a taste of the crop you stupid bimbo!' I screamed in her face as she began to cry even more uncontrollably. 'Right get this down.And stop that bloody blubbering you cow before I gag you!' Dear Manager/Proprietor >>From today I Madame Lisa am your Queen and Ruler and your business belongs to me and me only.Your business whether it is a company a shop or a restaurant is my property and only my property.It no longer belongs to you.You are simply allowed to manage it with my permission. These are my rules and you will obey them implicitly without question.Failure to do so will mean that I will utterly destroy your business, burn it down and wipe it right off the surface of the earth just like I did with the 'Cock'.Just remember I destroyed it like Sodom and Gomorrah and the same will be done to you! 1.You will pay me Homage Money to me personally every month without fail.It will be 20% of your Turnover for each month. It will be paid on time exactly without fail.Failure to pay will mean that I will just destroy everything in your premises .The second failure to pay I will just come along and burn your business down to the ground until not a trace of grass is left.It will simply be wiped right off the surface of the Earth!' You will send in Accounts of the Business to my Clerical staff.They had better show your correct turnover because if they do not I will come round to your premises and destroy everything in it.I will then proceed to beat you to a complete pulp and you will either end up as an invalid for life or more probably dead.So for your own safety and for the sake of your business. PAY UP OR ELSE! 2.You will keep your business premises absolutely spotlessly tidy.If you own a restaurant you will clean it until the floor sparkles and anyone can eat off the floor.I and my Judgesses will do regular Hygiene Inspections going into every nook and cranny of your premises looking everywhere for dirt.Remember either your business is pristine clean or it will just end up as a pile of dust! 3.You will make sure that customers are served properly.You will abide by the rule'The customer is always right'.You will deal with customers in a proper and polite manner showing total respect.You will return shoddy goods at one if you own a shop.You will maintain a Register of Customer Complaints which I and my Judgesses will inspect this regularly. 4 I will be visiting your premises personally to carry out an Inspection soon.I will be checking on Cleanliness and Customer Service.When I am present you will stand to attention.You will only speak when you are spoken to.You will address me as Madame Lisa at all times.Failure to respect obey these rules of submission and inferiority will result in your severe punishment and possible immediate death. 5.My Judgesses are my Representatives.They represent me in my absence.As such they must be obeyed without question and treated with the same respect as me.Like me they are invincible Amazons to be treated as the superior beings that they are.Disobedience to a Judgess is an extremely serious crime and like all crimes carries the Death Penalty. Remember your business belongs to me and me alone.I am your Queen Goddess and Ruler. I am Madame Lisa the Beautiful Big Black Bossy Brutal and Busty Dominatrix. My Word is Law! Yours in Total Domination MADAME LISA 'Right Mavis you will now send that letter to every single Resident and Business in the Abingdon and Didcot area.I will get Mrs. Wilson to assist you.You will work all the rest of the day and night.If you miss the last post you will get couriers to deliver them.I want every Resident and Business to have a copy tomorrow morning.Summon Mrs. Wilson into my office! NOW GET WORKING NOW!' Mrs. Wilson immediately presented herself to me.She stood there completely naked covered from head to toe in blood and bile.What a wretched sight she was! 'Well you f-----g bimbo.You've been spending the last hours cleaning the muck off the floor from the blood and bile of your husband and Seenan.It had better be spotlessly clean or you will feel the boot up your arse!' With that I dragged her by her matted hair with my rubber gloved hands.She began to blubber like a little baby begging me to be merciful. I entered the room.I was surprisedd it was very clean.The prospect of being given a damned good beating by me had an effect.I dragged her crying around the room searching every corner.I looked carefully and noticed a speck of blood underneath the chair in the corner. 'Well you piece of garbage .What's this blood doing in the corner.I said I wanted this room spotless!' 'Im so sorry Madame Lisa I tried my hardest.Please don't beat me.I will clean it up I promise!' 'Yes you will you stupid cow.With your tongue!' 'With that I pushed her hard down on the floor.I made her lick until there was no trace of blood left.She continued blubbering as I rammed my boot into her neck. 'Right you bimbo.Bend over NOW!' I pointed the steel toe of my boot right into her anus.I brought my boot right back and kicked her hard.She went flying like a projectile across the room landing in a heap across the floor screaming in agony. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I pulled the cow up from the floor by her hair with one hand.She was dangling in the air.I shouted right into her face. 'That's what happens to those any Subjects who are disobedient.As far as I'm concerned you're on Death Row.Don't disobey again or you might not be on this earth for much longer!' I let her drop on the floor where she continued to yell like an infant. 'Right now you will take a shower and clean yourself up thoroughly.I don't want to see a speck of blood and bile on your body or you'll be in deep trouble.You will then assist Mavis getting those letters out.Every Subject and Business will receive one.' GET CLEANED UP NOW!' I literally threw her across the floor and she landed in a heap on the other side of the room still blubbering away.God those 2 bimbos Mavis and Mrs. Wilson annoyed me! I decided to ring up Carney once more I was determined to make his life Hell just as I had done to Wilson. 'Well Carney are you still Chief Constable? I told you to resign and get right out of the area!.In fact I want you to leave the country!' 'Look Lisa you can't just threaten me like that!'he said with fear in his voice. 'Of course I can you blithering areshloe I'm Madame Lisa the Black Dominatrix! I'm your superior Carney and you'd better accept it!And you call me Madame Lisa at all times you turd!' 'You can't just take over like that Madame Lisa.Just because you're a brilliant fighter.You've still got the rest of Thames Valley Police against you!' 'I and my Judgesses ,whom I will appoint later, can take on the entire Thames Valley Police and beat you all to a pulp.It's going to be a blood bath such as no one has seen before when I attack Oxford.I'm not telling you when it will be but its coming.' 'There's no escape Carney .Your fate will be even worse than Wilson and Seenan!' 'Look Madame Lisa you can't keep on winning -you can't take on the entire world!' 'Yes I can you shithead. That's just where you're wrong.I have established my Queen Dom here in Abingdon.Yet my Queen Dom cannot end in Abingdon.It must spread all over the world.It is a true Queen Dom of Righteousness!' 'You're in deep trouble Carney as you have refused to resign.Every day from now on you will live in dread and terror knowing one day I will torture and kill you.You will suffer an even more dreadful death than Wilson and Seenan who are now hanging from scaffolds outside my Headquarters.' ' I rule here in Abingdon supremely.This a no go area for the Thames Valley Police.If I see one Police Officer in my Queen Dom I or my Judgesses will kill them and send the parts back to you1 'Right Carney-you have one more chance-are you going to resign and leave the country?' 'You can't do this Madame Lisa I'm the Chief Constable!' 'You wont be for much longer as I'm taking your job!' 'Right you arsehole Carney .I'm coming after you!! 'YOU'VE JUST SIGNED YOUR DEATH WARRANT! Any comments or suggestions, especially on the Rules gratefully received to Mavis stood before me after I had dictated the letter to her.She had made sure that she had written it down word for word or she would surely have felt my terrible wrath. I grabbed her by her hair in my rubber gloved hands.She cowered in terror really feeling her utter inferiority before me .The sight and smell of the black rubber before her was still driving her crazy with terror.She began to blubber in fear. 'Well you f----g bimbo' I yelled in her face.'I hope you've got that down exactly word for word or you will get a crop across your face for every word missed out!' 'Yyesss Madame Lisa' she whimpered. 'Right you will now send a further letter that is to go to every single business in the Abingdon and Didcot areas.It better be perfect like the last one and if one business is missed out, you will receive a taste of the crop you stupid bimbo!' I screamed in her face as she began to cry even more uncontrollably. 'Right get this down.And stop that bloody blubbering you cow before I gag you!' Dear Manager/Proprietor >>From today I Madame Lisa am your Queen and Ruler and your business belongs to me and me only.Your business whether it is a company a shop or a restaurant is my property and only my property.It no longer belongs to you.You are simply allowed to manage it with my permission. These are my rules and you will obey them implicitly without question.Failure to do so will mean that I will utterly destroy your business, burn it down and wipe it right off the surface of the earth just like I did with the 'Cock'.Just remember I destroyed it like Sodom and Gomorrah and the same will be done to you! 1.You will pay me Homage Money to me personally every month without fail.It will be 20% of your Turnover for each month. It will be paid on time exactly without fail.Failure to pay will mean that I will just destroy everything in your premises .The second failure to pay I will just come along and burn your business down to the ground until not a trace of grass is left.It will simply be wiped right off the surface of the Earth!' You will send in Accounts of the Business to my Clerical staff.They had better show your correct turnover because if they do not I will come round to your premises and destroy everything in it.I will then proceed to beat you to a complete pulp and you will either end up as an invalid for life or more probably dead.So for your own safety and for the sake of your business. PAY UP OR ELSE! 2.You will keep your business premises absolutely spotlessly tidy.If you own a restaurant you will clean it until the floor sparkles and anyone can eat off the floor.I and my Judgesses will do regular Hygiene Inspections going into every nook and cranny of your premises looking everywhere for dirt.Remember either your business is pristine clean or it will just end up as a pile of dust! 3.You will make sure that customers are served properly.You will abide by the rule'The customer is always right'.You will deal with customers in a proper and polite manner showing total respect.You will return shoddy goods at one if you own a shop.You will maintain a Register of Customer Complaints which I and my Judgesses will inspect this regularly. 4 I will be visiting your premises personally to carry out an Inspection soon.I will be checking on Cleanliness and Customer Service.When I am present you will stand to attention.You will only speak when you are spoken to.You will address me as Madame Lisa at all times.Failure to respect obey these rules of submission and inferiority will result in your severe punishment and possible immediate death. 5.My Judgesses are my Representatives.They represent me in my absence.As such they must be obeyed without question and treated with the same respect as me.Like me they are invincible Amazons to be treated as the superior beings that they are.Disobedience to a Judgess is an extremely serious crime and like all crimes carries the Death Penalty. Remember your business belongs to me and me alone.I am your Queen Goddess and Ruler. I am Madame Lisa the Beautiful Big Black Bossy Brutal and Busty Dominatrix. My Word is Law! Yours in Total Domination MADAME LISA 'Right Mavis you will now send that letter to every single Resident and Business in the Abingdon and Didcot area.I will get Mrs. Wilson to assist you.You will work all the rest of the day and night.If you miss the last post you will get couriers to deliver them.I want every Resident and Business to have a copy tomorrow morning.Summon Mrs. Wilson into my office! NOW GET WORKING NOW!' Mrs. Wilson immediately presented herself to me.She stood there completely naked covered from head to toe in blood and bile.What a wretched sight she was! 'Well you f-----g bimbo.You've been spending the last hours cleaning the muck off the floor from the blood and bile of your husband and Seenan.It had better be spotlessly clean or you will feel the boot up your arse!' With that I dragged her by her matted hair with my rubber gloved hands.She began to blubber like a little baby begging me to be merciful. I entered the room.I was surprisedd it was very clean.The prospect of being given a damned good beating by me had an effect.I dragged her crying around the room searching every corner.I looked carefully and noticed a speck of blood underneath the chair in the corner. 'Well you piece of garbage .What's this blood doing in the corner.I said I wanted this room spotless!' 'Im so sorry Madame Lisa I tried my hardest.Please don't beat me.I will clean it up I promise!' 'Yes you will you stupid cow.With your tongue!' 'With that I pushed her hard down on the floor.I made her lick until there was no trace of blood left.She continued blubbering as I rammed my boot into her neck. 'Right you bimbo.Bend over NOW!' I pointed the steel toe of my boot right into her anus.I brought my boot right back and kicked her hard.She went flying like a projectile across the room landing in a heap across the floor screaming in agony. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I pulled the cow up from the floor by her hair with one hand.She was dangling in the air.I shouted right into her face. 'That's what happens to those any Subjects who are disobedient.As far as I'm concerned you're on Death Row.Don't disobey again or you might not be on this earth for much longer!' I let her drop on the floor where she continued to yell like an infant. 'Right now you will take a shower and clean yourself up thoroughly.I don't want to see a speck of blood and bile on your body or you'll be in deep trouble.You will then assist Mavis getting those letters out.Every Subject and Business will receive one.' GET CLEANED UP NOW!' I literally threw her across the floor and she landed in a heap on the other side of the room still blubbering away.God those 2 bimbos Mavis and Mrs. Wilson annoyed me! I decided to ring up Carney once more I was determined to make his life Hell just as I had done to Wilson. 'Well Carney are you still Chief Constable? I told you to resign and get right out of the area!.In fact I want you to leave the country!' 'Look Lisa you can't just threaten me like that!'he said with fear in his voice. 'Of course I can you blithering areshloe I'm Madame Lisa the Black Dominatrix! I'm your superior Carney and you'd better accept it!And you call me Madame Lisa at all times you turd!' 'You can't just take over like that Madame Lisa.Just because you're a brilliant fighter.You've still got the rest of Thames Valley Police against you!' 'I and my Judgesses ,whom I will appoint later, can take on the entire Thames Valley Police and beat you all to a pulp.It's going to be a blood bath such as no one has seen before when I attack Oxford.I'm not telling you when it will be but its coming.' 'There's no escape Carney .Your fate will be even worse than Wilson and Seenan!' 'Look Madame Lisa you can't keep on winning -you can't take on the entire world!' 'Yes I can you shithead. That's just where you're wrong.I have established my Queen Dom here in Abingdon.Yet my Queen Dom cannot end in Abingdon.It must spread all over the world.It is a true Queen Dom of Righteousness!' 'You're in deep trouble Carney as you have refused to resign.Every day from now on you will live in dread and terror knowing one day I will torture and kill you.You will suffer an even more dreadful death than Wilson and Seenan who are now hanging from scaffolds outside my Headquarters.' ' I rule here in Abingdon supremely.This a no go area for the Thames Valley Police.If I see one Police Officer in my Queen Dom I or my Judgesses will kill them and send the parts back to you1 'Right Carney-you have one more chance-are you going to resign and leave the country?' 'You can't do this Madame Lisa I'm the Chief Constable!' 'You wont be for much longer as I'm taking your job!' 'Right you arsehole Carney .I'm coming after you!! 'YOU'VE JUST SIGNED YOUR DEATH WARRANT!