THE BLACK DOMINATRIX 62 by Hamlet THE RULES OF THE QUEENDOM 3 LISA'S 21 RULES! I stood before Mavis making the stupid blonde bimbo feel so ridiculous and insignificant in all my Black Rubber Wonder.She was shaking in absolute terror just about able to write as I stood over her.The sight and smell of the rubber was literally driving her crazy with fear. 'Right you bimbo this letter is going to go to every single residence in the Abingdon and Didcot areas .If you miss one single address you will get a stroke of the crop for everyone you miss .Every single resident will receive this letter.Also a further letter will go out to every single business in the area.I expect that by tomorrow every single person will receive it.Now get writing and then you will type this letter out !' Dear Subject >>From today you are my Property and I Madame Lisa The Black Dominatrix am your Queen and Ruler.I own you body, spirit and soul.You are as much my Property as my clothes or my boots.You are effectively no longer a person.You are a Slave and Object. The Queen Dom of Righteousness has begun.It is God's Holy Rule established on earth.The past has gone, the new Heaven and Earth has begun and has started here in Abingdon and Didcot. I Madame Lisa am the Instrument of God's Rule.I rule with Love and Fear simply because I am superior to you in every way.I am an invincible fighter who has demonstrated beyond doubt that I always win.I am superior to you in every way, mentally and physically. When you are in my presence you are effectively in the presence of Royalty and of a Goddess.You will stand to absolute attention in my presence and only move or speak when ordered to.You only exist at all on this earth because I allow you to.! The fact is God's Law has been established.I know from Him that he is tired of Man's wars and immorality.He wants to destroy mankind especially with all this news of war with Iraq. The choice before Mankind is simple-the Queen Dom or Armageddon!As it says in the Bible.'For the wrath of God is being revealed from Heaven against all the ungodliness and unrighteousness of men and all who hold the truth in unrighteosness (Romans 1;18} >>From today you will lead a 'Godly Sober and Righteous life' If you do you will survive and I will show you Love and Mercy.If you do not I will torture you to death! So be warned! These are the Rules of the Queen Dom-they must be obeyed WITHOUT QUESTION. As your supreme ruler I reserve the right to change them or to increase them without warning. Remember OBEY OR ELSE! 1.You will pay me Homage Money every single month.It will be paid by direct debit before your mortgage or rent-in fact before any other payment at all.You will pay even if it means you never go on holiday again in your life or if you can't pay your rent. You will pay me 10% of your Gross Income every month.You will send in Wage slips with your first payment so that I know if it is the correct amount.My clerical staff will then decide the correct payment and send you a bill. You will be in very serious trouble indeed if you fail to pay or if you do not pay the correct amount.Your house will be completely wrecked by me on the first failure.The second failure will mean I will burn your house down and put you to death-it will be as simple as that! 2.You will undergo Corrective Therapy at some time in your life.CT involves you as my Patient confessing every single one of you sins and misdemeanours and me deciding on your punishment.In all cases CT involves pain and suffering.It always involves Corporal Punishment.In some cases it may involve Death.If so you must embrace death courageously knowing you have received what is due to you.As it says in the Bible-'We face death all the day we are accounted as sheep to be slaughtered'.(Romans 8;36 ). 3.As part of your Corrective Therapy you will maintain a Personal Diary .In this Diary you will record every single Sin or Misdemeanour committed.You will include every single Evil Thought.This book will be open for Inspection by me or the Judgesses at any time at all.If you omit anything you will be found out by my personal therapeutic skills as I can always detect Bad Thoughts.Either way you will be found out .There is no escape from me The Black Dominatrix! 4.You will keep your house absolutely spotless all the time.You must understand that ' Cleanliness is next to Godliness'.Your house is no longer your property -it belongs to me your Queen and Ruler.You are only allowed to live there at all with my permission.I can enter your house at any time can evict you at any time I want.I will inspect your property at any time and if I find it dirty I may burn it to the ground .Filth will be destroyed just as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed!You must then spend hours every week cleaning your house until not one speck of dirt remains! 5.You will also keep your body and yourself scrupulously clean and tidy at all times washing yourself frequently all over.I will do Hygiene Inspections frequently examining every single crevice of your body.God help you if I find even one speck of dirt.Remember your body belongs to me as God's instrument and I expect it to be maintained in pristine condition!As it says in the Bible,' Offer your bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God' (Romans 12.1) 6.You will dress smartly and cleanly at all times.I will not tolerate untidiness at all.If I or the Judgesses see anyone at all scruffily dressed I will personally rip all their clothes off and thrash you publicly!Jeans ,tee-shirts, trainers and dirty clothes of any kind will just not be tolerated at all!If you have any such items in your possession you will burn them now! 7. All drugs are totally banned .Anyone found with even an ounce of cocaine will be executed at once by me or the Judgesses.Be warned! I also consider nicotine a dangerous drug.To me smoking is a disgusting habit.Smoking is now absolutely banned and you must destroy every single cigarette NOW!Do not try buying cigarettes from shops as they will be forbidden from selling them on pain of their shops being burnt to the ground! 8.As I am a merciful Ruler I will tolerate a certain amount of alcohol consumption.My ultimate aim is total Prohibition where alcohol will be totally banned.However I do realise that their are medical problems with doing this.I will move towards Prohibition gradually. To this end you will not be allowed to drink more than 24 units per week-that is the equivalent of 12 pints of beer only.You will keep a Diary recording every single drink you have.This will be open to Inspection by me or by the Judgesses at any time at all.If you exceed this stated dose you will be banned from drinking altogether.If you offend again you will be treated as a Drug addict and executed! 9.You will go to work every day of the week.If I find you in the house after 8 AM you will be in very serious trouble indeed.I will not tolerate shirkers or malingererss in my Queen Dom.If you don't work you don't eat-it's as simple as that! If you are too sick to work you will report to the Healing Centre.If you are malingering you will be severely punished.If you really are too sick to work you will be medically retired.I may then consider carrying out euthanasia on you as you are a useless member of society! 10.You will never be out of the house after 10 PM ever again.All partying on Saturday nights is now absolutely forbidden.If I catch you on the streets after 10 PM I or my Judgesses will flog you senseless.Nighttime is for sleeping and you should be off the streets at night time completely! 11.You will be in bed by 11 PM every single night and not one second later.Your lights better be out or your lights really will be out!If I see your lights on after 11 PM I or one of my Judgesses will literally beat you to a pulp.Remember your home is my property I can enter it any time of day or night.I may even decide to break into your house in the middle of the night and even decide what position you can sleep in! 12.When you are outside you will behave in a proper and seemly manner.You will not shout or swear.You will give up your seat for elderly people.You will not smoke in public.You will only cross the street at zebra crossings.I cannot stand disorderly behavior and will enforce this rule ruthlessly! 13.You will only be permitted to watch 6 programmes a week.They will only be programmes I approve of.Trashy programmes and soap operas are absolutely forbidden.Also you will not be permitted to watch programmes with violence.If you want to experience some violence I am perfectly happy to inflict it on you!You will keep a Diary of every progamme you watch and I will inspect it in your CT session.I detest couch potatoes! 14.You will only be permitted to listen to quality music.That means Gospel music, Soul or Classical Music especially Opera-in other words music I approve of.Heavy metal music is absolutely banned.If you have a Heavy Metal CD or tapes you will destroy them all now.I have destroyed Heavy Metal before and I will surely do it again.I will not tolerate the Devil's music in my Queen Dom! 15.Homosexulality is absolutely banned.Any man putting his prick into another man will have it ripped off by me personally.There is no room for immorality in my Queen Dom.It is explicitly condemned in the Bible.'Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in them selves the due penalty for their perversion'(Romans 1;36) 16.You will lead a Godly life .That means you will read your Bible and pray every day, even if you belong to another religion.On Sundays you will either go to Church or stay at home reading Holy books.TV , leaving the house and drinking are absolutely forbidden on the Lord's Day.You may only leave the house once to go shopping in the morning , that is all!The Sabbath Day will be kept holy! 17.Whenever you leave the house you will wear the Dog Collar, that I will supply you with at all times.On the front of the Dog Collar will be a disc stating'PROPERTY OF MADAME LISA'It will carry your name address and Identification Number.Failure to wear it ,like all other serious offences carries the death penalty 18.Children will be seen and not heard.Your children are my Subjects and belong to me only.The age of criminality will be reduced to 6 .All children will behave meticulously, go to school and do their homework.Children under 15 will only be allowed out accompanied by an adult.Children can be put to death just like adults! 19.You will stay in my Queen Dom in Abingdon and Didcot until I give you permission to leave.You cannot move without my permission.You will only go on holiday with my permission.Holidays have to be applied for at least 6 weeks in advance.I will decide whether you can travel or not.Most applications for holidays will be refused.You're on this earth to work not to waste your time lying on a beach! 20.You will be assigned to a Neighbourhood Watch Committee.Your task will be to watch your neighbours at all times and to report all crime.If you see a burglary taking place, a light on after 11 PM or hear Heavy Metal music being played , you will report it to me or my Judgessers at once.Failure to report a crime will mean you will be treated as a criminal too and be punished accordingly.Failure to report serious crimes such as burglary, mugging or rape will carry the death penalty! Remember'Evil exists because people do nothing!' 20.Judgesses like me are Policewomen , Judges, Juries and Executionesses.They will all be big powerful Amazons like me.They will almost certainly all be Black Women like me, as I believe us Black Women are the future of the World. Their word is Law to be obeyed without question within a second of the order being made whatever it is.They are my representatives and act on my behalf.Disobedience to a Judgess carries the threat of immediate death! Life in my Queen Dom will be very hard and tough indeed.You will probably have to suffer the most awful agony at some time .You may even have to be put to death if you are a criminal.I treat all as potential criminals as all people are sinners.You must realise it is all for your own good.I will torture and even kill you for your own good and benefit in order to save you and redeem you.You must accept my Rule with total gratitude. >>From today you are the Property of me Madame Lisa the Beautiful Big Black Bossy Brutal and Busty Dominatrix! YOURS IN TOTAL DOMINATION MADAME LISA Any comments or suggestions for future Episodes to Suggestions for more Rules especially welcome!